Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1205: Reincarnation of Heaven

"Where am I despicable? It's you who are despicable." The gray eagle's eyes flushed, and they did such a shameful thing to him that they dare to say he was despicable.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, just hit him!"

Direct punched it toward the Gray Eagle beat to go, he said she was a not want to hear.

The gray eagle was startled, trying to dodge subconsciously, but couldn't move away at all.

"Boom!" The gray eagle was blown out with one punch.

Lan Yanyu looked excited, and rushed forward happily, and punched in the head of a black suit, and the black suit also flew out.

Lan Yanyu looked at her fist, and looked at the moisturizing black clothes that kept moaning on the ground in front of her. She was even more excited.

This is fun!

Feeling like a master, Lan Yanyu rushed forward with excitement, punching them one by one, and flying them all out.

Others watched Lan Yanyu's performance with a lot of time.

"We don't seem to need to be on the field." Yun Shaoning embraced his chest with both hands, and looked at the younger brother in front of him like a big brother.

Zhuo Qingyun peteringly looked at the blue-eyed Yu Lan who was so excited. It was no wonder that guy was able to use his own force, and no wonder he was so excited.

Seeing that his guardians and his disciples had no resistance at all, Xi Gongchi finally saw a trace of anxiety.

"Xigong Patriarch, the account between us should be liquidated." Baici went to Xi Gongchi and raised his eyebrows.

Xi Gongchi's face froze: "We have no enmity and resentment, and we don't think there is a need for liquidation."

To Xi Gongchi's cheeky, Beaver is very speechless.

"Before we were innocent and resentful, but you took my traitor from Yixiangu, and let him make a poison and trap us. He is not righteous. As the owner of Yixiangu, I cannot forgive you. . "

Since there was no injustice and no hatred, why did he go early, how could she let him go after he repeatedly wanted to trap them as a doctor of immortality.

Xi Gongchi squinted slightly: "What do you want?"

Beaver sneered, "You can choose a way to die."

This is his privilege, after all, neither Dongfangyang nor Mo Hongming had the right to choose.

Xi Gongchi's face turned dark, and he was immediately angry: "You have a little yellow hair girl who is crazy about this seat. Do you know what this seat is?"

The **** blinked, pretending to be confused: "What identity?"

"This seat is the future monarch of the Western Wei Dynasty. This seat will destroy your nine races." Xi Gong proudly raised his chin and put on a proud attitude.

"Oh!" Baitan could not help but smirk and said, "The monarch of the Western Wei Dynasty, that really can't be neglected, how can I give you some special treatment."

The **** raised his hand and gave Xi Gongchi a punch.

Xi Gongchi immediately flew out like tissue paper.

"Let me come!" Lan Yanyu ran over in excitement, facing a frenzy in front of Xi Gongchi.

It was hard to get a chance for him to perform, how could he not perform well.

Lan Yuyu doesn't use mysterious power either. He is afraid that if he accidentally kills him, it will not be fun.

Xi Gongchi, who had been stingy, couldn't make a sound, and Lan Yanyu finally stopped.

"If you have a weapon, why do you just use your hand?" Zhuo Qingyun stepped forward, took his hand in pain, and rubbed it.

Lan Yanyu paused, then said suddenly: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it, I wouldn't hit him again."

Lan Yanyu deliberately took out the spinning top ruler to scare Xi Gongchi.

Sure enough, Xi Gongchi exclaimed in fear: "You can't move this seat, this seat is the monarch of the Western Wei Dynasty."

The **** chuckled and stepped on Xi Gongchi's chest: "Are you still daydreaming, do you still think that Dongfang Yang can destroy Bei Chu and make you an emperor?"

Like being talked about by the beaver, Xi Gongchi's eyes burst into frenzy: "Bei Chu is going to die, and this seat is going to take back everything that belongs to our Western Wei."

Both Bei Chu and Dong Teng were half of them from the Western Wei Dynasty, and he would take them all back.

"Dongfang Yang is dead, and Dongteng is about to die. Do you think Dongteng will win this battle?" Baitan deliberately stimulated him.

Xi Gong's eyes widened wildly: "Impossible, the soldiers in Beichu are poisoned. How can they win?"

The **** sneered: "Say you're stupid, you're really stupid. With our two divine doctors, we can't solve any poison."

"You still worry about yourself, do you know why you are weak? That's why we poisoned." Lan Yanyu was also proud of himself.

"you guys……"

Xi Gongchi's eyes were red, he wanted to have an attack, but he was weak, and he could only stare at the **** angrily.

The **** squatted down and looked at him jokingly: "Let me analyze and analyze for you. It is impossible for you to grab the northern Chu's territory. The blood moon teaches us that we will certainly not stay, and there is no hope for reunification Then, why don't you treat us as cows and horses, and one day we will be happy and we can save your life. "

"No, we all have **** beasts as mounts, but what else does this guy do?" Lan Yanyu glanced at Xi Gongchi, looking very disgusted.

The **** raised his eyebrow: "So, let's kill it."

"you guys……"

Xi Gongchi's face turned green as they listened and sang.

The **** did not look at him, stood up and looked at Mo Beichen: "Amo, this guy will handle it for you."

Mo Beichen didn't want to dirty his hands, but Baitan said so, and he walked over.

Xi Gongchi looked at Mo Beichen's silver-purple eyes, his body tightened instantly: "You are the descendant of Nanqi!"

"Nanfeng Youge is my mother." Mo Beichen didn't hide it as if he wanted him to be an understanding ghost.

"Hehehe ..."

Xi Gongchi suddenly laughed, and there was bitterness, sadness and relief in that smile.

Going around, he still had to die in the hands of the royal family of Nanqi. The reincarnation of heaven, it really couldn't resist.

Mo Beichen didn't move, looked straight at him and gave him enough time to remember.

It took a long time for Xi Gongchi to stop smiling: "Also, I can't hide it. After all, I owed you Nanqi in the West Wei. Today, I can't make up for the iniquity."

Xi Gongchi carried all the mysterious power, "Boom", the enchanting blood was flying all over the sky.

"Young Master!" Seeing Xi Gongchi explode, all of his guardians exclaimed.

Mo Beichen remained indifferent, while Baitan raised his eyebrows and blew himself up, so that A Mo's hands were not dirty.

After a few sorrowful sorrows, they followed one another.

In the end only the Grey Eagle did not follow.

The white raccoon and the blue pheasant glanced at each other and walked towards the grey eagle together.

The Grey Eagle flinched back in fear: "You let me go, I don't want to die."

Seeing Bai Hu and Lan Yanyu being indifferent, the gray eagle looked anxiously to Yun Shaoning: "I've saved your life anyway, if you hadn't already died under the cliff for me, you saved my life, we Just two clear. "

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