Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1229: Back to Baifu

Bai Tan brought Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun to the Imperial City of Zixiao.

In order not to alarm the people of the imperial city, the **** allowed Mo Beichen to take the blue dragon outside the imperial city.

Several people walked into the imperial city.

"Still familiar here." Bai Tingxuan looked at the people in and out of the city gate, and couldn't help expressing his emotions.

Chu Xiangjun also laughed and missed.

Although she hasn't been in Zixiao for a long time, there are her good sisters here, and I haven't seen them for a long time. She still misses them.

"I don't know if Grandpa is out of the customs. If he knows that his father is still alive, he will be very happy." The white raccoon jumped to the front of them, looking very happy.

A family reunion is about to happen, and there is nothing more happy than that.

"You child, hit someone carefully." Chu Xiangjun gave her a strange look.

This is a girl who has become a pro, obviously like a child.

Both Bai Tingxuan and Mo Beichen looked at her spoiled, and their eyes drowned one after the other.

Soon they arrived at the gate of General's Mansion.

Bai Tingxuan looked at the plaque in the General's Mansion, and couldn't help turning his eyes red.

After twenty years, he still came back after all.

Chu Xiangjun came to him and patted him on the shoulder comfortably.

She knew that his journey was not easy, but they finally returned.

"It's General Bai!"

"It's really General Bai, I'm not dazzled."

People passing by recognized Bai Tingxuan.

Although it has been 20 years, Bai Tingxuan's appearance has not changed much. No wonder they can recognize it.

"General Bai, it turns out that you are still alive, that's great, great."

"It ’s God blessing, General Bai Jiji has his own sky!"

All the people gathered around in excitement.

"General Bai, do you remember me? I'm the old king next door."

"I'm Luo Zhong, who sold soy sauce in front. Do you remember me?"

"White sister-in-law was looking for General Bai. I thought you were missing."

Everyone, you surrounded me with Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun.

Some people, Bai Tingxuan, remember that for some people, he had no impression at all, so he only nodded.

Seeing his father and mother so popular, the **** could not help laughing.

These neighbourhood neighbours are so happy to see dad. If the subordinates in the dad army know that dad is still alive, then it must be another scene.

When Xiaofu at the gate of Baifu heard the movement, he ran out.

"Miss, aunt Uncle is back." Seeing Baiju and Mo Beichen, Xiaoxi came forward excitedly.

"Is grandfather out of customs?" Beaver looked at him with a smile.

Xiaoyan nodded and smiled: "Just after leaving the customs two days ago, the old lady misses you every day."

The **** was overjoyed and immediately waved his hand: "Go and tell your grandfather that father and mother are back."

Dad and mother?

Xiaoxiong was stunned for a moment. He looked at Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun surrounded by the people along the beaver's sight, and then he stayed again.

That's grandpa and grandma, but grandpa and grandma aren't ...

"Come on." The **** could not help reminding him when he saw him there.

"Oh oh!" Xiao Yan responded again and again, before he could think about it, he rushed into the house in three steps and two steps.

Bai Qiyuan heard Xiao Xiao's obituary here, too.

"Who said you're back?" After a long while, Bai Qiyuan only recovered his voice.

"It's the young lady and the aunt, and he's back with the old man and the grandmother." Xiao Yan took care of his thoughts and made his words clearer.

Hearing what Xiaoyu said, Bai Qiyuan rushed out like a mad man.

Here Bai Ting'an and the second wife, as well as Bai Yihan, Bai Ruyue, they all ran out when they heard the news.


Bai Qiyuan rushed out of Baifu, and saw Bai Tingxuan, who was surrounded by the people, suddenly red eyes and became excited.

Bai Tingxuan turned around and the moment he saw Bai Qiyuan, he also red-eyed.


Bai Tingxuan walked to Bai Qiyuan and knelt straight down, "Baby is not filial ..."

Bai Qiyuan shook his hands and gently touched Bai Tingxuan's face, feeling the real existence, Bai Qiyuan finally dumbed his throat and called: "Ting Xuan ..."

He patted Bai Tingxuan's back vigorously. He was so speechless that he could only use this to express his excitement.

When everyone saw such a scene, they all wept silently.

Not easy. General Bai had been missing for twenty years and was found.

Following Bai Yihan who ran out, they saw that Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun were all holding back.

After a long while, Bai Qiyuan returned to God and helped Bai Tingxuan up.

Bai Tingxuan turned and beckoned to Chu Xiangjun: "I haven't seen my father yet."

"Dad!" Chu Xiangjun stepped forward, kneeling, but was helped by Bai Qiyuan, "No need to be polite."

Bai Qiyuan at this moment is very grateful to Chu Xiangjun.

He knew that without her, his son would not have been found.


Baitan pulled Mo Beichen to salute together.

Bai Qiyuan's eyes were red and he rubbed her head: "Good boy, you've worked hard."

She said she would bring Ting Xuan back, and she really did.

The second lady wiped her eyes with a papa: "Dad, brother and sister, let's go in and talk."

Bai Qiyuan nodded with red eyes and pulled Bai Tingxuan into the house.

The second lady brought Chu Xiangjun into the house: "Dasao really hasn't changed at all these years, unlike we are all old."

Chu Xiangjun blushed: "Where I am, too."

Tanuki is so big that she can't grow old.

"Older sister, older brother-in-law." As soon as several important people left, Bai Ruyue ran over.

Bai Ruyue's belly is already small, and she wants to give birth.

"Master." Nangong Huang also came to salute respectfully.

"What about children."

Beaver looked at the two behind him, but did not see Xiao Baozi, and was unhappy.

"The two big ones have gone to the school, and the two young ones have been picked up by the young man." Bai Ruyue smiled.

The **** nodded and looked at Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling: "Big brother, big sister."

Bai Yihan looked at them gently, "Just come back."

"Go ahead and talk."

Qi Ziling also laughed and pulled the **** into the house.

"Sister, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, and I also want little buns."

The three women walked ahead, talking to themselves.

Bai Yihan, Mo Beichen, and Nangong Huang fell behind.

"Just be safe." Bai Yihan hammered Hammer Beichen's shoulder.

Seeing him come back alive, they were finally relieved.

"Make you worry." Mo Beichen apologized.

He knew that they all cared about him and caring.

"How did you find Uncle and Auntie?" Bai Yihan asked curiously.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "Daddy was found by his mother."

Several people said they entered the house together.

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