Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1206: I'll pick up my mother

"I can kill you without my own hands. They can kill you and I can't stop it." Yun Shaoning looked at the gray eagle blankly, without any intention to save him.

"Don't kill me, I'll be a cow and a horse for you, and you can let me do anything." Seeking Yun Shaoning was useless, the gray eagle kneeled down to the white raccoon and Lan Yuyu.

Lan Yanyu has a black line. No wonder this guy can only follow Xi Gongchi as his subordinate. People are a little bit tough and have no bones.

"Xigongchi doesn't deserve to be our cattle and horse, do you think you can?"

The blue ruler in the hand of Yang Yanyu flew up, his blood fluttered, and the gray eagle's head fell instantly.

"That's it!" Lan Yanyu clapped her hands with satisfaction. "Where are we going next?"

Bai Tan turned to look at Yu Fengling: "Dong Teng has no heads now, you can continue to attack Dong Teng."

Now that Dongfang Yang is dead, Beichu has a great chance to unify the continent.

Yu Fengling lacks interest: "They have their own battles, and I won't control them."

The **** raised her eyebrows, and she forgot his temper. This incident was ruled by Emperor Beichu and Yu Qing, and they should not miss such a unified opportunity.

"The plague in Beichu has been resolved. I have to take my disciples back to Xiangu Valley."

She brought them out, and she had to bring them back in person.

Lan Yuyu nodded. "Okay, then we'll go back to Xiangu Valley."

Beavers followed Yu Fengling back to Wucheng.

"Valley owner!"

When the **** came back, the disciples greeted one after another.

Here, Yu Qingcai heard that the beavers were coming back and hurried over: "Are you really leaving? Our emperor would like to entertain you, thank you in person."

The **** chuckled: "The emperor of Northern Chu is polite.

The beaver's words made Yu Qingcai even more embarrassed: "I'll let Wen Bai send you."

Yu Wenbai immediately answered: "I'll send you."

Yu Wenbai had a good relationship with them. Originally, she wanted to invite him to Yixiangu to play, so Baitan did not refuse.

"I still have something to do. I'll go to you when I'm busy." Yu Fengling looked at Baiju Road.

"it is good."

The **** nodded, then turned around and made a slap at Yu Qing's cut: "General Yu, see you again."

"Goodbye." Yu Qingcai immediately returned the gift.

When he left, Mo Beichen summoned the blue dragon directly.

Seeing the Qinglong Divine Beast, Yu Wenbai suddenly dumbfounded: "Are you all so bullish now? You use Divine Beasts for your travels."

The **** raised his eyebrows proudly: "That's it, Brother Yu up and try."

Yu Wenbai carefully stood on Qinglong's back, only feeling like he was dreaming.

The disciples of Yixiangu did not expect that they still had the day of sitting on the beast, and all of them stood up tremblingly.

The soldiers guarding the city were all envious.

After they all went up, the beavers flew together.

"Farewell!" Bai Tan arched his hand towards Yu Qing's cut, and Qinglong flew up.

Yu Qingcai and Yu Feng silently watched them go away.

Qinglong is fast, but the people on his back are standing firmly.

"It was such a feeling to sit on the blue dragon, it was so cool." Yu Wenbai was excited, feeling the wind that rubbed his cheek.

The disciples of Yixiangu were all excited.

Soon, the group arrived at Yixiangu.

The disciples of Yixiangu saw the blue dragon floating in the air and ran over.

"It's a blue dragon beast!"

"It seems to be the owner of the valley!"

"Wow, it came back sitting on the dragon and beast.

The disciples all looked at the man on Qinglong's back with envy.

"It's too fast, I haven't enjoyed it yet." Yu Wenbai frowned and looked down, his expression still full.

How did he feel that he had just stood up and was about to go down. Is Qicheng so close to Yixiangu?

"Next time let you sit on Suzaku!" Bai Tan patted Yu Wenbai's shoulder.

Yu Wenbai's eyes brightened brightly, and he said with excitement, "One word is final."

Everyone flew down from the back of Qinglong.

"The owner of the valley is back!" Elder Yu received the news and hurried over to greet him.

"The disciples I followed this time have worked hard. Please give them some rewards." Baitan watched Elder Yu command.

"it is good."

Elder Yu responded quickly.

"Thank you Lord Gu! Thank you Elder!"

The disciples thanked them.

Bai Tan brought Yu Wenbai back to the courtyard: "Brother Yu will stay in Yixiangu for a few more days, so that I can do my best to help the landlord and show you a good look."

"It's so beautiful here, naturally I have to stay a few more days." Yu Wenbai was also polite.

In the evening, the **** put a wine banquet in the yard in honor of Yu Wenbai.

Maybe it was because everything was settled, and everyone was enjoying it this time.

"Xigongchi is dead, Xueyuejiao is still there, should we go and clear up Xueyuejiao." Lan Yanyu was in a good mood and drank a bit.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "No, I've been asked to send a message to Fan Lihua. Xi Gongchi is dead. Fan Lihua will not let Xueyue teach this fat."

"Isn't that cheap Fan Lihua." Fan Lihua's fat was eaten by the fan, and Lan Yeyu was unhappy.

The Beaver smiled: "No matter what the Blood Moon taught, she Fan Lihua scored half of us."

She's not stupid, how can she let Fan Lihua eat this piece of fat alone.

"It's almost the same." Lan Yanyu was not tangled anymore, and he drank the wine happily.

Because of the joy, everyone drank a little too much, and didn't wait until the middle of the night, and all of them were almost drunk.

Baitan is not drunk, because she feels that Mo Beichen has something in her mind, so she has no thought of drinking.

Mo Beichen stood by the window, watching the moon burst out of the window.

"Thinking about Mo Dongxian?" Baitan went over and hugged him gently.

Mo Beichen took her hand: "Sometimes I wonder if I am the same person as him."

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly, and he came to him: "Why do you think so?"

Mo Beichen pursed his lips. They were too much alike. Regardless of appearance or character, they seemed to be the other side of each other.

Baitan looked down and leaned into Mo Beichen's arms: "No matter what, he's gone. Don't think about it any more."

Mo Beichen hugged Baitan and sniffed her breath. The restless heart settled down.

"I want to go to the Promise Palace."

Baitan looked up at Mo Beichen: "I'll go with you."


Mo Beichen nodded, hugged Baiju directly, and then moved out.

They soon arrived at the Promise Palace.

According to the previous Lan Yanyu, the two went directly to the Nanfengqi Study.

"You are here." Nan Fengqi was not surprised to see Mo Beichen.

After he found that a portrait was missing from the back room, he knew he would come.

"I'll pick up my mother." Mo Beichen said lightly.

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