Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1248: It's hard to forsake a woman since ancient times

"My poor son." Auntie Hua sat down and cried, holding Bai Ruomeng, "It's all because that Su's told you such a dear thing."

That Su Shi really had a vicious heart. She was afraid that she had long been in the mood to harm Menger.

When Auntie Hua was crying like this, Bai Ruomeng also red-eyed: "Auntie, I don't want to go back this time."

"What?" Aunt Hua was startled, and raised her eyes sharply. "You won't go back, how can this be done?"

Bai Ruomeng's face suddenly cooled down: "Why not, Bai Juer, Bai Ruyue, they can recruit to stay in Bai's house, why can't I stay."

Auntie Hua frowned, a little flustered: "But you are already married, then Mu Bingjun can stay with you at Bai's house."

Bai Ruomeng pouted, "He is willing to stay, then he stays, and he is not willing to stay with me."

Auntie Hua was even more confused: "You want to stay in Bai's house by yourself, but that's not OK."

It has been difficult for abandoning a woman since ancient times. Even if she did not make any mistakes, it would be cast aside by others, so no matter how difficult the Mu family is, she must stay.

Bai Ruomeng gave her a glance: "Why is my aunt so stupid, this **** is going to be the emperor, no matter how I am also her sister, how can I have to seal my princess at that time, I will be afraid of becoming a princess Can't recruit good men? "

At that time, if Mu Bingjun was willing to stay, she would also like to make him a pony in the past, and if he did n’t know how to do it, she would n’t scarce him. She didn't believe she would never find a man when she became a princess.

As Bai Ruomeng said, Auntie Hua suddenly became cheerful.

"Ah, it's still our dreams smart." Auntie Hua happily hugged Bai Ruomeng, "The mother asked you to come back this time to help you fight for the princess name."

Auntie Hua said uneasily: "The **** now has the patience, and you must never go against her like before."

Even she did not dare to whisper in front of her like before, and even this time she was thrown into a remote yard, she did not dare to squeak, but just murmured in front of Er Ye.

Bai Ruomeng sneered: "Relax, I'm not so stupid."

Baitaner is going to be emperor, so she won't offend her stupidly again. But she came back this time with the intention of seeing that person again.

Auntie Hua and mother and daughter were talking, and Auntie Ruan was there.


When Aunt Ruan came over, Bai Ruoshui and Li Ziru got up together.

Aunt Ruan looked at Li Ziru politely: "Is Master Li and Mrs Li okay these days?"

Li Ziru looked down: "My father and mother are all in good health, thank you Auntie for your concern."

"That's good." Aunt Ruan nodded and looked at Bai Ruoshui again. "Why didn't Donger bring me to see?"

Bai Ruoshui chuckled: "Donger just got a cold wind a few days ago, and the road is not far away. I didn't want to take him back and forth."

"Why is Donggeer sick? Is it all right now?" Aunt Ruan was anxious when she heard that the child was sick.

Bai Ruoshui quickly soothed: "Auntie, rest assured, everything is fine, now take care of her there."

Auntie Ruan was relieved: "Children are spoiled, but beware of this."

"Auntie said yes." Bai Ruoshui answered with a smile.

Knowing that their mother and daughter had something to say, Li Ziru got up consciously: "Auntie, you are here to talk to Ruo Shui, I'll ask my grandfather to pay my respects."

Auntie Ruan nodded: "It should be, go now."

Li Ziru looked at Bai Ruoshui and got up and went out.

"Look at everything." After Li Ziru left, Aunt Ruan touched Bai Ruoshui's face and said, "Is Ziran good for you?"

Bai Ruoshui's face flushed slightly redly: "Auntie rest assured, he treats me well."

Aunt Ruan silently nodded: "I can see that he is good, as long as he is good to you, the aunt will be relieved."

The wife had a good vision. When the wife was looking for such a personal relationship, she knew that Li Ziru was a good person.

"Did he accept the waiter over the years?" Aunt Ruan asked again uneasily.

Over the years, Li Ziru has come to Baifu to pay New Year's greetings every year. She rarely returns, and in some cases, she has never found a chance to ask her.

"I carried the tassel, and the tassel is now my aunt." Bai Ruoshui didn't hide it, he said frankly.

When she married, there was a puppet beside him, as if he was the original roommate. So this time she was pregnant, she took the tassel and took it with her.

Aunt Ruan nodded and patted Bai Ruoshui's hand: "That's not bad. Tassel is her own, but this child can't let her have a baby."

Without a child, the tassel can only survive by attaching her even if she has the ability, but if she has a child, her heart will be stubborn, and it will be a great deal to calculate what harms Dongge.

Bai Ruoshui hooked his lips: "Be assured, I can save it."

In the past few years, she married the Li family, and she has seen a lot of the viciousness in this big house. Although the Li family is not more prominent than the Bai family, there are many wives and concubines in the family. In these years, she has also mixed black lotus with white peony Already.

Aunt Ruan sighed, "Fortunately, there was only one daughter left in the original match. You have given birth to Dongge, and this day will be better."

She had never had children before, and she died suddenly for her, but fortunately, good news finally came.

"Yes." When talking about Dongge, Bai Ruoshui couldn't help laughing, "The husband and father-in-law like Dongge very much."

When she was married to Li Fu, there were already two children in the Fu, one was the maiden of the original birth, and the other was the servant of the uncle.

Anyway, my son-in-law and sister-in-law are all there. She is not in a hurry, nor is her husband in a hurry. She is too young. Fortunately, she has raised two more years and finally has Donggeer.

The husband was happy when Donggeer was born. I do n’t know if it was because of Donggeer. In recent years, the husband has been almost in her room.

"Seeing that you are having a good time, my aunt is at ease." Aunt Ruan kept rubbing Bai Ruoshui's hand, tears appeared in the corner of her eyes.

Bai Ruoshui leaned on Aunt Ruan's arms like a child: "Aunt, rest assured, I'm doing well."

Auntie Ruan smiled and stroked Bai Ruoshui's back: "Thank you all for your mother, for a while, please go and give your mother a treat alone."

Auntie Ruan was grateful to Mrs. Bai for her personal affairs.

If I had changed another vicious auntie, where would I find such a good relationship for my niece.

"Um." Bai Ruoshui nodded grudgingly.

Even if my aunt doesn't say it, she will go to her mother.

Maybe she was a widow, and now she understands her mother a little, and she faces too much helplessness and sadness every day when she faces in-laws, husbands, waiters, and babies.

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