Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1249: It ’s hard to buy

Auntie Ruan took Bai Ruoshui's hand: "Auntie wants you to come back this time, in order to make you have a good relationship with your elder sister and three sisters. Your sister's good fortune is incredible."

If she had killed her before, she would never have thought that Baitan would have such a day.

But things are so unpredictable. Bai Tingxuan died and was resurrected. Chu Xiangjun returned, and Bai Taner wanted to become emperor.

She never imagined that she would have one day to become a relative of the emperor.

Bai Ruoshui also did not expect that the silly elder sister would have been so fortunate.

Thinking of the wrong things that he had done before, Bai Ruoshui couldn't help but smile bitterly: "My aunt must think more, my elder sister and third sister don't blame me, I have already burned the incense and worshiped the Bodhisattva. Where can I expect anything? "

For those things she used to do, it wo n’t make her feel better if her elder sister's eyes are smaller, but fortunately, the elder sister is not the one who is careful, as long as she doesn't come near her, she wants to come to her. I won't take her like that.

Aunt Ruan also sighed anxiously: "I knew she would become emperor one day, how could we bully her before?"

Bai Ruoshui laughed loudly: "It's hard to buy even if you don't know how to buy gold, so don't think about it."

The advantage is that she dare not think about it, just begging her elder sister not to regret it.

"It's all because of that Bai Ruomeng that has broken you since childhood." Aunt Ruan hummed angrily without thinking.

Bai Ruoshui's eyes flashed lightly, but he did not answer.

She doesn't blame Fourth Sister. I heard that Fourth Sister has not been through well in recent years.

"That Bai Ruomeng is a broom star. Don't mingle with her in the future, be careful that she affects you." Aunt Ruan said uneasily.

Regarding Bai Ruomeng, Aunt Ruan looked down on her heart, not only her current status as a waitress, but also her acting like a actor, she did not like it.

Bai Ruoshui pressed his lips: "I see."

Where did she dare to mingle with the four sisters, you must know that the four sisters used to be the most bullied sister.

By the time Li Ziru returned, Aunt Ruan had already left.

"Are you going back?" Li Ziru asked.

"Go back." Bai Ruoshui raised his eyes. "Have you seen your grandfather?"

Li Ziru nodded: "I saw you, as well as your uncle and brother-in-law."

He's seen today. The three generations of this Bai family are extraordinary. Compared to the uncle, his father-in-law is really far from good.

Bai Ruoshui thought of Mo Beichen's magnificence, and could not help his heart speeding up.

It took her a while to return to God, and she lifted her eyes and said, "You take a break first, and I'll see my mother."

Li Ziru raised his eyebrows: "Don't go empty-handed and bring something over."

Bai Ruoshui smiled: "Relax, I'm ready."

Li Ziru nodded when he saw what Yamei was holding, "Go ahead."

Bai Ruoshui went to the second lady's yard with two girls.

"Ma'am, Grandma Liu is here." Shan Yanlian entered the room.

The second lady looked up: "Let her come in."

Dan Yan bowed out, and quickly led Bai Ruoshui into the room.

"Meet my mother."

Bai Ruoshui Fu salutes the second lady.

"Come up." The second lady raised Bai Ruoshui and took her to her side. "I haven't seen you in years, and you're fine."

Bai Ruoshui bowed: "Shuier is all right, thank you mother for caring, I have never been back to see my father and mother in recent years, and I ask your mother to forgive me."

The second lady smiled and patted her hand: "What stupid do you kid say, how can a married girl run home with two ends in three days, and the journey is so long."

Jiangnan is far away from the imperial city, not only a few days by boat, but also a carriage. Her daughter-in-law is afraid that she does not have so many opportunities to follow up. Despite this, she lets Li Ziru send shoes and socks made by herself She can feel her mind.

My aunt knows well, Bai Ruoshui feels relieved a lot.

"Are you okay at the Li family these years? They didn't bully you." The second lady made hot tea and talked with Bai Ruoshui about the house.

Bai Ruoshui pursed his lips and told the second lady about the recent situation in the house.

The second lady listened and nodded: "Then Li Ziru is a good one. You gave birth to a **** for the Li family. They won't treat you badly if you want to come."

"That niece is also six years old this year. That child has lost her mother since you were young. Don't take her seriously." The second lady couldn't help but explain.

After all, it is Li's sister-in-law, Li Ziru and Li's two elders cannot be distressed, they are also daughters, and they will get married in the future, so there is no need to be harsh.

Bai Ruoshui chuckled: "I know, then the child is good with me."

From her marriage to Li Mansion, the husband held Xiner to her. At that time, she was only two years old. She really grew up from her side. She treats her like her own daughter.

"As for the sister-in-law, after all, you must have come out, it must be inferior to Donggeer, and you don't care too much." The second lady advised again.

Bai Ruoshui looked up: "Mother said."

She's not that careful person, as long as they don't mess with her, she won't care about them.

Although she is the eldest son of the uncle, Ke Fujun likes Donggeer a little more, and she doesn't need to embarrass them.

Seeing her sensible, Mrs. Nod nodded with joy: "No matter how many days you live by yourself, how you treat the day, the day will be treated to you. It's like this husband and wife, careful operation, always a little bit better Get up. "

Listening to the second lady's words, a touch of movement flashed in Bai Ruoshui's eyes, and stood up and gave the second lady a head: "Thank you mother for teaching, Shuier must remember."

She knew she was treating her sincerely, otherwise she would never persuade her so much. She said that it was all for her, and for her.

"You child, get up." The second lady quickly lifted her up.

The two spoke for a while, and Bai Ruoshui got up to leave.

"Grandma Liugu seems to have changed a lot." Shan Yan looked at Bai Ruoshui's back in wonder.

The second lady frowned: "It's all ground out, you think it's easy to live in that Li's compound."

Not to mention, it was enough for her to be tempered by the uncle who gave birth to the uncle's eldest son and the elder eldest daughter who was left behind.

What's more, the Li family is still the merchant's house. Those people who talk and do things may be completely different.

There was also a pity in Shan's eyes: "Fortunately, Grandma Liugu gave birth to a bitch."

The second lady sighed, "Yeah, I haven't heard from her before. I'm still anxious for her. Fortunately, she is also struggling. The firstborn gave birth to a son, which is considered to be a firm foothold in the Li family."

Shan Yan chuckled: "Mrs. is thinking about Grandma Liu Aunt so much, and they will surely miss his wife."

"The sixth child is OK, the fourth child is fine." The second lady looked sad.

She didn't know what Bai Ruomeng wanted to do when she came back, but it would not be a good thing. At that time, I was afraid that she would have to wipe her **** again in the second room.

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