Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1237: Don't believe you sleep in separate rooms

Everyone arrived at the bamboo house, and was suddenly surprised by the variety of flowers there.

"I don't want to go back. I want to settle here." Bai Ruyue took a circle in the sea of ​​flowers and never wanted to leave.

Qi Ziling and Nangong Ying are also envious of them, there is no more beautiful place than here.

"You should learn to learn Rongrong." Nangong Ying looked at Yun Shaoning enviously.

Xue Qingyao is unknown so: "What's wrong?"

"Look at how romantic people are and how they look for places." Nangong Ying said, looking at Xue Qingyu with disdain, as if he was not romantic at all.

Xue Qingxuan kissed her in the forehead and said, "When will you stop being the queen, let's come here too, and we'll build a bamboo house in big deal."

"No sincerity." Nangong Yingqiao blushed at him with a red face, but there was longing in his eyes.

It's really beautiful here, it makes people want to stay for a lifetime.

"Where are the raccoons? Didn't they come with you?" Yun Shaoning wondered without seeing the raccoon.

Xue Qing smiled: "It was she who sent us here, but she and Mo Beichen went hunting for black crickets."

Yun Shaoning's eyes lightened brightly: "Or she will enjoy it."

Thinking of the deliciousness of the once black cricket, Yun Shaoning couldn't help but drool.


A cool phoenix sounded, and everyone looked up.

"Come here." Bai Ruyue rejoiced to see the flaming phoenix.

The **** collected Suzaku and flew down with Mo Beichen and Murong Xuefei.

"Look who I brought?" Beaver looked at them with a smile.

"Brother Huang, snow cousin, uncle ..." Murong Xuefei stepped out from behind the beavers and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Little Seven."

"Seven sisters."

"Seven princesses."

Seeing Murong Xuefei, everyone immediately surrounded them with joy.

"This is the seventh princess ..." Bai Ruyue looked at Murong Xuefei's belly with a look of surprise.

Murong Xuefei smiled embarrassedly: "I'm pregnant."

"Where have you been during this time, Xue Guixue is very worried about you." Murong Xu looked at Murong Xuefei worriedly.

When referring to Concubine Snow, Murong Xuefei's eyes flashed a thought: "I'm not good, I should write back often."

She wanted to write a letter, but Xueshan's communication was inconvenient, so she didn't send letters back often.

What Murong Xuefei thought of, and looked apologetically at Yun Shaoning: "I'm sorry, it was all of us that caused you to be taken to God."

If it weren't for her, there wouldn't have been a battle between Zixiao and Chilie, and Shangguan Quanya wouldn't have harmed them.

Yun Shaoning smiled at her calmly: "It's not your fault, it's the arrangement of fate. It's the test of heaven on us, and I'm not nothing, at least I got martial arts skills."

Although she knew he was comforting her, Murong Xuefei laughed.

"Two more people have come with us, guess who they are?" What Baitan felt, smiling at the crowd with a smile.


Everyone is unknown.

"Of course it is us."

A voice came from the air, and everyone looked up and saw a white tiger with huge wings flying down in the air.

"It's you."

Everyone was really pleased to see Lan Yuyu and Zhuo Qingyun.

Now everyone is almost together.

"Why are you here?" Yun Shaoning looked at Lan Yanyu in disgust.

Lan Yanyu proudly raised her eyebrows: "Why can't we come here, not only will we come here, but we will not leave in the future."

The **** sent a flare before, and they just saw it and rushed over.

Yun Shaoning stared at Lan Yanyu with a black line.

Lan Yuyu has begun planning: "This half of the bamboo house is left to us."

Yun Shaoning glared at him unpleasantly, "It's all ours. I want to live with you."

"There are ready-made ones here, why should you take them. Can you live with such a big bamboo house?" Lan Yanyu said unconvinced.

Yun Shaoning pouted, "Why can't we live? Let's sleep alone."

Lan Yanyu glanced at him vaguely: "I don't believe you sleep in separate rooms."

Yun Shaoning flushed with redness when he said it.

The **** looked at the two people who were behaving with rapture and could not help laughing.

It seems that when he returned here, Yun Shaoning really changed back to the former Yun Shaoning, but whether it is the godly Yun Shaoning or the Yun Shaoning here, it is just as pleasing.

Bai Ruyue didn't care about them, and looked at Baiju with excitement: "Where's the black cricket hunted by the older sister, take it out soon."

"Here it is." The **** put the **** cormorant in the storage ring directly. "Well, this one is enough."

"Fire fast." Bai Ruyue couldn't wait to look at Nangong Huang.

Nangong Huang looked at Dr. Bai Ruyue drooling drunkly, and reluctantly went to make a fire.

The fire was large, and everyone sat around the fire and barbecued together.

"Like returning to Fengshen College." Bai Ruyue turned over the barbecue with emotion.

"Yeah, it's been four years, and time flies too fast." Xue Qingxi also sighed.

Bai Yihan laughed: "Too many things have happened, we have never married and become children's father."

Everyone was filled with emotion.

Many things have happened in the past four years. The marriage, the birth of a child, the whereabouts are unknown, and the death is unknown. Fortunately, now we are all together again, and we are all reunited.

"Should we have some wine?" Lan Yanyu smiled at everyone.

How can there be less wine to accompany such a beautiful moment together.

Yun Shaoning gave him a white look: "How can there be wine?"

When the flowering of those flowers is over, you can brew some more. But now, there must be no.

The **** chuckled: "Let's not drink today, we will eat meat."

Even if she drinks alcohol, she doesn't go crazy with them, she has to get pregnant.

"Yes, what kind of wine to drink, black meat is so delicious."

The scent of this black meat was too strong, she couldn't help it.

Bai Ruyue could not wait to take a bite, holding the roasted black meat.

The outer focus is tender, and the flesh melts at the entrance, instantly making Bai Ruyue like to heaven.

"Well, it's still the best black meat, it's delicious on earth." Bai Ruyue ate a lot while not forgetting to feed Nangong Huang.

Others couldn't help eating when she saw her eating so deliciously.

"Eating so much meat is still the most delicious black meat." Lan Yanyu couldn't help but praise.

"It's really delicious." Murong Ye fed Shu Shu and looked at Baiju: "Such good things must be brought back to my father and mother, grandparents and grandma, and they will be the two."

The **** smiled and nodded: "When you go back, everyone will bring some back for everyone to try."

Dad, grandfather and grandfather, they haven't eaten this black meat, so they should try it.

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