Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 114: Red apricot out of the wall

Chapter 114

"The Lord of Allure County will do the trick."

Father Rong smiled and handed the decree to the beaver.

"Thank Lord Ron." The **** respectfully accepted the edict.

"Master, Allure County, please hurry up."

When the **** took over the decree, Father Rong immediately bent over and helped her up.

Prior to the emperor, he deliberately explained that he would not let the Lord of Qingcheng County kneel.

In the distance, someone in the big tree suddenly saw his face holding the sleeve of the beaver's sleeve.

Suddenly, a chill struck, and Ronggong shook uncontrollably.

The **** also seemed to feel the cold, and glanced somehow into the distance.

Under what circumstances and how the weather suddenly cooled down.

A group of eunuchs came in with a dozen mahogany boxes.

Father Rong glanced at the mahogany box at his feet and bowed respectfully to the beaver, "Where is the storeroom of the Lord of the Allure County, the old slave asked them to carry these things directly to the storeroom."

Hearing the word "treasury", the **** hooked his lips with a smile.

Really doze off and encounter a pillow. Is this uncle Huang a good time to decide?

Bai Qingyan obviously also thought of it, and Hook Lip chuckled and said, "The father-in-law is here just right. This palace just accompanied the beast to count the things that the emperor had appreciated before. You came here to be a witness and re-record those things. Come down, lest 'some people' say that the relic given to the beast by the emperor is his own. "

The old lady was stiff, her face was dark for an instant, and her heart was anxious.

This Bai Qingyan really wanted to greet her things, but all her hard work over the past decades, she must not let them be greedy for them.

The old lady tilted her head slightly, and whispered to Liao Yue, "Go to the storeroom."

Liao Zheng nodded, and then quietly retreated.

Qiwen looked at Liao Zheng's back and smiled at Baiju.

Let them be greedy for Miss Mo's things, and now let them lose their blood.

Upon hearing Bai Qingyan's words, Rong Gong's face cooled instantly.

Someone dared to grab the owner of the dumping town, and did not know how to live or die.

Rong Gong's countenance swept across all the people present, "the emperor's mouth sighed."

The crowd froze, and they knelt down again.

The **** frowned, and then knelt down.

"The emperor speaks loudly, who dares to bully the Lord of Qingcheng County is equivalent to bullying the monarch."

The words "equivalent to bullying the monarch" suddenly rose, and the hearts of everyone present were filled with shocking waves.

Bullying the Lord of Qingcheng County is the same as bullying the monarch. What kind of affection is this? It is because the queen lady is not treated like this.

Beaver's heart was also deeply shaken.

She did not understand why the familiar emperor was so good to her, but from this moment, she would regard him as a relative, a true relative.

Bai Qingyan and Rongshi were also shocked.

I know that Murong Shuofeng loves Tanuki, but I don't know how much I love it.

The queen just sealed Bai Ruoyu, a Sipin county lord, and immediately sealed the raccoon girl, a Yipin county lord, beating the queen's face naked.

And bullying the Lord of the Allure of the City is equivalent to bullying the monarch. Although this is a mouthful, it is by no means a joke. In the future, I am afraid that no one will dare to bully the tanuki girl. But even if the mouth doesn't speak out, the fear of bullying the raccoon girl will die terribly.

Bai Ruoyu's eyes were full of jealousy, and he squeezed his fist with hatred, almost crushing a pair of fists.


Why is everyone so good to beavers?

Today is obviously her celebration feast, why do you have to declare it today?

It was supposed to belong to her glory, and at this moment all turned into beavers, which made it possible not to hate.

Murong Lingshan was also full of jealousy, and her dissatisfaction with Murong Shuofeng was even worse.

Bullying a **** is the same as bullying a monarch. What does Father Huang mean?

Is it because she was afraid she bullied the fox spirit, so she deliberately came to preach to her, which is abominable. Who is her daughter?

Murong Shuofeng's attitude towards the **** also made Shenyang Bingwei feel a deep sense of crisis.

The better Murong Shuofeng treats the beaver, the harder it is for her to become a Princess Zixiao.

Rong Gong bowed slightly to Bai Qingyan, "Prince Su rest assured that the emperor hates others most to bully the Lord of Qingcheng County. If anyone dares to bully the Lord of Qingcheng County, you can play the Emperor directly."

Bai Qingyan hooked her lips. "With the mouthful of the emperor, this palace believes that no one will dare to bully a raccoon."

Cold eyes glanced at Zhao Shi, Bai Ruomeng and others, everyone shivered.

Zhao's and Bai Ruomeng's legs were weak, and they almost knelt down again.

"Please, Father Rong."

Bai Qingyan made a gesture to Rong Gong.

"A few of you follow me."

Rong Gong turned back and ordered a few eunuchs who carried the boxes, and then followed Bai Qingyan and Beaver to the Treasury of Dongfu.

Seeing this, the old lady immediately followed.

As soon as the protagonist left, the ladies talked away.

"This emperor really loves Miss Bai."

"Yeah, even the eighth princess is not as good as Miss Bai's position in the emperor's heart."

