Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1251: The king is not interested in the willow

Mu Bingjun looked darkly at Bai Ruomeng on the ground, and then arched towards Mo Beichen: "I've seen Wang Ye."

Mo Beichen gave him a cold look. He didn't understand what mentality he was watching his uncle's performance, but he was not interested.

Mu Bingjun was overwhelmed by Mo Beichen's invisible coercion.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to have a chance encounter with him, and to find another opportunity to talk a few words, so that how much can make an impression in front of this future new emperor, but never expected to see such a play.

When Mo Beichen came to Mu Bingjun, he paused: "Tell your woman, the king is not interested in the ruined flowers."

Mu Bingjun's face turned black as soon as the bottom of the pot, and even his heart was shaking with anger.

Bai Ruomeng was pale, panicked and sad.

Mo Beichen was not interested in ignoring the strange couple and raised his foot to Tianluoyuan.

Mo Beichen was gone, and Bai Ruomeng seemed to be awake like a dream, trembling to get the clothes on the ground.

Mu Bingjun was black, and stepped on Bai Ruomeng's hand holding clothes.

Bai Ruomeng trembled and raised his eyes in panic: "Fu Jun ..."

Before she could speak, Mu Bingjun raised her hand and fanned her face fiercely.

With a loud bang, Bai Ruomeng's face was instantly distorted.

The sweetness overflowed from his mouth, and Bai Ruomeng held his face in a grievance and raised his eyes angrily: "Mu Bingjun, why did you hit me?"

"Just because I'm your husband now." Mu Bingjun lifted his feet in angriness and darted toward her chest.

Mu Bingjun was so angry and ruthless that he shouted Bai Ruomeng wow.

"Come, kill!"

There was a sudden pain in her chest, which made her breathless, and Bai Ruomeng was not afraid of losing face, and was afraid to cry desperately.

Bai Ruomeng's cry soon attracted the attention of the girl-in-law.

Even the artisans who were busy expanding there rushed to hear the shouts.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, don't hit it. This is going to kill someone."

"Isn't this Grandma Liu and Grandpa Liu who just came back. What happened, why didn't you even wear clothes?"

Everyone surrounded the two curiously, and some people came forward to persuade them, but they were pushed away by Mu Bingjun.

Seeing that it was impossible to persuade, someone hurried to find the second wife and Bai Tingan.

When the second lady and Bai Tingan and Auntie Hua arrived, Bai Ruomeng was already half dead.


Bai Tingan rushed up and pushed Mu Bingjun away.

As soon as Bai Tingan came over, Mu Bingjun took it.

"My son." Aunt Hua rushed over with tears and a nose, hugging Bai Ruomeng, "Why is your life so hard?"


Bai Ruomeng's consciousness was a little more sober, and he called out with anger.

Auntie yelled, Auntie Hua wailed again and again, "My bitter son, this is the death of my auntie ..."

Seeing Bai Ruomeng being beaten like this, and listening to Auntie Hua sobbing, Bai Tingan asked angrily: "Mu Bingjun, what do you want to do?"

Mu Bingjun turned his face and said nothing.

When the second lady saw Bai Ruomeng wearing only a tube top, her eyes flickered, and she pulled up and pulled Bai Ting'an's sleeve: "Second elder, let's ask Aunt Mu to come back to the room and say."

With the reminder of Mrs. Er, Bai Tingan reacted and quickly took off her robe and put it on Bai Ruomeng: "Menger, let's go back first."

"You're here too." Bai Tingan glanced at Mu Bingjun, and went back to their yard with Aunt Hua holding Bai Ruomeng.

The second lady nodded embarrassedly at the craftsmen: "Thank you all, let's all go away."

The artisans were dismissed, and the second husband led Mu Bingjun back.

Inside the room, Bai Ruomeng's girl-in-law Shui Xiu and Fang'er had brought hot water to clean her wounds.

Auntie Hua teased Bai Ruomeng with tears in her eyes, while Bai Tingan stood with a black face.

The two ladies and Mu Bingjun entered the room one after the other.

Seeing Mu Bingjun coming in, Bai Tingan's face suddenly looked difficult: "You said, why on earth did you hit someone?"

"I fight with you." Auntie Hua rushed towards Mu Bingjun like a crazy dog.

Mu Bingjun was black and couldn't do anything with Aunt Hua, but could only move backwards.

The second lady had a black line, and quickly grabbed the crazy auntie Flower: "Well, you listen to him explain?"

She felt that there must be something in it, and Mu Bingjun didn't look like a confused person. If it was okay, how could he start to play against Bai Ruomeng here, or in front of so many people, with such a heavy hand.

Auntie Hua didn't listen: "What else can be explained? This is how he dared to do this to Menger at Bai family. Before, he didn't know how to bully our Menger at Mu family. What's our life? So bitter. "

Auntie Hua was crying and crying, and she resented the second lady: "I blame you, and told her such a person, this is hurting our dreams."

Auntie Hua said, she pushed the second lady away.

The second lady was caught off guard by surprise, and was almost pushed to the ground by Auntie Hua, so that Shan Yan, who was on the side, helped her in time.

"Auntie Hua, what are you doing, how can you blame this lady." Shan Yan stared at Auntie Hua with a cold face.

Madam is right, the mother and daughter of this flower really are heartless.

Seeing Aunt Hua daring to do something with Mrs. White, Ting An frowned unpleasantly, "What's the trouble? Get out of the house if you make trouble again."

"Erye ..." Aunt Hua took a grievance glance at Bai Ting'an and began to wipe her tears again.

Bai Tingan frowned impatiently, and turned to Mu Bingjun: "What are you talking about?"

Mu Bingjun's face lifted his chin towards Bai Ruomeng unpleasantly: "You still ask your baby girl, what did you do?"

Bai Tingan frowned and looked at Bai Ruomeng.

The second lady also looked subconsciously at Bai Ruomeng.

"What did I do?" Bai Ruomeng's eyes flashed with confusion, stubbing his neck, "Mu Bingjun, you dare hit me, I want to break with you."

As soon as Auntie Hua heard this, she jumped up and said, "Yes, go away."

Bai Tingan's frown frowned. Although Mu Bingjun hit Ruo Meng, he did not agree with them.

The second lady looked at her mother and daughter disdainfully. These two women didn't have a head, what did they say and leave? She thought she could find a better relationship than Mu Bingjun after she left?

Mu Bingjun snorted coldly: "Why are you a waitress and you leave me?"

At best, it was also a book of releases. He thought he didn't know what her idea was and wanted to escape from Mu's house, and he would never agree.

"Don't you want to be with Li? Then I'll write a divorce." Bai Ruomeng was out of the way, so far, she had no memory of Mu Bingjun.

"Hugh?" Mu Bingjun smiled angrily. "Why, you think you can go to Mo Beichen without me. Just now people have said that they are not interested in your body with a stagnant flower."

Mu Bingjun set off a monstrous wave in an instant.

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