Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1261: Couple suit

"Miss is too beautiful, more beautiful than fairy."

Put on good makeup, Yunzhi praised.

"Don't wear it." Qiwen put the Queen's crown on the beaver.

The golden phoenix crown added a little bit of popularity to the evil beaver.

"It's beautiful." Mo Beichen glanced at the **** in the bronze mirror and couldn't help but raise his lips.

As if he was married, he was so beautiful that he wanted to hide her and not show it to anyone.

"Miss and aunt are a perfect match." Qing Ye couldn't help but look excited at the two in the mirror.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows in approval.

The **** looked slightly red at the crowns of the two, this guy not only made the dress into a couple, but even the crown.

"Let's see how the two emperors are dressed?"

Bai Ruyue will always hear his voice before seeing him.

Beaver rises with a smile.

Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling came in, and Bai Ruxuan came in and saw a pair of immortal couples.

"I seem to see a fairy." Bai Ruyue blinked, dreamily.

"Me too." Qi Ziling also responded with a sting, and couldn't move his eyes.

Bai Ruxuan even looked at it directly. The third sister was right. They are really the same as gods.

After a long while, Bai Ruyue returned to God and pulled her clothes disgustingly: "Am I wearing like a village aunt?"

Qi Ziling and Bai Ruxuan both laughed.

"Even if it is a village aunt, that's an aura with aura." Baitan smiled.

Qi Ziling also yelled at her: "You're not the protagonist. What's so important about what you wear?"

Bai Ruyue stared with dissatisfaction: "Why isn't that important? Today, my eldest brother and elder sister ascended the throne, we are all royal relatives, this is our Bai Chu's face, this is all dressed like the village aunt, that is not People laughed to death. "

Bai Ruxuan laughed at her: "I'm not a village aunt, the third sister would have to pull us all in."

Everyone is laughing again.

Bai Ruyue nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are not a village aunt, you are a little fairy, wait a moment to see if you like it, and then let the elder brother and elder sister marry you directly."

"Three sisters ..." Bai Ruxuan's face flushed, and she gave Bai Ruyue a strange look.

"Well, don't bother her, you don't know she's thin-skinned." Seeing Bai Ruxuan's face flushed with blood, Baiju came over to save the scene immediately.

Bai Ruxuan hides in shame beside Baijuan.

"Xiao Xuan'er can be changed. This cheek is so thin, how can I find my husband?" Bai Ruxuan laughed and joked.

"Our little Xuaner doesn't need to find a husband, someone has been delivered to the door." Baitan followed with a joke.

Bai Ruxuan's face was even redder, and she pulled the beaver's sleeves shamefully: "The older sister also laughed at me."

Bai Ruyue suddenly became interested: "Who are you talking about, who delivered it to you?"

Qi Ziling also looked at Bai Ruxuan strangely.

But she was with Xiaoxuaner every day. Why didn't she know that Xiaoxuaner had something.

"Don't say it." Seeing Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling were so interested, Bai Ruxuan was anxious and quickly blocked Baiju.

The **** smiled: "Guess, that person might come with us to Xuaner, maybe you can still see it."

Bai Ruyue and Qi Ziling became more curious, who are they? They didn't even notice anything.

Bai Ruxuan flashed expectation in her eyes.

is that true? Will he really come to heaven?

Several people were talking, Chu Xiangjun and the second lady came in.

Seeing that everyone was here, Chu Xiangjun laughed and quipped, "Let you be called individuals, but you have all hid here to chat."

The second lady saw the two people who were the best in the room, and her eyes suddenly lighted up, "Oh, look at these two people who look good, my eyes are straight."

Chu Xiangjun looked at the dress of the two and nodded with satisfaction: "It's really good, especially this dress looks good."

I have to say that Xiao Mo's child looks really good. It is estimated that the gods on that day are not comparable. Fortunately, her raccoon is not bad.

"Yes." The second lady looked at the dress with surprise, "It is a coincidence that the staff of this internal bureau has made this emperor suit so beautiful."

"Bash!" Mrs. Bai Ruyue smiled just after the second lady said, "Where did you want to go, mother of the imperial suit, which was made by the Bureau of the Internal Affairs Bureau? Look at us wearing the village aunt costume. Do it. "

How can you make such tall clothes at the level of the Internal Bureau?

The second lady froze: "Who made this imperial suit, this craft is better than the Internal Affairs Bureau."

"Who else can be, of course, brother-in-law." Bai Ruyue winked at Mo Beichen.

Both Chu Xiangjun and Mrs. Er were a little shocked.

The **** explained with a smile: "This is not ordinary clothes. It is a magic treasure made by Amo. It is a defensive magic weapon."

The two were dumbfounded.

It took a long while for the second lady to return to God: "It turned out to be this way. No wonder the clothes look so good. It turned out to be a magic weapon."

Chu Xiangjun did not find it strange, before she saw that the clothes worn by the two were not ordinary. Now it should be a magic weapon to want to come.

"Well, Ji Shi is coming, don't let your grandfather and second uncle wait for a long time." Chu Xiangjun watched them urging.

The **** responded with a smile: "We have nothing to prepare. They are almost there, and we can go."

"Let's go."

Everyone left the room together.

Baiju and Mo Beichen walked in front, the others followed.

Looking at the team of Qinglong and Suzaku on the mop cape, Bai Ruyue's eyes could not help but light up.

"Look at the eldest brother's ingenuity, the eldest sister is so happy."

She thought that only the crown was a couple. I didn't expect that the dress was the same. I really admire the elder brother's thought.

Others also saw the pair of beasts, both envious and happy.

Especially Chu Xiangjun, was very satisfied with that son-in-law.

What came to mind, Baiju suddenly turned and beckoned to Bai Ruyue, Bai Ruyue hurriedly passed.

"Have the Huashi and Bai Ruomeng been looking for someone?" Baitan asked in a low voice.

There have been too many things lately, she just remembered the mother and daughter who were demon.

Bai Ruyue winked at the beaver: "Rest assured, I'll let them be locked in the room, and let them be released after the ceremony."

Recently, the mother and daughter did not act as demons, maybe they just waited for today, but whether or not she won't let them succeed.


Baijue gave Bai Ruyue an admiring look.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows proudly: "Of course, today is a good day for big brother-in-law and big sister. You must not let those shameless things obstruct your eyes."

Especially Bai Ruomeng, it was disgusting to look at her self-passionate appearance.

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