Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1250: Menger is already Wang's person

It was another few days of busyness, and the day of the founding of the throne was finally settled, just on the eighth day of next month, with more than a month left.

During this time, the **** was busier.

The first big thing is to build the palace.

The **** did not choose another place, it was expanded within the scope of the city's main mansion.

The **** was originally intended to use the city's main palace as the palace, but everyone disagreed. Although the city's main palace was as grand as the palace, it was still smaller. Since it is the palace, it should naturally be larger and more elegant .

Everyone disagreed, Baitan had no choice but to let the people expand the main city.

The reason for choosing to expand in the city's main house is because the city's main house has not been built for a few years, and they have never lived before. If the palace is an alternative place, the city's main house will be wasted. Second, grandpa, they just moved here for a few days, maybe just adapted to the life of the city's main government, she didn't want them to move again and again.

The **** opened his mouth, Xie Kun and they naturally began to work hard to expand the main city.

Fortunately, when the main city of the city was built before, a vacant lot was deliberately selected. The place here is relatively large. Even if it is expanded into an imperial palace, there is no pressure at all.

Because the time is tight, there is only more than a month, so almost everyone in the city has come to help.

Especially knowing that the beavers will live in Shengtian City in the future, they work harder.

Not only that, Yan Hongtian and Hubak also brought many craftsmen from Chishui and Lanchi to help.

Knowing that it was to help former benefactors build the palace, they were also very active.

During this time, Mrs. Er and Chu Xiangjun were also very busy. Every day, they brought the servants of the city's mansion to the artisans and the people to send water and food.

People are so helpful, they can no longer be hungry.

There is no need for Baiju to do the expansion. Baidu is a lot easier, but there are many other things waiting for Baidu to decide.

For example, how the law is formulated, how the tax standards are set, and the setting of officials, etc., are many, many complex and important matters.

The **** was thrown to Mo Beichen. After all, A Mo was also the regent of Mo Xue. After many things, she couldn't do it. She knew nothing about a lot of things.

The more things, the more beavers regret this decision to establish a nation.

"Amo, I can't regret it later." Baitan paralyzed directly into Mo Beichen's arms.

Mo Beichen hugged her with a kiss and kissed him: "Yes, we will go to Yougu to find Yun Shaoning them now."

The white raccoon's eyes lightened brightly, then he collapsed his shoulders suddenly.

Isn't she so irresponsible?

"Amo!" Bai Tan buried in Mo Beichen's arms fiercely.

Mo Beichen's eyes were getting darker and darker. He slammed her head and kissed quickly.

Feeling his body change, the **** flushed red.

It's daytime.

Mo Beichen hurled away everything on the table and hugged her to the table.

After more than an hour, Bai Tanxiang sweated softly in Mo Beichen's arms.

Mo Beichen kissed her round shoulders, and began to be amused again.

The **** stared at him flushed.

Mo Beichen didn't seem to accept her eyes, and the big palm began to get irritated again.

From day to night, neither of them had ever left the room, and neither had even eaten dinner.

"Aunt Grandma, please go there."

Outside, Yunzhi blushed timidly at the door.

If it weren't for the longevity, she wouldn't bother to miss her and her aunt if she killed her.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, looking at the people below him with dissatisfaction.

Beaver blushed and pushed him away: "Come on, don't let Grandpa wait long."

It was all afternoon, and her waist was about to break.

"Wait for me." Mo Beichen kissed her lovingly on her lips before she reluctantly got up.

After getting dressed, Mo Beichen came to the door.

"Hot some hot water and wait for the lady to take a bath."

Mo Beichen gave a confession and went to Tianluoyuan.

Yunzhi looked red at Mo Beichen's back flushed, closed the door, and went to fetch water.


Mo Beichen was stopped before he reached Tianluoyuan.

Mo Beichen frowned at the woman who suddenly rushed out.

Seeing this beautiful face again and again, Bai Ruomeng felt that his heart was about to come out.

Bai Ruomeng pulled the corner of his clothing a bit, before worshiping Mo Beichen Yingying shamefully: "Menger has seen Wangye, Wangye Wan'an."

"Is it you?" After hearing the words Menger, Mo Beichen finally thought of Bai Ruomeng, "Is there something wrong?"

Bai Ruomeng glanced at Mo Beichen with a shy glance: "Menger, Menger likes Wang ..."

Mo Beichen shook his brows: "I remember you married."

A word from Mo Beichen instantly cooled Bai Ruomeng's heart.

She panicked and said, "I ... I'm not voluntary. The person I like has always been you. It was Su who forced me to marry Mu Bingjun."

"So what?" Mo Beichen's brows shook again.

Was she forced to have a half-copper relationship with him?

Bai Ruomeng was anxious, and suddenly stepped forward: "I love Wang Ye, if Wang Ye minds me and Mu Bingjun, I can leave him. As long as Wang Ye is willing to give Meng Er a chance, Meng Er will do anything for Wang Ye. "

After Bai Ruomeng said shyly, he even started to undress.

The blue veins of Mo Beichen's forehead burst out, and he could not bear the urge to shoot the woman in front of her to watch her perform.

Seeing Mo Beichen always looking at her, Bai Ruomeng rejoiced instantly.

She just said, no man can steal the fish, even if the **** is so beautiful, the man will like the old and the new.

I don't know where Bai Ruomeng learned from, but a piece of clothing is so beautiful.

The robe fell to the ground, and Bai Ruomeng shook the flesh of his chest with confidence, almost shaking the fan's tube top.

"Menger is already Wang Ye's person. Wang Ye can do anything to Menger."

Bai Ruomeng cast a wink at Mo Beichen with shame, and fell weakly toward Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen didn't move, and Bai Ruomeng was very happy.

Just when Bai Ruomeng was full of joy and wanted to fall into Mo Beichen's arms, Mo Beichen moved.


Bai Ruomeng, who was unable to cherish his arms, instantly snorted, and fell down with a dog to eat shit.


Feeling that his face was falling, Bai Ruomeng looked at Mo Beichen with a grudge, "Menger was really true to Wang Ye, why is Wang Ye so dreaming of him?"

Mo Beichen really didn't want to look at her at all, just raised his eyes to the corner of the red wall: "Don't you come out yet?"

Bai Ruomeng raised his eyes for unknown reasons, but saw a familiar figure coming out of the corner.

Seeing Mu Bingjun's face clearly, Bai Ruomeng's face suddenly turned pale.

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