Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 115: Cheating stimulation

Chapter 115

Red apricot out of the wall?

When everyone heard the name, they frowned.

How can you order such a scene on such occasions?

Zhao's hand holding the tea cup trembled, and the tea spilled out instantly.

Standing on the side of the lips of Su Xiu, a slight sneer was elicited, and he took out the parcel, wiped the tea for Zhao's, and raised the teapot to add a cup of tea for Zhao's.

Zhao's heart was anxious, holding a tea cup, watching the **** secretly.

What does this silly point to such a play mean? Could it be found?

Bai Ruoyu also frowned, and felt a little disturbed.

Bai Qingyan looked at the general who died on the battlefield and burst into tears.


Seeing Bai Qingyan crying sadly, Murong Yuxi immediately took her hand and silently comforted.

The mother-in-law must have thought of me again, and every time she thought of me, my mother-in-law cried in silence.

Seeing Bai Qingyan's discomfort, there was a guilty feeling in Baijuan's eyes.

But I forgot my aunt. I knew I wouldn't take her to the show.

Not only Bai Qingyan, many ladies crying when they saw the general killed on the battlefield, the general's wife gave up her child, and jumped to the cliff holding the general's hat.

Ask what is love in the world, and teach life and death.

After the death of the general and his wife, the general's stepmother rewarded the general's house and came to power. As soon as he came on the stage, he had a big belly to give birth, and then gave birth to a baby girl. The general's stepmother carried her into the chamber.

Afterwards, the general's chamber was unwilling to be lonely, and fooled around with people, and this person was either someone else or the son of the general's stepmother.

Seeing this, Zhao finally couldn't sit still, put down the tea cup in a panic, and secretly ran out.

Su Xiu looked at the empty tea cup on the table, and sneered at the corner of her lips.

Bai Ruoyu kept watching Baitaner, seeing nothing at all, only watching the play seriously, could not help but wonder.

Bai Ruoyu turned his eyes and was surprised when he saw Zhao's empty seat. He immediately got up in a panic and ran out.

Yi Lan Sizhu and others immediately followed and went out.

The **** slightly tilted his head and looked at Bai Ruoyu's flustered back, smirking at the corner of his lips.

The ghostly eyes glanced over Su Xiu unintentionally, and then turned his eyes to watch the opera seriously.

The drama on the stage has been staged to the climax. The room and the daughter-in-law rely on the help of her stepmother to bully the daughter-in-law in the house and almost killed the daughter-in-law several times.

The husbands and wives of the audience, some wiping tears, and some unhappy.

"This chamber is too disgusting. Not only is Hongxing out of the wall, I'm sorry for the general, but also the vicious treatment of his wife's niece. I should really grab the dipping pig cage."

"That is, that niece is also abominable. Poisonous sister-in-law has been poisoned several times, which is just the heart of a snake."

"That stepmother is not a thing. It is kind on the surface, but it is also very vicious in its bones. It is so damaging to the bloodline left by the original match."

"And that little uncle is also insidious and spiteful. It is so cunning to want to use the child in the belly of the chamber to get the property of the big house."

Soon the show, "The Red Apricot Going Out of the Wall," was finished, and the actors on the stage came out to close the curtain.

That's all for seeing the show. The husbands and wives were stunned, and they all shouted unwillingly.

"What's going on, why is it so fast?"

"Yeah, come on, isn't this the end?"

"Yeah, we haven't seen the addiction yet, and then we play, and we have a lot of rewards."

"Yes, yes, rewards, come soon."

The first time I saw the audience respond so enthusiastically, the class leader was both happy and embarrassed.

It ’s not that he does n’t want to act. There are rewards for those who do n’t want it, especially those nobles, but the man only gave them this part of the script before. They do n’t know the story behind it.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, this play was given to us by someone else last night. The later story has not yet come out. When the story is finished, the younger must play it again for your wife."

"What story is still out?"

The leader's words caused a moment of sorrow again.

After watching this play half, isn't it to stop them from thinking about tea?

The host quickly retired, and other plays on the stage were soon performed, but the ladies and ladies below didn't bother to watch the show anymore, and all looked down to discuss the play just now.

"That poor niece will not be killed by the chamber."

"Yeah, you can't be fooled by that little uncle's property."

"Isn't that pregnant room still pregnant? Why didn't anyone find out?"

"That is, I don't know what the ending of the show will be, but you must not be defeated by those bad people."


Bai Qingyan wiped her tears and looked at the beaver, "Beaver, what's the ending of the show? The niece won't really be killed by them."

Baici hooked his lips and gently wiped the tears in the corner of Bai Qingyan's eyes.

