Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1256: The old man furiously beat Bai Tingan

Listening to Auntie Hua's words, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Give a concubine casually, she is not small.

The **** raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the two guys were fighting this idea. I have to say that this wishful thinking was a good one, but unfortunately too delusional.

Bai Qiyuan finally understood that even those with a heavy face could drip water.

The faces of Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun are also not very good-looking. They can forgive Bai Ruomeng for others, but it is absolutely impossible to break the feelings of Tanuki.

Seeing that the old man and Bai Tingxuan were angry, Bai Tingan was anxious, and quickly stepped forward and glared at Auntie Hua: "When are you going to be ashamed of your eyes, you can't roll back to me anymore."

Seeing that she was going to be the biological mother of the harem maiden, where did Auntie Hua treat him: "I won't go back. Today he won't give us a statement, I won't go back if I die."

Mo Beichen looked at her blankly, and finally said, "What do you want? Last night, it wasn't just me and Bai Ruomeng, there was another person present."

Everyone followed Mu Beichen's eyes toward Mu Bingjun.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes changed instantly.

Under what circumstances, Grandma Liu seduced Grandpa Auntie, and these six aunts were actually on the scene.

Not even the **** narrowed his eyes.

The quality of Bai Ruomeng's heart is too strong, even to seduce other men in front of his husband, Niubi.

Bai Ruyue, who is seriously watching a movie here, is also a black line when she hears here.

What's the matter? I've lost my face to my uncle's house.

Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan also looked at Mu Bingjun together.

Mu Bingjun, who had no sense of existence, immediately caught everyone's attention.

Mu Bingjun's complexion also became difficult to look.

"What the **** is going on, I can't say clearly yet." Bai Qiyuan stared at Mu Bingjun with a dark face.

For Mu Bingjun, the old man has nothing to do with it. This man doesn't even manage his own waiter and can do big things. He doesn't know how to be a four-ranking officer. He will wait until he is free. It is not a good thing for such a person to stay in officialdom to write back to Zixiao.

Seeing the old man speak, Mu Bingjun dare not say where.

Mu Bingjun was not afraid to lose face, and told the story of last night directly, including yesterday, when he hit Bai Ruomeng, and was told by Bai Ting'an and Mrs. Er to learn the truth.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded to hear. Although they had guessed the approximate plot, they could not help but be shocked to hear the truth.

The main reason was that Mrs. Bai Ruomeng was shameless. She dared to take off her clothes to seduce her brother-in-law when she was discovered by her husband, and she still relied on others without repentance.

Bai Tan glanced at Mo Beichen. It turned out that there was such a thing yesterday. Why didn't he tell her that she was caught off guard today.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. He didn't feel that this woman was important to appear in the words of their husband and wife.

Unexpectedly, Mu Bingjun even told the story of yesterday in public, and Bai Ruomeng finally began to feel indignant.

However, Auntie Hua didn't feel embarrassed at all, and still whispered to Mo Beichen: "Even if our dreams take off their own clothes, anyway, you have to be responsible for watching."

Everyone was shocked by the cheeky face of Auntie Hua. There are really such shameless people in this world.

Bai Ruomeng raised his eyes with a shameful glance at Mo Beichen: "Master, Menger truly loves him, and Menger asks nothing, but only stays with him."

After listening to what Bai Ruomeng said, Bai Tingan's temple jumped unconsciously.

He was completely desperate for the waitress and maid, and he felt that his half-life's face had lost them.

The second lady also felt that there was no ground for self-compliance. There was no ground seam. She would have penetrated long before there was a ground seam. How can she still face her brother and sister in the future.

Bai Ruyue had long been ashamed and accustomed to it, and she didn't even care about the dead Bai Ruomeng and Auntie Hua. Whatever they did, she would definitely not ask Bai Ruomeng anyway.

Mo Beichen didn't look at Bai Ruomeng, he only looked at Auntie Hua: "Do you mean that anyone who has seen her will marry her?"

Auntie Flower frowned, didn't answer immediately, and intuitively told her that there was a trap in this question.

Sure enough, without waiting for her answer, Mo Beichen replied: "It was not only me and her husband who watched that night, it seemed that the artisans who helped expand the building saw it."

As soon as Mo Beichen finished speaking, everyone burst into a pan.

"Oh, my face has been lost."

"So many people have seen it, it's changed me, and I've just committed myself with anger."

"I still want to go into the palace as a maid, and I don't want to look at what I am. If you want to marry again, you might as well choose one among those artisans."

"Why would an artisan want to marry her? Isn't that harming the artisan?"

"That is, such a lascivious woman is a scourge to anyone who marries. She likes to undress so much that she might as well go to the ticker bar. There are men who like to watch her undress."

The raccoon's lip angle lifted indeterminately.

Sure enough, A Mo was black, and she said why A Mo talked so well. It turned out she was waiting for them.

Listening to everyone's point-and-talk discussion, Bai Ruomeng was ashamed and angry, and finally ran out crying.

"Menger ..."

Seeing this, Auntie Hua quickly chased out.

When I was halfway there, I was unwilling to turn around and shouted at Mo Beichen: "You must give us a concubine, otherwise everyone who knows I'm going to get all Yunjing knows."

Auntie Hua finished scolding before finally chasing Bai Ruomeng.

Mo Beichen and Baiju didn't seem to take the words of Auntie Hua to heart.

However, Bai Qiyuan's complexion can be described as extremely dark.

He turned around and indiscriminately slapped Ba Ting'an slap hard.

Bai Ting'an was startled, and he knelt down regardless of the sweetness in his mouth.

As soon as Bai Ting'an knelt, the second wife and Aunt Ruan also followed.

"If you do n’t raise your godfather, let ’s see what daughter you teach, and your waiter, you are all treasures. Do you have a little brain? I think you have been alive for so many years. . "

Bai Qiyuan pointed at Bai Tingan and scolded him with a **** dog.

Instead of feeling distressed, Bai Ruyue also felt relieved.

Dad has been in trouble all these years. I don't know what it means. I hope my grandfather can wake him up.

Even the second wife who was with her knees felt relieved. Fortunately, there was an old man pressing on his head. If it was not for the old man and the big brother, this confused person might really be forced to let the family accept Bai Ruomeng.

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