Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1219: When I was a kid, I was a face control

Lan Yanyu looked at Qi Shuya's back and sighed softly.

"You should have killed her earlier." Zhuo Qingyun stepped out of the dark.

Make it clear earlier that things will be much simpler.

Lan Yanyu nodded his head: "You are right, I am indecisive."

"It's okay, it's not too late now." Zhuo Qingyun walked to him and comforted him.

Lan Yanyu leaned exhaustively into Zhuo Qingyun's arms.

He didn't know what the end of the matter would be, but now that he's told the truth, he is a lot easier.

Zhuo Qingyun rubbed his handsome face lovingly: "Don't worry, your family will figure it out."

Lan Yanyu smiled bitterly, hopefully, he no longer expected them to forgive him, just begging them not to hurt his body for his affairs.

"somebody is coming."

Hearing the footsteps outside, Zhuo Qingyun patted Lan Yuyu and ducked into the dark.

"Yu Yu."

Lan Mu, holding a food container, stepped into the ancestral hall.

Lan Yanyu looked surprised: "Mother, why are you here?"

"Are you hungry?" Lan Mu put the food box on the ground and took out the food inside. "Mother brought you something to eat, you can eat it while it is hot."

Lan Yuyu looked at Lan Mu with a smile: "Mother, I'm not hungry."

He's all like that, and the mother gave him food.

"Don't be hungry and eat something." Lan Mu directly brought the food to Lan Yanyu.

Mother Lan took the chopsticks and silently picked up the rice.

"Mother also stewed the soup for you. After eating, I drank the soup." Lanmu held up a soup cup again.

Lan Yanyu looked at Lan Mu with red eyes, "Mother, don't you blame me?"

Mother Lan froze, and looked up a while later, "What's the use of blame you?"

If he blame him, he can change, then she will blame.

"Sorry." Lan Yanyu lowered her eyes in guilt.

Zhuo Qingyun, standing in the dark, was full of distress.

He was wrong, and he should bear all the mistakes.

"I don't need to say sorry to my mother, my mother can understand you." Lanmu sighed, "You, when you were a child, liked beautiful people, and the child really looks beautiful."

Knowing that he liked to look good, so Qi would stay, and they agreed, but he did not expect him to look down on even Qi.

However, the child did grow well, especially the eyes, which were as deep as a bitan and more beautiful than gems.

Unexpectedly, the blue mother would praise Zhuo Qingyun, and Lan Yanyu couldn't help laughing.

In the dark, Zhuo Qingyun reluctantly pulled his lips.

It turned out that he was a face-lifter when he was a kid, so should he be grateful that he has grown a good skin bag.

"Does he treat you well?" Lanmu suddenly asked again.

Lan Yanyu's face flushed: "Mother, go back quickly, because Grandpa knows that he will be angry again."

Looking at the blush on his face, Blue Mother was relieved: "Okay, when you finish the soup, I'll go back."

Afraid she would ask no more, Lan Yuyu held the soup cup and drank in one breath.

Blue Mother packed the food box: "Don't worry, your grandpa will let you out in two days."

"Um." Lan Yanyu nodded.

"Don't kneel all the time, and sleep a while." Lan Mu asked uneasily before leaving.

After the blue mother left, Zhuo Qingyun came out from the dark.

"Your mother is very gentle."

"Yeah, my mother has always been gentle." Lan Yanyu pulled him to his side.

In his memory, the mother-in-law did not seem to have blushed with anyone, and has always been very good with each other. Fortunately, the father-in-law did not serve them, otherwise the mother-in-law might not be able to fight them.

"Do you know? When I was a kid, my grandpa was often kneeling in the temple. My mother always secretly gave me food."

Thinking of the naughty things that I did as a child, Lan Yanyu couldn't help but hang my lips.

Zhuo Qingyun glanced enviously at Lan Yanyu: "In my memory, I don't look like my father or mother."

Dad disappeared before he was born, and his mother died of illness when he was very young. He didn't remember what they looked like, only portraits.

"Sorry." Lan Yanyu apologized.

"It's okay." Zhuo Qingyun raised her lips. "Although I don't have father and mother, my grandmother hurts me."

From a young age, the person who hurt him most was his grandmother.

Lan Yanyu thought of how Mrs. Zhuo looked, and couldn't help laughing. "Let's go back and see her together."

I wonder if she knows that he is a man, will she be angry?

"OK." Zhuo Qingyun responded with a smile.

He also missed his grandmother a little bit, and wondered how his old man was doing.


In Chu's house, Bai Tan is introducing Bu Yangzi to them.

"This is my master, the first elder of Fengshen College, Bu Yangzi."

"It turns out that you are the master of Tanuki. I often hear this girl mention you." Hearing that Bu Yangzi was Baitan's master, Chu Zheng greeted him warmly.

"Master, this is my maternal grandmother, the owner of the Chu family."

"Good for the Chu family."

Bu Yangzi politely bowed his head towards Chu.

"This is my father, Bai Tingxuan."

Bu Yangzi opened his eyes narrowly, surprised, "You are the eldest son of Bai Qiyuan."

It turned out he wasn't dead.

Seeing that he was very familiar with his father, Bai Tingxuan looked strangely at Baiju.

Baici smiled at Bai Tingxuan and whispered: "Master and grandfather are masters and brothers, and they are not pleasing to each other."

But she still remembers the scene when they and A Mo married each other.

Bai Tingxuan raised his eyebrows clearly: "Hello, my father often mentions you."

Of course, this sentence is totally polite. Bai Qiyuan never had such a teacher and brother before him.

Bu Yangzi certainly would not believe it.

"This is my mother." Bai Tan introduced it to Chu Xiangjun again.

"Hello." Chu Xiangjun immediately salutes Bu Yangzi.

Bu Yangzi nodded slightly.

"The grandfather came from afar, and must stay at home for a few more days." Chu Yan looked at Bu Yangzi with a smile.

"The Mo family has already packed their room, and the master will go to live with us. It happens that my father and mother also stayed with us for two days to accompany the master," Bai Tan said.

Chu Zheng nodded: "Okay, just let your father and mother take care of you in the past."

She has heard about the Mo family, Mo Hongming is not the Mo family at all, Mo Yunli and Mo Xixiao, and Mo Nanyun is naturally not eligible to stay in the Mo family again.

The marriage contract between Mexi Xiao and Yu Ning was also terminated by her, and that Me Xi Xiao was not worthy to be added to their Chu family.

The **** chuckled: "I think so too. No one in Mofu can do it. Please ask my mother to help me manage those servants."

Chu Xiangjun raised his eyebrows: "You take me as your great housekeeper."

"Even if you are a big housekeeper, you are also the most beautiful big housekeeper in the world." Bai Tan held Chu Xiangjun's arm, coquettishly.

"You don't know who you are with." Chu Xiangjun nodded his head.

"Of course it's up to you."

The beaver's playful words made everyone laugh.

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