Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1104: See no amnesia

Bai Tan led Rui and his party directly to the small courtyard in Dongcheng.

"You are finally here. Where have you been these days?" When the **** came over, the man greeted him immediately.

The **** did not show up these days, and he was worried about death.

"I was sick before, and I slept for a few days." The **** did not want him to worry, and explained briefly.

"Sick? Are you okay." The man became nervous for a moment.

The **** immediately shook his head. "It's all right, I'm fine."

"By the way, this is the second master. I asked him to help you heal." Baiju walked to Rui's side and introduced him.

The man looked blankly at Rui and his party.

Rui and his party gave Mo Beichen a strange look. "He ..."

The **** chuckled at Rui and his party, "Amota has amnesia, so I wanted to ask the second master to help him."

"Amnesia?" Rui and his team raised their eyebrows suddenly. Does he seem to not know him?

"Let me see." As soon as Rui walked to the man, he took his hand and gave him a pulse.

The man took a cold look at Rui and his party, and wanted to retract his hand, but when he saw the **** next to him, he still held back.

Rui and his party gave the man a pulse for a while, his brows frowned and tightened.

"It's weird?" Rui and his party shook their heads strangely, while examining the man's head again.

"What's wrong?" Baitan nervously looked at Rui and his party.

Without checking anything, Rui and his head shook their heads again strangely: "This head is not injured, and there is no blood clot in the brain. I really can't see how he lost his memory?"

The **** frowned. It was the same as her examination, and she couldn't see how Amo lost her memory.

Except for a burn on his face and a broken throat, he was normal.

"I'll take a look again." Rui and his party gave Mo Beichen a strange look and grabbed his hand again.

The **** frowned and looked at the man, but the man looked fixedly elsewhere and did not dare to look at her.

After a while, Rui and his party shook their heads again, "I still can't see it, there is nothing abnormal in him."

"Why are you having amnesia?" Rui and his party asked curiously as they looked at the man.

This was the first time he had encountered such a strange thing, and the illness that did not see the problem had interested him.

"I don't remember," the man replied lightly.

The **** glanced suspiciously at the man, and the uneasy feeling came out again.

"It's all right, I'll study it later." Rui nodded and looked at the man comfortingly.

"Then Master and I will go back first." Baitan looked at the man.

The man nodded. "I'll send you."

The three left the yard together and went to Chu House.

"Don't be too anxious either. It may be temporary. Maybe he will remember the past in a while." Seeing that the faces of the two were not very good, Rui and his team relieved.

"Um." Baitan nodded absently.

"I also went back and researched these two days to see if I could make any useful medicine."

"Thank you, Master."

The three walked, and suddenly stopped together.

The **** and the man stared at each other, blocking the front of Rui and his party at the same time.

Dozens of people in black descended from the sky and came straight to the beaver.

The white **** frowned, summoning Fengming Sword, and greeted it.

When the man saw the men in black, he felt a rush in his heart, immediately protected the raccoon, and waved the silver mysterious power at those people.

These people's cultivation is not low, and the worst is Bai Ling. Bai Jue and men can cope, but Rui and his party can't.

His medicine is good, but he can't do it.

The **** was surrounded by more than a dozen people and wanted to protect Rui's party. However, he couldn't get away and shouted at the man.

Men don't care about Rui and his party at all, they only care about protecting the beaver.

Rui's arm was cut with a knife, and the man stabbed his sword at his heart.

The **** was frightened, and could no longer care a lot, and suddenly called out the fire ball of Xuan Tianyan and threw it at the man in black.


Before the man's sword was pierced, it was instantly burned into coke.

At the same time, they all appeared in the palace that secretly protected the beavers.

The **** pierced the heart of the blocker and rushed anxiously towards the second master, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Rui shook his head in pain.

A group of men in black besieged again, while the **** guarded Rui and his party while fighting with them.

The man flew over to protect the beaver.

But those people didn't seem to be interested in men, and everyone only attacked beavers.

The sword slashed Beaver's arm straight, the man was startled, and rushed over without thinking.

The man hugged the **** and held her in front of her.

With a "click", the knife was directly cut on the man's back, and the blood flowed instantly.

"Amo!" The **** was shocked, grabbed the man, and pierced the man in black with a sword.

"Master, hurry up." Gong shouted to the **** one by one.

"Let's go." Baitan led the man and Rui and ran to the Chu house.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, those men in black didn't chase long before they stopped chasing.

Running to the door of Chu's house, Chu's family member immediately ran out, "Miss Tanuki, what happened?"

"Nothing? Help me in."

The **** did not say much, and helped Rui and his party to enter the Chu government.

After returning to the courtyard, Bai Tan sent Rui and his party back to the room to give him medicine.

"Those people seem to be coming at you. Who are they?" Rui and his team frowned at the **** with a worried expression.

Beaver shook his head. "I don't know. I haven't seen it."

"Will it be the Chu family?" Rui and his team lowered their voices to Baiju.

The **** was silent for a moment, also whispering: "Should not."

The people in this Chu family who have had holidays with her are nothing more than Chu Yuning and Chu Xiaoqing, but Chu Yuning should not have the courage to assassinate her. As for Chu Xiaoqing's mother and daughter, it is possible, but according to those Human skills are not like Chu Xiaoqing's.

"In short, you should be careful in going out later, those people are not good at all." Rui and his team frowned to remind Baiju.

"I know."

Baitan nodded, finished his medicine for Rui's party, and went back to his room to see Mo Beichen.

"How are you?" Looking at the man's **** back, the **** felt a little distressed.

"I'm fine."

"Let me help you with the medicine." The **** walked behind the man and had to take off his clothes.

The man bounced off his chair.

"What's wrong?" Beaver looked at the man strangely.

"A little injury, no need to take medicine." The man turned his eyes and said with a guilty conscience, "How is your master?"

"He's okay, I've already given him medicine." Baitan looked at the man frowning, thinking a little bit, just a little angry: "Why did you just ignore the second master just now."

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