Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1217: Cloudscape

Nan Fengqi's face turned white, and she was immediately excited: "Why? Where is he better than me?"

Why did he have to choose him?

Hearing Nan Fengqi's question, Yun Shaoning hesitated and then laughed lightly: "In my heart, he is better than you, because I love him."

In the same way, he doesn't love him, so no matter how good he is, he won't like him.

Nan Fengqi's heart was poked for a few more moments. He pressed down the pain in his heart and said sadly, "Why can't you give me a chance, and I can love you like him."

His love for him will never be less than half.

"But I won't love you."

The icy resolute words made his heart full of icy holes completely frozen.

Yun Shaoning sighed softly: "You don't have to spend more time on me, I tell you very clearly that I don't love you, I didn't love it now, I don't love it now, and I will never love it again."

This time, he said very clearly that he felt it necessary to make it clear to him because he was too obsessed.

That sentence after sentence of dislike made all the blood on his face fade.

Yun Shaoning stood up: "I will leave here and never come back."

Yun Shaoning said and went into the room.

Nanfeng Qi sat there idly and stood up for a long time before going out.

In the room, Murong Ye was playing chess with himself.

Yun Shaoning sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder.

"It's over." Murong Yan looked down and looked at him petulantly.

Yun Shaoning said "um" lightly and raised his eyes, "Let's go back to Yunjing."

Murong pinched his lips, held Yun Shaoning in his arms, and kissed his forehead gently: "I can't ask for it."

He was willing to go back with him. That was the best. He just wanted to take him back this time.

Yun Shaoning blinked and suddenly said, "Let's go back now."

After Murong waited for two seconds, leaving three big characters, he flew out holding Yun Shaoning.

At noon the next day, Nanfeng Qi discovered that Qi Shuya was gone and immediately asked Lan Yanyu.

Hearing Qi Shuya's disappearance, Lan Yanyu's face sank instantly.

"What did you tell her yesterday?" Nan Fengqi's tone rushed slightly, with some questioning meaning.

"She should be back to the Blue House."

Lan Yanyu dropped a sentence and went to the beaver's yard.

Zhuo Qingyun frowned and followed.

Lan Yanyu found the beaver: "I want to go back to Hua Ah."

The **** raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Just right, things are almost done here, let's go back together."

When I came out, I promised my mother to go early and return early. It's been a few days, and it's time to go back.

Lan Yuyu nodded restlessly.

"What's the matter with you?" Beaver asked, frowning at his thoughtful appearance.

Lan Yanyu shook her head: "Nothing, said on the road."

Feeling a little anxious, Lan Yuyu, the **** immediately went to the elder Yu to explain something.

Later he went to Bu Yangzi and asked him to go back to Hua Acheng with her.

Hua'a City is relatively close to the connecting tunnel, and it is faster to return to the cloudscape from Hua'a.

"Where are Yun Shaoning and Murong Yun?"

When several people were about to leave, they discovered that Yun Shaoning and Murong Yun were not there.

"They're back to Yunjing." Zhuo Qingyun took a note and hurried over.

The **** frowned, and was about to be snatched as soon as he took the note.

Nan Fengqi looked at the three big characters on the note, and the whole person was bad.

The white raccoon glanced at the words "Back to Cloudscape" and raised an eyebrow.

It's really back to Yunjing, the two are too anxious, don't wait for them, they can go back together.

Nan Fengqi's eyes were red and pinched, and he rushed out.


Looking at Nanfeng Qi's rampage, Baiju called him immediately.

Nanfeng Qi stepped forward, but did not turn around.

"Where are you going?"

Nanfeng Qi clenched his fists and said for a while: "I went to Yunjing to find him."

The white raccoon frowned, rushing to Nanfeng Qi in front of him, and punched him in the head.

"Are you sick? He is hiding from you to Yunjing, and you have to chase it."

Nan Fengqi's mouth was beaten with blood, but he felt no pain at all.

"You are willing to stay in Yixiangu, you are not willing to stay, you take me with you, but if you dare to harass them in Yunjing, I will not care whether you are A Mo's cousin, I will kill you directly. "

The **** dropped angrily, and helped Bu Yangzi to leave.

When Mo Beichen came to Nanfeng Qi, he paused: "Let others pass, and let yourself pass by."

No matter whether it is the reunification or Yun Shaoning, he will not get it.

Nanfeng Qi took a step backward with a look of shame.

He didn't move until the beavers went away.

"What the **** happened, so urgent?" On the carriage, the **** frowned and looked at the absent-minded Lan Yuyu.

Lan Yanyu raised her eyes and looked at the beaver, and told Qi Shuya about what they found.

The **** nodded suddenly, it turned out to be this way. At this time Qi Shuya returned to the blue house, and must have gone to sue. No wonder Lan Yanyu was so anxious.

"Actually, it's fine, maybe Grandpa Lan would figure it out and agree with you." Baitan patted Lan Yanyu's shoulder calmly.

Lan Yanyu pouted, "Hope."

Soon, several people arrived at Hua'a City, and Baiju directly sent Lan Yuyu and Zhuo Qingyun to the entrance of Lanfu.

"Find me when you have something." Watching Lan Yanyu look like she was going to death, Bai Tan said uneasily.

Lan Yuyu nodded silently, and entered the Blue House with Zhuo Qingyun.

"Master, you can come back, the old lady asked you to go to the main hall as soon as you came back." Seeing Lan Yuyu back, Xiaofu in the house immediately greeted.

"I see." Lan Yanyu lowered her head in sorrow and responded weakly.

Qi Shuya came back to sue.

Zhuo Qingyun calmly held Lan Yuyu's hand.

Feeling the power he passed on to him, Lan Yanyu shrugged easily, "It's okay, at best they're scolded."

No matter how big it is, he was beaten. Grandpa and father and mother hurt him so much, and they would definitely not die.

Lan Yanyu took a deep breath and took Zhuo Qingyun to the main hall together.

When the two arrived in the main hall, they saw Lan Yetian sitting in the main seat with a solitary complexion.

Father Lan frowned and sat in the lower left position.

Blue mother also looked worried.

Qi Shuya was kneeling in the middle of the main hall, crying with tears.

"Old lady, young master is back." The housekeeper reminded Lan Yeyu when he came in and walked to Lan Yetian.

Lan Yetian lifted his eyes and saw Lan Yanyu and Zhuo Qingyun holding hands, the dark complexion was more scary.

Lan Yuyu immediately drew her hand and called in guilty conscience: "Grandpa, father and mother."

Lan Yetian looked at Qi Shuya coldly, "You go down first."

Qi Shuya stood up in tears and retreated silently.

When she walked to Zhuo Qingyun, she gave him a resentful glance.


As soon as Qi Shuya left, Lan Yetian yelled at Lan Yanyu.

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