"No wonder Miss Bai is not afraid of Old Lady Bai and Zhao's. It turned out that the emperor supported her."

"It's funny, this queen favors Miss Bai Er, and this emperor comes to support Miss Bai again. What does this mean?"


Listening to the voice of the crowd, Murong Lingshan was mad.

"Why are you standing and not eating?"

The angry tone made everyone in the room shut up instantly and re-entered the Xiangxuan Hall one by one.

Looking at the angry Murong Lingshan, Puyang Bingwei's eyes flashed lightly, "Don't be angry, it must be that the beaver's fox charming child has confused the emperor. What we have to do now is to let the emperor see the true face of the beaver. "

Murong Lingshan's eyes narrowed, "Yes, just follow your plan."

Murong Lingshan and Bai Ruoyu glanced at each other, and several people gathered together to discuss them in a low voice.

Dongfu Treasury, Liao Yan looked at the golden lock on the Kumen Gate, which was anxious.

Hearing the chaotic footsteps, Liao Yue immediately hid behind the storeroom.

Bai Qingyan brought Rongrong to the storeroom

Looking at the golden lock on Kumen, Bai Qingyan couldn't help but twitch her lips.

The old lady hurried in, looking at the big golden lock, rolled her eyes, almost fainted, but fortunately Chunxi and Dongle helped her.

Beaver glanced at the old lady who was about to faint.

Qiwen stepped forward to unlock the golden lock, and the **** who carried the box carried the things into the storeroom.

"Trouble, Father Rong, write down everything here."

When Rong Gong just carried things to Dongfu, he somewhat understood what was going on. Now when he saw the treasures in the library, he understood more.

It must be that this old lady was greedy for the owner of the Allure County, and now she was the first army of the Allure of the Allure County.

This kind of courting and betrayal, Rong Gong naturally was happy to turn around and bowed in front of Bai Qingyan and Bai Tan'er, "This is the beginning of the slave."

Watching Rong Gong record everything in Curry one by one, including those treasures she has collected for many years, the old lady finally couldn't help but fainted.

"Old lady ..."

Chunxi and Dongle were startled, and immediately helped the old lady, some six gods had no master.

Seeing that the old lady was dizzy, Liao Yun ran out from behind the storeroom. "What are you still doing? You are not ready to help the old lady back to Songhe Garden."


Several people lifted the old lady back to Songhe Garden in a mess.

Bai Taner looked at the back of several people, his eyes narrowed.

The previous 400,000 pieces of gold were cut meat. This time, these things should be bleed. If there is next time, she will make her bones disappear.

In Songhe Garden, Liao had awakened the old lady several times.

Seeing the old lady awake, Liao Ye was glad, "Hurry up, go to the doctor."


Chunxi responded and hurried out.

Liao Min took a cushion under the old lady's head and worried, "Old lady, how are you?"

The old lady stared blankly as if she had not heard Liao's question.

Looking at the old lady's unfocused eyes, Liao Yan was anxious.

The old lady was afraid that she was really irritated this time. This time it wasn't 400,000. It was the hard work of the old lady in her life, and she became the young lady.

Since the young lady is getting better, she is like a devil. She can understand. Now in this Baifu, anyone can offend, just can't offend the young lady, otherwise she won't know how to die.

With the assistance of Qiwen, Yunzhi, Qingye, and others, Rong Gong remembered that it took more than a few hours to finish the calculation. It can be seen how many things are in the warehouse.

Record everything, everyone withdrew from the warehouse.

Rong Gong bowed slightly to Bai Qingyan and Bai Tan'er. "The slave is here now, and the emperor is waiting for the slave to return."

"There is Father Rong Rong."

Bai Qingyan tilted her head slightly, and Lan Yan immediately took a money bag from his sleeve and shoved it into Ronggong's arms.

"Thank you Princess Su."

Taking the money bag, Rong Gong bowed again.

"Gongrong Rong walk slowly."

Rong Gong nodded and led the eunuchs back to the palace.

Seeing Father Rong walking away, Bai Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief. "This time it was a bad breath."

These things are enough for that old lady to be distressed for a while.

There was a sly light shining in Yao Ye's eyes.

"I can't stand this stimulation, what can I do next?"

"Youtan, you ..." Bai Qingyan stared with surprise.

The **** raised an eyebrow and smiled evilly, "Aunt is waiting to see the show, there will be a big show to be performed in a while."

Bai Qingyan's eyes brightened and she looked forward to it.

After lunch, Mrs. 2 and Mrs. 3 took the ladies and young ladies to the garden to the east as planned by the old lady.

There was a new play on the stage that no one had watched.

"What is this acting, why haven't I seen it before?"

A lady looked at the man on the stage wearing an armor very curiously. This acted like a general?

The other lady also looked strangely, "Yeah, I have never heard of this before."

"Master of the Allure County, what's the name of the play, it looks very interesting." A lady came over and pleased her face.

The beaver's evil wicked her lips, and Zhu's lips lightened. "The red apricot is out of the wall."

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