Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1216: Zhuo Qingyun's choice

Qi Shuya looked sadly at Lan Yanyu with a grudge.

"Let's go." The Beaver spoke again to rush.

"I won't go, I'll be with Xianggong." Qi Shuya grasped Lan Yanyu's arm tightly and didn't let go.

Nanfeng Qi also glanced sadly at Yun Shaoning, without any intention to leave.

A large group of injured disciples outside are also being treated.

The white raccoon couldn't catch people, and could only let Nanfeng Qi and Qi Shuya stay for a while.

As for those injured disciples, they are being healed in Yixiangu for the time being.

Hearing that Baiju wanted to leave Qi Shuya in Yixiangu, the whole person of Lan Yanyu turned gray instantly.

Why leave them, doesn't it hurt him?

The **** sent Lan Yuyu a big white eye. What can she do now? Never use force to drive people away.

The **** glanced at Qi Shuya again and motioned to Lan Yuyu to solve her.

Avoiding is not the way, but finding the solution is the last word.

Lan Yanyu froze with a grieving look.

She said it was light, and if it was solved so well, he would wait until now.

In the evening, Lan Yuyu managed to get rid of Qi Shuya and returned to her yard.

Zhuo Qingyun was reading when Lan Yuyu entered the room.

As if she hadn't seen him come in, Zhuo Qingyun didn't look up.

Lan Yuyu touched his nose, and walked across from him to sit down, "You are still angry."

"..." Zhuo Qingyun.

Feeling the situation was a little serious, Lan Yuyu was more guilty: "Well, I don't know if she will come."

Zhuo Qingyun still did not speak, holding the book seriously.

"If you want to be angry, just scold me for two words, why don't you speak." Lan Yanyu couldn't bear it, grabbed the book and threw it to the table.

"Who says I'm angry, I'm not angry at all." Zhuo Qingyun picked up the book and held it in her hand.

"Isn't she angry?" Lan Yanyu looked at Zhuo Qingyun with a stubborn look.

"not angry."

"If you are not angry, you have turned the book upside down." Lan Yanyu laughed and yelled.

Zhuo Qingyun was stiff and saw that the book in her hand was really reversed. She suddenly lost her face and read the book, leaving her book flushed.

Lan Yanyu sat next to him with a smile and pulled his corner of the garment: "Okay, don't be angry, I didn't let her come, I will let her go back tomorrow."

Zhuo Qingyun stared at him: "This is your solution."

Lan Yanyu frowned, and frowned, "Then you want me to rest her?"

"Otherwise?" Zhuo Qingyun raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to hang her all her life and give her hope all her life?"

They are still young, and it is now clear that they can marry again. If it lasts so long, wouldn't it delay the girl's life.

Lan Yanyu was silent.

"You don't want to let her go?" Zhuo Qingyun's voice was a little cold, apparently really angry.

"No." Lan Yanyu looked up. "Not what you think."

Why didn't he want to let her go? He didn't want her at all, but she had been in the Blue House for ten years after all. At this time, let her go. Father and mother would definitely not agree, and grandfather ...

Seeing his mind, Zhuo Qingyun sighed: "You can let her go. If she wants to go, your parents should not say anything."

Lan Yuyu frowned: "Will she go?"

In fact, he didn't say to let her go before, but she didn't agree every time, she didn't want to leave, and he couldn't force her to leave.


When they heard the knock, the two looked at the door at the same time.

A Qianying stood outside the house: "Xiangong, it's me, I've made soup for you."

Lan Yanyu frowned, and then she got up to open the door, but was pulled into her arms by Zhuo Qingyun.

Just when Lan Yuyu didn't know why, Zhuo Qingyun clenched his head and kissed.

Lan Yanyu stared blankly. What does this guy want to do?

"Xiangong ..." Qi Shuya knocked twice more, but no one came to open the door: "I'll come in!"

Lan Yanyu was shocked and wanted to push Zhuo Qingyun away.

Feeling his resistance, Zhuo Qingyun not only let him go, but also pulled his collar and buried his head to his neck and shoulders.

The groaning almost made him groan.

With a squeak, the door was pushed open.


The cracking sound of the dishes reached the ears, and Lan Yanyu closed her eyes.

"You ..." Qi Shuya was not excited by the fragrant scene in front of her, and all the questions were stuck in her throat.

The eye sockets gradually became moist, and the person in front of them had clearly become blurred, but the scene just now was so clearly printed on her mind.

Qi Shuya stood idly at the door for a while, but couldn't wait for a word from him, and finally she could not help crying and ran out.

Lan Yanyu frowned and looked at Zhuo Qingyun.

"Angry?" Zhuo Qingyun was angry when he saw that his face was not good. "If you are reluctant to go after him."

Listening to Zhuo Qingyun's sour words, Lan Yanyu held his neck directly and threw him.

This guy called him, even dare to say some of them.

Lan Yanyu grabbed his clothes while biting his shoulder.

Zhuo Qingyun's eyes ignited in an instant, and he rolled over and pressed him down.

Qi Shuya cried and ran back to the guest room, crying as she planted her head in bed.

She thought he didn't touch her, but didn't like her. She thought that as long as she worked hard, he would have her in his eyes sooner or later, but she didn't expect that he would prefer men to her.

At this moment, Qi Shuya felt that her world had completely collapsed.

Qi Shuya cried sadly, and Nanfeng Qi went to Yun Shaoning's yard.

In the courtyard, the two sat face to face, drinking tea each, and no one spoke.

This feeling of ease is like returning to the Promise Palace, Nan Fengqi is reluctant to speak, afraid to destroy the atmosphere.

They drank a pot of tea, and Yun Shaoning looked up: "What the **** did you do to me?"

"I," Nan Fengqi looked at Yun Shaoning, embarrassed, "I want to invite you back."

Yun Shaoning frowned: "I won't help you attack Dongteng."

He did not have the ability to help him restore his country.

"I don't mean that, I want to ask you to come back to Wuji Palace with me." Seeing his misunderstanding, Nan Fengqi quickly explained.

"I won't go back."

Seeing him so decisive, Nanfeng was anxious and grabbed his hand: "Come back with me, are we still as good as before?"

Yun Shaoning frowned and pulled back his hand.

"For you, I can not return to China, as long as you go back with me, I promise you everything." Nan Feng Qi Muguang pleaded sadly.

Yun Shaoning looked up expressionlessly: "It doesn't matter to me if you ever regain your country, I don't care about you at all."

A heart was bloodied and Nan Fengqi looked at Yun Shaoning with an injury, as if he couldn't believe he would be so heartless.

"Also, I will not stay here again, and I will go back to Yunjing with him." Yun Shaoning gave him no room for easing, and then relentlessly.

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