Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1220: Blue Night Sky Stroke

After three days in a row, Lan Yanyu still did not intend to come out of the shrine, and Lan Yetian did not intend to let people go.

In the ancestral hall, Zhuo Qingyun looked at Lan Yingyu distressedly: "Don't kneel."

Lan Yuyu pursed her lips: "It doesn't matter, this is my punishment."

It was he who was sorry for the ancestors of the Lan family, and he lived up to the expectations of his grandpa and father and mother.

Looking at his persistence, Zhuo Qingyun was distressed and helpless, and could only accompany him to kneel.

He knew he was guilty, but he didn't think they had done anything wrong.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and so do they. He didn't want to give up his happiness for the so-called responsibility.


How long Lan Yuyu knelt in the ancestral hall, Lan Yetian sat in the study for a long time.


There was a knock outside, and Lan Yetian rubbed his head with a headache: "Come in."

Father Lan pushed the door in with a tray.

Seeing Blue Father, Lan Yetian sat upright for a moment, struck his spirits: "Are you Yu Yu out?"

Father Lan's eyes lightened, and he placed the tray in front of Lan Yetian: "Eat something, you haven't eaten for three days."

Lan Yetian didn't look at the food in front of him. He only looked at Father Lan persistently: "Is Yu Yu still not willing to admit it?"

Father Lan frowned, wondering how to answer.

"This wicked child!" Lan Yetian stood up suddenly, trying to get angry, but his blood rushed to his brain, and he couldn't stop standing backwards.


Father Lan was frightened, and quickly supported Lan Yetian, shouting anxiously: "Come!"

"Bang!" The shrine door was pushed open: "Master, old lady has a stroke, please go and see."

Lan Yanyu was startled, despite her weak knees, and rushed out.

Zhuo Qingyun also quickly went out.

Lan Yanyu ran to Dongyuan and saw Lan Yetian lying straight on the bed, his face paled.

"Yu Yu, come and see your grandfather." When Lan Yuyu came over, Father Lan quickly gave him the position beside the bed.

Lan Yanyu hurriedly walked over, trying to give him a pulse, but he grabbed his hand instead.

Lan Yetian grabbed Lan Yuyu's words, but couldn't say a word.

Looking at Lan Yetian's appearance, Lan Yuyu was frightened. He wanted to give him a pulse, but he kept holding his hand.

"Grandpa, don't be excited ... you can relax ..." Lan Yanyu stared redly, trying to persuade, but Lan Yetian's condition became worse and worse.

Lan Yanyu was anxious, and quickly turned to look at Zhuo Qingyun at the door: "Go and find the beaver."

Zhuo Qingyun nodded and flew out of Lanfu in a hurry.

Zhuo Qingyun found the Mo from the Chu family, and finally found the beaver.

"Follow me." As soon as Zhuo Qingyun saw Baiju, he pulled her away without saying a word.

"What happened?" Baitan frowned as he ran after Zhuo Qingyun.

"The old man has a stroke, and Yu Yu is unsure." Zhuo Qingyun explained briefly, still pulling the **** to run away.

Hearing Lan Yetian's stroke, the **** was startled and did not follow Zhuo Qingyun, so he flew to the Lan family first.

Mo Beichen chased after him, "What's wrong?"

"The old man has a stroke." Zhuo Qingyun explained it again, and flew to the Blue House with Mo Beichen.

When the **** arrived at the blue house, he was taken to Dongyuan directly by Xiaoyu.

"You came just right."

Seeing the **** coming, Lan Yanyu immediately got up and wanted to make way, but Lan Yetian was still holding his hand.

"I won't go." Lan Yeyu was afraid of Lan Yetian's excitement, comforted him, and didn't dare to move.

The **** came over, glanced at Lan Yetian's face, and quickly took out the golden needle and pierced him.

"Cough ..." Lan Yetian seemed to take a breath and coughed desperately.

"Grandpa ..." Lan Yanyu quickly helped him.

The **** grabbed Lan Yetian's hand and took his pulse.

After finishing the pulse, the **** began to puncture him again.

After the needle application was over, Lan Yetian was asleep.

"Grandpa, how is he?" Lan Yanyu whispered as she watched Lan Yetian fall asleep.

The blue father and blue mother also looked nervously at the beaver.

The **** retracted the golden needle and looked at Lan Yetian: "Grandpa Lan is worried, angered, and caused a stroke. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and now it is not a big deal."

"But for the sake of his body, don't let him get angry these days." Without waiting for them to breathe, the **** replied sharply.

It was his fault that Lan Yanyu lowered her head in guilt. It was his grandpa who almost caused a stroke.

The blue father and the blue mother frowned and looked at the blue pheasant, and turned to the **** again: "It's really troublesome for you."

"Uncle and aunt are polite." Baitan chuckled, "Let's go out first and let Grandpa Blue take a good rest."

The crowd nodded and exited the room together.

"Let's live in Lanfu for the time being, I'm afraid his old man will be troubled at night, and he will bother you." Father Lan looked at Baiju and Mo Beichen embarrassedly.

"it is good."

The **** nodded and responded.

Father Lan looked at Lan Yuyu again, "You take them to the guest room to rest."

Lan Yuyu nodded and took the beavers to their yard.

"How could this be the case?" The **** asked after several people sat down.

Lan Yanyu sighed and spoke roughly beforehand.

The **** frowned after listening.

I did not expect that Qi Shuya actually came back to sue, and it is no wonder that the old man was so angry.

Lan Yanyu covered her face with guilt and choked, "I'm not good, it's all my fault."

Zhuo Qingyun was distressed when she looked at Lan Yuyu.

The **** also patted his shoulder calmly: "How can you blame you, in fact you did nothing wrong."

After a while, Lan Yuyu's eyes were red with her eyes raised: "Grandpa, he'll be fine, right?"

Grandpa had just lost his cultivation, and now he was struck by a stroke. He was so filial.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "The needle has been applied again, and the symptoms of the stroke have been alleviated a lot. As long as he no longer stimulates him, there should be nothing wrong."

After a while she will go to give him a needle again.

"Relax, with me, I won't let him be okay." Seeing Lan Yanyu still frowning, Beaver smiled and comforted him.

"thank you."

Lan Yanyu looked at the **** gratefully.

The **** chuckled: "You're welcome!"

In the evening, Baici went to Dongyuan again.

Lan Yetian seemed to be sleeping well, the **** checked him again, and helped him get a needle again.

After the needle was pierced again, Lan Yetian woke up quietly.

"White girl."

For a long time, Lan Yetian seemed to see the beaver.

Seeing him awake, the **** quickly took the needle: "You are awake, how are you feeling, are you still upset?"

Lan Yetian shook his head, thinking about it, and said nervously, "Where is Yu Yu?"

"He's here." The **** quickly calmed him, afraid of his excitement. "He's going to give you some medicine, and come over in a moment."

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