Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1228: Please take care of the rest of your life

Hearing that the emperor was coming, Yun Shaoning subconsciously looked at Murong Huan, but then thought that he was no longer the emperor, and the emperor Miao Qing said should be Murong Huan.

Yunzhi Yu and Anshi greeted out together.

Yun Shaoning had no choice but to follow.

In front of Yunfu Gate, a luxury carriage stopped slowly.

A little man in a dragon robe popped out of the drapery.

The moment Yun Shaoning saw Murong Yun, he was dumbfounded.

Such a cute child, exactly like Murong Yu, is a mini version of Murong Yu.

Murong Xu blocked Rong Rong to hold his hand, stepped off the carriage on the eunuch's back.

"See Emperor."

Yunzhi Yu and Anshi knelt down to greet.

Yun Shaoning froze and had to kneel with him.

Murong Ye didn't look at them, his eyes stared at Murong Ye.

Rong Gong also looked at Murong Yu calmly.

It's great that the emperor is back.

Looking at Yun Shaoning aside, Father Rong first stunned, and then relieved.

How could the emperor return if Yun Sangong did not return.

"See Brother Huang." Murong Yue went to Murong Yue and knelt straight.

Murong Yan frowned and looked at him. "You are already an emperor and you don't need to worship me anymore."

Murong Xu raised his childish face: "I am not the emperor kneeling, but my brother."

Although Murong Yan's voice is immature, her mind is not immature.

Yun Shaoning, kneeling aside, did not expect that Murong Yan could say such words at a young age, and could not help but be a little hesitant.

It's true that Yunzhi Yu and An's are not strange. The emperor's mind is indeed much more mature than other children of similar age.

Murong Yue also nodded silently, and reached out his hand to raise him with love.

"Be flat."

Murong Yu turned and looked at Yunzhi to stab them again, and raised his little hand tossing the flesh.

Yunzhi Yu and Anshi stood up together.

Yun Shaoning also got up silently.

"Daddy and mother!" Yun Shao'an and Yun Weihuan were taken down from the carriage by Rong father-in-law.

"There is a father-in-law."

Yun Zhiyun immediately stepped forward to catch Wei Huan.

Yun Shao'an jumped to the ground.

"Is it the third brother?" Seeing someone exactly like himself, Yun Shao'an immediately ran over with excitement.

Yun Shaoning looked at Yun Shao'an with a chuckle, and suddenly reached out and hugged him: "I'm your third brother."

"That's great." The small, chubby hand was holding his big face. "I listen to you every day, and I finally saw the real person today."

Yun Shaoning laughed against his forehead: "A small ghost is big."

"I am not." Yun Shaoan protested.

The big kid is obviously Murong Ye, he is not.

Everyone went into Yunfu with a smile.

"Three brothers let me down." Seeing that Murong Yu and Wei Huan were on the ground, Yun Shao'an couldn't rest.

Yun Shaoning had no choice but to put Yun Shao on the top and let him play with Wei Huan and Murong Yu.

Obviously, Murong Yu took good care of Wei Huan, and Yun Shao'an also took care of her sister, but every time Murong Yu and Wei Huan got close, he would squeeze over.

After destroying the two, Yun Shao'an also secretly looked at Yun Zhiyu.

Yunzhi Yan quietly gave him a thumbs up.

After receiving the praise from Yun Zhiyu, Yun Shao'an grinned and went to play with Wei.

Everyone saw their interaction in their eyes and didn't speak.

An's was a little embarrassed. She understood what he meant, but the child was still young. He had to teach the child this way.

Yun Zhiyu didn't care whether the child was young or not. He wanted to put an end to Murong Yu's mind from an early age.

Whoever let him have a son who had run away for Murong Chan, the rest, whether son or daughter, could not be related to Murong's people.

Especially Wei Huan, the baby on his apex, the only girl in his life, how to enter the palace, it is a place where people can't spit out bones.

Yun Shaoning also feels that Yun Zhiyu has made some big problems, these are still so small, what can I know at the age of four or five, especially Wei Huan, who is so cute, where can I understand these.

Because of his shame on Yun Zhiyu, Murong Yu often turned a blind eye to the things he taught.

In his opinion, if Yuner really likes Wei Huan, then with this boy's ability, he would not be able to fight for ten Yunzhis.

In fact, Murong Ye had already seen Yun Shao'an's drama and knew that he was taught by Yun Zhi, but he didn't take it seriously because Wei Huan would be his sooner or later.

The three played for a while, and Wei Huan seemed a little tired, so tired that he only yawned.

Anshi asks Brin to hold her down to rest.

Wei Huan was gone, and Murong Ye didn't think about it.

He got up and looked at Murong Yun: "Brother Huang still return to the palace?"

Murong raised her eyebrows: "I have peace of mind when you have Zixiao."

He didn't feel it necessary to go back, and he handled everything well during his absence.

"Then you have to stay in Yunfu all the time." Murong Yan frowned at him, wondering if he said yes, should he let someone repair his palace in Yunfu.

Murong Yu glanced at Yun Shaoning: "We will go to seclusion."

One of his emperors has been staying in Yunfu, which is definitely not appropriate. They should still go back to the bamboo house, he said that he would plant the hilltops with flowers.

Hearing that they were going to live in seclusion, the people in the house frowned at the same time.

Especially Anshi, anxious immediately.

"Mother, don't worry, we will come back often." Yun Shaoning immediately comforted her.

The bamboo house is not far from here. They used to be able to come back in three or four hours. Now he flew back in the air. He will often come back to see them.

After listening to Yun Shaoning's words, Anshi finally relieved.

She also knew that it would be unrealistic to let Murong Su live in Yunfu. After all, he was the emperor. Even if they had no opinion, the civil and military officials would not agree.

Or they go to live in seclusion, to avoid those gossip, just live her own life, she has no other extravagant requirements now, as long as he is peaceful and happy, this is enough.

Seclusion, the word Murong did not like.

He didn't like to see him from time to time, but he didn't express it. He just said, "Can you take me to see?"

Murong Xu pressed his head: "Wait for us to settle."

He will take him to see.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Murong Yu followed the father-in-law to the palace with satisfaction.

Before leaving, Rong Gong also asked Murong Ye to return to the palace often to see, Murong Ye also responded.

After spending two days in Yunfu and accompanying Anshi for a few days, the two went to Yougu.

Everything in Yougu hasn't changed, except that the bamboo house has been stained with dust for a long time, but this does not affect the mood of the two.

"It's beautiful here." Looking at the stream outside the window, Yun Shaoning couldn't help but admire it.

Murong Hui held him in his arms from behind him: "We are finally back again."

This is where they belong.

Yun Shaoning chuckled and looked back at him: "The rest of your life, please take care of me."

Murong's eyes warmed, and he pecked gently on his beautiful lips: "Everyone."

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