"Aunts don't worry, this world has always been evil."


Bai Qingyan's tears shone, and she held her beaver's hand and burst into tears.

The niece in this scene is like her raccoon. Without her father and mother's guardianship, she was bullied by the old lady, Zhao's, and Bai Ruoyu. Fortunately, her raccoon was alive.

Baitan reached out, held Bai Qingyan in her arms, and patted her on the back.

In fact, the niece was dead, but she couldn't bear to tell her the truth. From the moment she crossed, she was her raccoon. She would guard her for all beavers and everyone who loved her.

Seeing that it was almost time, Murong Lingshan secretly gave the maid at the side a wink.

The maid immediately noticed and went to Baiju to add tea for her.

Qi Wen frowned frantically, but did not move forward to take over the maid.

After adding tea to the beaver, the maid stepped down respectfully. As she walked past Murong Lingshan, the maid gave her a look.

Murong Lingshan raised her lip corners, and her emotions could not help jumping.

The white raccoon lifted the tea cup and smelled the special scent of tea.

Seeing Bai Jue holding up the tea cup, Qiwen Yunzhi and others raised their hearts, while Murong Lingshan and Liyang Bingwei looked forward.

The beaver's lips evoked a wicked smile, tilted his head, and drank the tea in the cup.

Seeing the **** drinking tea, Qiwen and others flashed anxiety at the same time.

Why did the lady drink that tea?

Murong Lingshan and Liyang Bingwei were all excited.

Beaver, you are dead this time.

After sitting for a while, Baitan couldn't sit still, and retired with Bai Qingyan, Rong's, Yun's and others, and helped Qiwen Yun weave out of the garden.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Yunzhi held Baiju, worried.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy."

The white raccoon held his lips and stretched his hands to make a dizziness, but those demon's eyes were full of clarity.

Knowing that the raccoon was pretending, Yunzhi immediately yelled in concert, "Miss, you are dizzy, slaves will help you go back to rest."

The maid who secretly followed Beaver, heard Yun Zhi's words, and immediately returned to the garden.

When the maid was gone, the **** stood up straight.

"Act as planned."


The three of them should step down and act immediately.

Qing Ye returned to the garden, and with the action of Baiju, Qiwen went to Zhao's while Yunzhi accompanied Baiju to Wutongyuan.

At this time, Zhao returned to Wutong Garden in a hurry, but saw a note on the table.

Opening the note, and seeing the content on the note, Zhao didn't think about it and immediately went to Xiangsiyuan quietly.

At the same time, the man in the outer courtyard of the East House also received a note. After reading the note, the man's face immediately darkened.

Does Zhao have any brains at this time? Let him go to Xiangsiyuan at this time?

The man didn't want to go, but quite the threatening words on the note made him sit up and rest, and finally got up and went to Xifu Xiangsiyuan.

As soon as the Zhao family arrived at the Acacia Court, they were fainted by Qi Wen.

Quickly scratched out Zhao's clothes, and saw Zhao's belly that was slightly swollen, Qiwen's eyes were cold, and she could not wait to give her a knife.

After picking up Zhao's clothes, Qi Wen told Bai Tan, and put aphrodisiac in the incense burner.

After doing all this, Qiwen hid in the dark.

After a while, the man came, and looked around vigilantly, only to find no one, the man pushed open the door and walked in.

"Xinger ..."

The man shouted twice, and when no one answered, he went inside.

Seeing Zhao's naked in bed, the man was furious.

"You're crazy ..."

Before the man's words were finished, he was blocked by Zhao's lips.

"Man, Xinger wants to die for you."

Zhao kissed the man eagerly, and quickly picked up the man's clothes.

Just when the man was about to approach the beaver, Yunzhi slumped directly from the back, and in the future the man fainted.

The **** opened his eyes and looked at He Wenjin on the ground, raising an evil eyebrow.

It turned out to be him?

"This is, Master Watch?"

After Yunzhi saw He Wenjin's appearance clearly, he suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

It was disgusting for them to have a dude like Master Table to defile the lady.

"Miss, what is this master going to do?"

Yun Zhi held his stick and angrily kicked He Wenjin on the ground.

The **** sneered, took a pill from his arms, and stuffed it into He Wenjin's mouth.

"Strip me out of his clothes."


Yun Zhi dropped the stick and slid He Wenjin's coat and jacket down.

In the theater, a maid hurried in.

"Not good, something happened, something happened."

Qingxi grabbed the maid anxiously, "What happened? Is there something wrong with the lady?"

"In the Acacia ..." The maid held the door with one hand and her waist with one hand, out of breath.

At this moment, the sounds of opera, gongs and drums, talking, all stopped suddenly.

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