Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1257: Clean up your own sins

Afraid of death, Bai Tingan bowed his head tremblingly: "What my father taught is that I will discipline them in the future."

From childhood to old age, the man he was most afraid of was the old man.

I usually watch the old man care nothing, but if he really ignites, it is really terrible.

Bai Qi's vitality was glaring: "What else do you want to discipline, can you make sense of it like you're so confused? Such a woman just gave me a break, and it really defiled my Baijiamen."

When Ba Ting'an shuddered, he couldn't help it: "Yes, I'll go back and write a divorce soon."

After Bai Qiyuan scolded Bai Tingan, he turned and looked at Mu Bingjun: "If you still want to be my son-in-law of the Bai family, take your woman back. If you don't want it, learn to write a letter from your husband."

Mu Bingjun frowned frantically. He didn't know what to do now? Keeping her awake, such a woman would be a scourge to take home. Hugh, he would not be willing to look at her better.

Seeing him hesitant, Bai Qiyuan narrowed his eyes: "I'll give you a little time to consider, write a divorce or take her back."

When Bai Qiyuan said it, he threw his sleeves and left angrily.

As soon as the old man left, Bai Tingan was finally relieved.

The second lady and Aunt Ruan helped Bai Tingan up.

Bai Tingan looked at Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun with an apologetic expression: "Big brother and uncle are embarrassed, it's okay for me to teach women."

Bai Tingxuan frowned, somewhat unhappy: "You shouldn't tell me this."

For the second and third brothers of Yang's family, he has never been pleased, but because of his father's relationship, he has not hurt his face.

Tanzi also told her about the things they had done before. The three brothers are dead and deserved. They are soft-skinned and have no opinion. A man does not have the second brother's knowledge. The waiter and concubine are used to this.

Seeing that Bai Tingxuan was angry, Bai Tingan looked at Bai Jue and Mo Beichen again with a sting: "This is all wrong with Huashi and Menger. The second uncle will not compensate you."

Mo Beichen was expressionless and didn't say a word.

But Beaver raised his lips: "Anyway, we're used to it."

Bai Ruyue chuckled again, her elder sister was too cruel, and she was so piercing.

The beaver's words instantly made Bai Ting'an look a little bad, but he couldn't refute it.

"I'm going back."

Bai Ting greeted Bai Tingxuan peacefully and returned to his yard.

The second lady and Aunt Ruan, Bai Yihan, Qi Ziling, Bai Ruoshui, and Li Ziru all followed.

But Bai Ruyue didn't go back. She is now always remembering that she is a long-room person. She doesn't want to participate in the bad things in the second room.

She is so grateful that her elder sister rescued her and Nangong Huang from the second room.

Chu Xiangjun looked at the second lady's back and sighed.

It is a pity that this Su family, following these two uncles, should have suffered a lot.

As soon as the people in the second room left, Baijue also sent the maids and sister-in-law in the yard.

"Is this brother-in-law and sister-in-law a dress for the throne?" Bai Ruyue had already seen the phoenix suit worn on Bai Jue's body and could not help asking.

The **** pulled the clothes on his body and laughed, "That's right, but we need to change it."

Qi Wen stepped forward: "Where is the lady dissatisfied, I will let the people of the Internal Affairs Bureau change it in a while."

Bai Tan raised his eyebrows and looked at Mo Beichen: "No need, leave the dress to A Mo."

Qiwen blinked for unknown reasons, and neither Yunori nor Aoki understood what Beaver meant.

How can I give it to Auntie? Wouldn't Auntie change his clothes?

They didn't understand, but Bai Ruyue understood it at once: "Big brother-in-law is going to make clothes for big sister again, big brother-in-law is also very happy."

The **** stinged her: "It seems that you are not happy, and you are not afraid of my apprentice being sad?"

As soon as the beaver's words were finished, Nangong Huang seemed to cooperate with **** and glanced at Bai Ruyue resentfully.

Bai Ruyue squeezed her eyebrows, "I didn't say I was unhappy."

Everyone laughed when they heard.

Even Xiao Xuan Er snickered.

On the other side, after Bai Ting'an returned to his yard, he recruited the people in the second room and formally wrote a letter of divorce to Aunt Hua.

For Auntie Flower, Bai Ting'an had really sincerely spoiled him. If the old man hadn't spoken, he would never have the heart to write this divorce book.

After writing the divorce, Bai Tingan gave the divorce to the second wife: "Mrs. Trouble, please go ..."

Before Bai Tingan's words were finished, Bai Yihan on the side said, "Daddy just go by yourself."

Why should his woman ask his mother to wipe his ass.

The second lady sat silent, and she really didn't want to care about that Huashi and Bai Ruomeng.

Bai Yihan frowned at Mrs. Er. Seeing that she was not talking, she had to close the divorce book by herself: "Then I will go by myself in the future. Whoever does this kind of confusion in the future will end up like Huashi."

The words of Bai Tingan's warning were obviously addressed to Aunt Ruan and Bai Ruoshui.


They immediately responded.

Aunt Ruan's eyes flickered lightly. With the incident of Huashi, I'm afraid she won't be favored anymore, but the lady is reasonable, as long as she doesn't do wrong, life should not be sad.

Bai Ting'an took the divorce book and went out, and the second lady waved at them tiredly, "Go down."

"Baby retires."

Everyone got up, bowed to the second lady, and retreated together.

After leaving the gate, Aunt Ruan whispered Bai Ruoshui: "You must never learn that Bai Ruomeng do stupid things."

She knew her, but she had thought about that person before. She's a husband now, but she can't do such shameful things.

Bai Ruoshui looked reddishly, "I know."

She doesn't have the courage of the fourth sister. Even if she admires that person, she won't seduce people like the fourth sister. She knows it.

"That's good." Seeing Bai Ruoshui was still sensible, Aunt Ruan nodded comfortably. "Let's have a good time with my aunt, the future is still going on."

Bai Ruoshui lifted his eyes and looked at Li Ziru, who was not far away, could not help raising his lips.

Although the husband was far less than that person, it was good for her. My aunt is right, their lives are still long.

"Go." Aunt Ruan pushed her.

Bai Ruoshui blessed the aunt Ruan and walked towards Li Ziru.

"Done?" Li Ziru looked back at Aunt Ruan, but saw that Aunt Ruan had turned away.

"Um." Bai Ruoshui took his hand.

Li Ziru didn't feel comfortable with her sudden intimacy: "What's wrong?"

Bai Ruoshui raised his eyes and glanced at him: "I miss Donger."

Speaking of his younger son, Li Ziru's eyes flashed a bit of thought: "Then after the ceremony, let's go back?"

"OK." Bai Ruoshui smiled and nodded.

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