Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1236: Glen Reunion

Snowy ice field.

In the wooden house at the foot of the snow mountain, only one oil lamp was on.

Suzaku flew outside the wooden house. Baiju and Mo Beichen flew down from Suzaku's back together.


Seems to hear something, a tense voice came from the room.

"it's me."

The **** shouted inside.

The wooden door opened quickly, and Murong Xuefei stood at the door. When she saw Baijue immediately smiled, "You are here, come in."

Murong Xuefei pulled the **** into the house, and Mo Beichen followed.

"Are you okay?" Baitan held Murong Xuefei and looked around nervously.

"I'm fine." Murong Shefella she sat at the table and got up to make tea again.

"Don't be busy, I'm here to take you to Zixiao." Before Murong Xuefei made tea, Baitan got up and pulled her back.

"Go to Zixiao?" Murong Xuefei suddenly became nervous. "But something happened in the palace?"

"No." When she saw her worry, Beaver immediately laughed. "It's Xue Qingyou and her cousin. They are back. I thought that everyone would go to Murongyu and Yun Shao to have fun together, just thinking that you would also pass by. Everyone hasn't got together in a few days. "

When she heard it was a party, Murong Xuefei was relieved: "You girl scared me to death. I thought something happened in the palace."

"Everyone is here, naturally I am going." Murong Xuefei said, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

It's really been a long time since Yun Shaoning came back, she hasn't seen it yet. I'm sorry to tell him this time. If it weren't for them, he wouldn't have been away from home for so long.

"Let's go." Murong Xuefei got up, some can't wait to meet her friends.

"Wait a minute." Baitan grabbed Murong Xuefei, her eyes lightened. "Are you planning to live here all your life?"

"It's fine here." Murong Xuefei's lips were slightly raised, her face indifferent.

The air here is nice and quiet. The key is that no one is disturbing, except that it is a little bit colder, everything is fine.

Baitan frowned: "It's so cold here, it will hurt the baby, and it is very dangerous at the foot of the snow mountain."

In case of an avalanche, it's too late to run.

Murong Xuefei chuckled: "I know what you are worried about. I will run if there is danger."

She has also lived here for a few months, and there is almost no major avalanche, as far as a few small snowballs are concerned.

"I know you want to live in seclusion, but this is really not a good place." Baitan thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lighted up. "It would be better if you move to live with Murong Yun and Yun Shaoning, or have a care. "

In a few months she will have to give birth, and no one around is afraid that it will not work. She can rest assured that she lives with them.

Murong Xuefei frowned, and said uneasily, "Will it disturb the emperor and Yun Shaoning too much?"

People may want a two-person world, and she's afraid it would be inappropriate to squeeze in.

"It doesn't matter. If you live there for a while, if you are disturbed, then you will have to wait for the baby to come back." Baitan disapproved.

She didn't think it would be disturbing, and many people were also popular, not to mention that the baby was born later, which can add a lot of fun to them.

Murong Xuefei hesitated again and again and nodded: "I'll clean it up."

She made a lot of children's clothes before. Although she didn't do well, she didn't want to lose it.

Murong Xuefei packed up a small bag and followed the beavers out of the snow mountain.

The three sat on Suzaku's back together.

"Yun Shaoning may plant flowers now. It is estimated that the valley is full of flowers at this time. You will definitely like it there." Baitan held Murong Xuefei with a smile.

"Really? When I go, I must ask him to teach me to grow flowers." Murong Xuefei looked forward.

Probably no girl can resist the charm of flowers.

Xue Qingyu their carriage traveled for three hours and finally reached the valley.

At that time, it was getting dark, but fortunately, Xue Qingyu remembered the mysterious entrance.

"Wow, it's beautiful here."

As soon as they entered the valley, Bai Ruyue saw the lush green light on the ground.

"This flower will still glow, it's so beautiful." Qi Ziling squatted down and looked at the glowing flower, she liked it so much.

"This is called Lanwei. It's my new breed."

A gorgeous man in a red robe came on the green light and instantly fascinated everyone.

"Yun Shaoning."

Seeing Yun Shaoning, Bai Ruyue immediately ran over and said, "Finally see you, you have become a monster again."

Bai Ruyue looked at Yun Shaoning's stunning face and couldn't help admiring it.

I don't know how this man grows, and it's getting wicked.

"How did you come here?"

Yun Shaoning was delighted to see them.

"Look at you." Xue Qingxi laughed forward and patted him on the shoulder. "I heard that your boy is now a peerless master, congratulations."

"Yeah, if you have the chance, you can also show it to us, let us also see what is the practice of God above the level." Bai Yihan also joked.

Yun Shaoning scratched his head embarrassingly: "Which is a peerless master I am, the most powerful is Mo Beichen, he can beat me with one finger."

Everyone laughed helplessly.

Mo Beichen's guy is indeed perverted. Every time they think they are close to him, they will be pulled away after a while, and this distance is beyond their lifetime, and they can't pull it hard.

"Why are you here?"

Murong Yu, who came looking for someone, frowned suddenly when she saw such an ordinary person.

"Why don't you welcome us?" Bai Ruyue glanced at him evilly.

This Murong Yu is still so difficult to get along with, and only Yun Shaoning can deal with him.

"How is that?" Murong raised her eyebrows and looked at everyone. "Go to the bamboo house."

Murong Yan said that if he was surrounded by Yun Shaoning, he went in the direction of the bamboo house.

"They said not to plant flowers at night, and hurt their hands carefully."

"It's okay, Lanwei wants to plant it at night."

"Then call me next time, I will help you plant."


Following the others, they were caught by the unexpected dog food.

"It's just right." Bai Ruyue couldn't help but look at the two with envy.

Such a beautiful place, such two magnificent characters, is really not enviable.

Qi Ziling looked at Lan Wei like a guide light all the way, and he liked it very much: "Lan Wei is very beautiful. When I go back, I would like to ask Yun Shaoning for a flower."

Bai Yihan nodded petily, "Okay, then we'll plant a circle around the house."

"I want Lanwei too." Nangong Sakura pulled Xue Qingying and coquettishly.

Xue Qingyan raised her eyebrow with a smile: "We want to get as much as we want, we don't have enough flowers, so we dig flowers."

Nangong Sakura's eyes twitched, and they just dug it just after planting it, wasn't it good?

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