Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1263: Naked dog abuse

Mo Beichen reached out to Bai Tan, and he smiled and put his hand on the palm of Mo Beichen.

The two held hands and stepped on the 10,000-step high platform together.

The black and red long fall cape is like two long carpets shining with light, pointing to victory and glory.

The stairs are very long. When they reach the top, people can hardly see them, but they still can't bear to look away.

Standing at the highest place, Ju Lao, watching the two fairy-like characters approaching each other, gave him the illusion of being in a fairy palace.

A whole cup of tea, the two people stepped on that 10,000-step high platform.

Ju Lao took out a volume of imperatives: "Bai Chu established the country, the new emperor ascended the throne, and dared to use Xuanmu to tell the emperor and the **** of the earth: Cloudscape territory, the original eight minutes of the world, after several wars, the shape of the four kingdoms, Bai Chutian The number of calendars, the end of the world, ca n’t refuse to destiny, the artifact must not be long-lasting, the ministers can not be without master, the machine must not be unorthodox, the two new emperors Mo Bai, choose Yuanli, and board The altar was ravaged by the emperor's seal. But there is a deity! 祚 Yu Baichu, Yongsui Tianji! "

After Ju Lao read the decree, some people came forward with the newly made jade seal.

Two new emperors, two jade seals, and dragons and phoenixes meet each other.

They both smiled and took the jade seal.


"Mo Di, Bai Di, Long live Long live Long live!" All the soldiers and the people all kneeled.

Except for Bai Qiyuan, Bai Tingxuan, and Chu Xiangjun, none of them kneeled.

Xie Kun and they were all excited. The city owner and Mo Ye finally reached the throne, which is great.

Qin Tian and Qin Lang were also very excited. The prince and princess finally reached the throne, and they waited for this day too long.

Hubak and Yan Hongtian were both very happy. Xinjun succeeded him. I believe that Bai Chu will get better and better in the future.

Both Bai Yihan and Bai Ruyue both smiled. They finally became emperors, but they did not expect that they would have one day to become relatives of the emperor.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun were also touched. I did not expect that they would still have a day to watch them grow up. Nothing could be happier than this.

Looking at the two on the platform, Bai Qiyuan nodded silently.

Although he knew that the two children were different in the early morning, he did not expect that they would achieve such achievements. He was really pleased.

Mo Beichen and Baiju looked at each other, smiling at each other.

"Flat body."

After that is the time to sacrifice the heavens. Unlike the last time, this time the two people sacrificed the sky together, but the ceremony was more solemn.

"The new emperor sacrifices to heaven!"

Immediately a waiter brought in pomelo leaves.

After they washed their hands and burned incense, they began to worship the sky.

Soldiers and the people kneeled down and sacrificed to heaven.

After the sacrifice ceremony was over, Bai Tan and Mo Beichen went to the highest wall on the holy sky to ring the bell.


Three ringing bells spread throughout the holy heaven, which means that a new country is born and it conveys new hope for the people.

"Long live Moti!"

"Long live Baidi!"

"Long live Bai Chu!"

The people below were all enthusiastically cheering, and the sound of firecrackers came one after another, showing the people's excitement and excitement.

The white raccoon stood at the highest place, blowing the warm wind, could not help but hang the corners of his lips.

Although the responsibility is great, she is still very happy. Their joy and stability will be her life's work.

Mo Beichen hugged Beaver from behind him: "Are you happy?"

The **** nodded and looked at their city far away: "I seem to hear the cheers from the frontier."

Even if she can't see it, she can feel the enthusiasm of the people all over the country.

A new country, new hope, Bai Chu will eventually be their final belonging.

Mo Beichen hooked her lips and leaned down to kiss her delicate lips.

The **** blushed blushing, but did not resist him, closed his eyes and let him kiss.

"Oh! Oh!"

Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, the people in the city boiled.

"Modi, Baidi, Long live Long live Long live!"

The entire heavenly sky seemed to be rendered by the sweet atmosphere of the two, with a pink romantic atmosphere.

Bai Ruyue watched the two men kiss themselves, and couldn't help laughing: "Big brother-in-law and big sister really abuse dogs."

As soon as she spoke, Nangong Huang leaned over and kissed her.

Xu was influenced by the two above, and Bai Ruyue was not shy, and hugged Nangong Huang and kissed back enthusiastically.

Bai Yihan also couldn't help kissing Qi Ziling. Qi Ziling's face turned red, but she did not resist.

The two new emperors on the city wall don't know yet, because of their behavior, many loving couples below have begun to show their affection in public.

What's more, it affects the whole style of Shengtian City in the future. Compared with other countries, Bai Chu will be the most open country.

Bai Ruxuan stood among a bunch of intimate lovers, unable to help but flushed.

The third sister is right, this is really dog ​​abuse.

Bai Tingxuan hugged Chu Xiangjun and smiled with relief.

"Are they happy?"

Chu Xiangjun leaned into Bai Tingxuan's arms and looked at the two kissing on the tower.

Bai Tingxuan chuckled: "I will."

At first he was not confident about the boy, but after some time of observation, he finally understood why the girl Tanuki chose him.

In addition to growing up well and being high, the boy was quite passionate. This is also the place where he is most satisfied with him. I believe he will give Tanuki happiness.

Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi, Elder Tu stood together.

"Mr. Mo." Looking at the intimate pose of the two, Elder Tu could not help but fly his eyebrows.

"It looks like it won't be long before the little prince is born." Elder Yuan also laughed.

Elder Feng said to Bai Qiyuan directly: "Congratulations to Brother Bai."

As they said, Bai Qiyuan was yearning for it.

"I don't know how cute these two dolls will be," even Bu Yangzi couldn't help expecting.

Bai Qiyuan gave him a dismissive glance: "No matter how cute it is, it doesn't matter to you."

Bu Yangzi suddenly snorted dissatisfied: "It doesn't matter, boy Mo and girl Tan are my apprentices, and the baby doll is my apprentice."

"That's my great-grandson."

"My disciple." Bu Yangzi stalked his neck.

"My great-grandson." Bai Qiyuan also stretched his neck to the longest.


Elder Tu, they all narrowed their eyes.

"It's a good day today, joyous." The sound of deafening firecrackers came to his ears, Elder Tu said happily.

Elder Yuan raised an eyebrow with a smile: "Girl Tan and Kid Mo have reached the throne, should we celebrate?"

"Then hit the horses, how about the 800th round of the war?" Elder Su suggested.

"When you say hit, hit."

A few of them flashed their eyes and ran on the mountain, running up Fengshen Mountain.

Everyone always maintains consistency in the matter of slinging.

"It's my disciple."

"My great-grandson."

Elder Tu went far away, and Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi were still arguing.

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