Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1262: Ascension ceremony

"I'm coming."

After waiting outside, Xie Kun and others saw Baiju and Mo Beichen coming over, and they were immediately excited.

When the two approached, everyone was stunning.

Even though I was used to the looks of the two, I still couldn't help but feel my heart speeding up at this moment.

"Bai Chengzhu and Moye are so beautiful today."

"Yeah, it's a couple of immortals."

"It's a good dress and crown, too."

Both Bai Qiyuan and Bai Tingxuan couldn't help but be stunning.

In particular, Bai Tingxuan, looking at the two people, gave him the illusion that they were going to be married.

Feeling like his baby is about to be snatched away, Bai Tingxuan's heart suddenly became sour.

"Ah ..." Seeing everyone watching them, Baitan could not help but cough, "Isn't it good time to come? Let's go."

"Yes, yes, don't miss the good times." Xie Kun nodded again and again.

Huo Bin also said: "The car is already waiting outside."

"Let's go then."

Baitan took Mo Beichen to sit on the new emperor's frame, and everyone else took their own cars.

A large group of people walked out of the imperial palace and headed for the Great Altar of Heaven.

At this time the aunt's yard.

"What time is it now, and this ascension ceremony has not begun." Auntie Hua was lying on the bed, her eyes dimly opened.

Since she bumped into a pillar more than a month ago, her head hurts every day, allowing Bai Tingan to go to Baijuer and Nangong Huang to find medicine, but he did not get her a medicine.

Bai Ruomeng looked at the sky outside: "It should start, it's almost time."

Auntie Hua got up and labored hardly: "Let's go and take a look. Let them be made your concubine anyway today."

For a month, she waited for today. She didn't believe that he was so irresponsible in the presence of the people and civil and military officials in the city.

Bai Ruomeng embarrassedly helped Aunt Hua to get up.

He should have agreed, but in fact she didn't ask for anything else, as long as she could stay with him and see him from time to time, she was willing to do whatever she wanted.

Bai Ruomeng was holding Aunt Hua to go out, but found that the door could not be opened.

"Well, what's going on? Why can't the door open?" Auntie Hua couldn't push the door open, and she was in a hurry.

Bai Ruomeng also panicked: "Someone locked the door."

"It must be the beaver's sword." Auntie Hua scolded and knocked on the door desperately. "Come here, open the door and let us go out."

After knocking for a while, no one ignored them either. Auntie Hua slammed the two-doored door angrily: "Where did Baozhi and Zhenliu die?"

Bai Ruomeng's eyes red anxiously: "What now? If I miss this opportunity, I won't have another chance."

After so many days, I waited for this opportunity.

Auntie Hua was also anxious, but couldn't get out, so she could only get out of the room.

"Baozhizhenliu, you two eat the food inside and out, wait for the old lady to go out and see that the old lady does not pull your skin."

Outside, Baozhizhenliu was not afraid.

When she can come out, it may be when she is swept out of the palace.

The entire palace was driven out with the new emperor's car, leaving the mother and daughter of the Hua family and the two maids of the caretaker.

When the new emperor drove out of the palace, they were greeted by the people.

Not only the people in Shengtian City, but also many people who came from other cities and wanted to see the true content of the new emperor.

"This is the new emperor. It looks as good as the gods."

"It's worth emperor. I've grown up like this and haven't seen anyone so nice."

"I heard that two emperors ascended the throne today. This has not happened in Yunjing."

"No, I heard that the two new emperors have a very good relationship, so they decided to ascend the throne together."

"Come and see. This is Bai Chu's first emperor ascended the throne. Be sure to check it out."

The people on both sides scatter petals towards the car in the middle.

The petals of the sky flew into the car, making people who were already all over the city more dreamy.

Behind Bai Ruyue and Bai Ruxuan, they were all in the sky full of flowers.

"It was such a feeling to be a relative of the imperial family, so prestigious." Bai Ruyue smiled happily holding Nangong Huang's arm.

This is the first time she has grown so powerful.

Nangong Huang drowned her head and kissed her, knowing that she liked majestic style, he took her back to Qingying.

"Mother-in-law, what is the relative of the imperial family?" Bai Giayu burst into a small head.

Before Bai Ruyue answered, Bai Huaijin looked at Bai Giayu disgustedly: "The imperial family and relatives mean the official and apprentice Sun."

Bai Jiayu blinked and stared at Bai Ruyue again: "Is my brother right?"

Bai Ruyue smiled and held Bai Niyu in her arms: "That's what it means."

In theory, that's right.

"Is that brother Chang and Yue are relatives of the emperor?" Bai Giayu asked with a crooked head again.

"Certainly." Bai Huaijin rushed to answer again. "They have also come to tour the street, they must be relatives of the imperial family."

Only the relatives of the emperor can go to the street with Shi Gong.

Hearing that Bai Huaichang and Bai Huaiyue are both relatives of the imperial family, Bai Niuyu was happy.

Looking at the clever son, Bai Ruyue just wanted to compliment two words, and then listened to Bai Huaijin again: "But they are all the nephew of the teacher. We are the apprentice of the teacher. "

Bai Ruyue narrowed her eyes in tears.

How come their seniority is higher than Chang'er and Yue'er, obviously they are one generation lower.

Nangong Huang also rubbed Bai Huaijin's head helplessly. I didn't know what was installed in this little brain.

"Dad, am I right?" Seeing Nangong Huang neglect him, Bai Huaijin also raised Xiaobaozi's face and asked.

Nangong Huang blinked and nodded, "Yes, that's it."

Bai Huaijin was happy and pulled Bai Niyu: "Get out of the car and let Brother Chang and Yue call us Uncle."

Bai Jiayu nodded obediently.

Listening to Bai Huaijin's serious words, Bai Ruyue stared at Nangong Huang strangely.

How to teach blindly, the children are stingy.

Nangong Huang smiled and held her in her arms.

What's the matter, I always understand when I grow up.

In the other cars, everyone smiled brightly.

After deliberately walking around the Holy Emperor City, he finally reached the Holy Altar.

This altar came before the successor of the beaver, and this time the ascension ceremony was also selected here. By the way, it will sacrifice to heaven, and it will avoid much travel.

Qin Lang and Qin Tian took the army early and surrounded the altar and leaked water.

The perimeter of the altar was already full of people who came to watch the ceremony. This time, the people were several dozen times more than last time. It seems that the people of Bai Chu are still very interested in the first new emperor.

Mo Beichen helped Baitan get out of the car and drove.

"See Modi, see Baidi." The soldiers bowed down.

The following cars also arrived one after another, and everyone got off one by one.

"It's time to go. Please ask the new emperor to ascend the throne."

It is still Ju Lao who sings on it.

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