Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1264: Canonization ceremony

On the city tower, Mo Beichen kissed Bai Bai's body softly, so she let go of her reluctantly.

The beaver's face was flushed, and he nestled softly in Mo Beichen's arms.

As if he was thinking of so many people underneath, Baitan glanced at Mo Beichen with a wink.

Mo Beichen's heart warmed up and hugged her suddenly, flying from the tower to the exclusive car of the two.

"Back to the palace!"

With a loud shout, the car drove to the palace in an instant.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun also boarded the car and followed them back to the palace. Only Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi were still arguing.

The mighty army followed the car, and the people rushed to see it off.

Everyone returned to the Royal Palace and arrived at the White Chu Hall.

"Modi arrives! Baidi arrives!"

The loud singing sounded, and Mo Beichen led Bai Tan into the hall.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the two, with excitement, envy, and excitement.

The two stepped on the jade steps together and sat on a dragon chair, because the new emperor had two people, so the dragon chair was made especially wide.

After the two sat down, Xu Zhong stepped forward with the imperial edict: "Carried in heaven, the emperor said: Only the Holy Heaven for thousands of years, inherited the heaven and earth, with the help of friendly nations, wipe out the blue illusion, disobedience, red, Dongtong The sea area, the Minjiang River in the south, the ice field in the west, the mountains in the north, and the territory of thousands of miles. Then it inherited the sky, called the kingdom of the emperor, the country was named Bai Chu, and it was called holy heaven, feudal world. "

"See Modi, Baidi, Long live my Emperor!"

"Flat body."

The crowd stood up and stood on both sides.

Beaver looked at everyone with a smile: "From today, we are Bai Chu Kingdom. Our country has a huge territory, with the sea to the east, the river to the south, the farthest to the snowy ice fields to the west, and the Senro Mountains to the north. It can be said that The vast expanse of things is also a blessing to the people of Bai Chu. "

Baiguan heard nods.

The current territory of Bai Chu is no smaller than that of the other three countries, and Yunjing is becoming a quarter of the world.

"Of course, we can have today. The other three friendly countries have also helped a lot. Therefore, Mo and Emperor decided that Bai Chu and the other three countries should hand in each other for a hundred years. The proposal has been sent to the three countries. All three have written back and agreed to pay. OK, and would like to sign a good agreement without a century of war. "

Not only do they not want to fight, Bai Xiao believes that Xiao Xiao and Qing Ye, and even Mo Xue doesn't like fighting. It is a treaty for everyone to sign a no-war agreement.

"It is better not to fight, so that the people can live a good life."

"Yeah, yeah, there will be no war for a hundred years, and the people will be able to recuperate."

"This is probably the thing most people would like to see, the new emperor is wise."

"Emperor wise!"

The ministers kneeled together.

The **** raised his hand with a smile: "Okay, don't make a fart, just get up."

"Xie Dijun."

Everyone laughed and stood up.

Mo Beichen: "Start the canonization ceremony."

The people below instantly became excited.

Xu Zhong changed the imperial decree and came forward again: "Tai Gong Qi Yuan, stand up to the sky, live a horse, and honor as Bai Chu deity; Master Bu Yang, cultivated as a profound, respected, respected and respected as a great master. Jingqi Huang, benevolence, respect for the first master and second prince; Bai Gongtingxuan, Jin Dao Tie Ma, the hero is roughly, respect for the white Chu God of War; Chu's Xiangjun, soft and gentle lady, motherly preparation, respect for the Emperor Xiaoxiao Empress Dowager; Bai Gongtingan, filial piety, sincerity and high respect, respected as An Xiaogong; Su Shiqinger, virtuous Shude, Zhenjing held a bow, and was named Mrs. Dexian.

"Thank Lord Ron!"

The only leader was Bai Ting'an and Mrs. Er, who made the old man and Bu Yangzi absent.

The second lady was very satisfied with her canonization, but Bai Tingan was a little disappointed. He thought he would seal him as a prince, but he did not expect it to be a useless title. But he did not dare to have an opinion. After all, his relatives only had one title.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun didn't care at all. They were just as happy whether they were sealed or not.

"Bai Yihan, brave and fierce warrior, blue blood red heart, the title of the emperor Jinping Yi Jin, his wife Qi's purple spirit, succulent blue heart, filial piety and filial piety, the emperor Jinping Yi Jin, his son Huai Chang, named Jin King Shizi.

"Thank Lord Ron!"

Bai Yihan and Qi Ziling led Xiao Changer together.

Bai Yihan was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect to be named Wang Ye. He thought that he was at most Hou Yezi and the like.

In fact, Baijuan intentionally skipped Bai Tingan and directly sealed Bai Yihan. After all, the older brother is more reliable than the second uncle.

Bai Ting'an heard that his son had blocked the king, and he was both happy and dissatisfied. It was his son who was pleased to be the king, and the son who was dissatisfied when he was the king, but he was only a duke.

"Nangong Huang, loyalty and filial piety, benevolence, benevolence, honour and honor, the title of Emperor Yipin, his wife Bai Ruyue, spiritual wisdom, purity of virtue, the emperor of Emperor Yipin, the honorary title Lingyue, and his son Huaijin Fengxian Wangshizi, his daughter grip Yu, Feng Jiamin County Lord. "

"Thank Lord Ron!"

Nangong Huang and Bai Ruyue also led Huai Jin and Yu Yu together.

Bai Ruyue didn't expect that she could be a princess, let alone that Nangong Huang had been banned from the royal family. Then she is both a princess and a princess, and she can walk sideways in this holy heaven city in the future.

After all, Nangong Huang is the prince of the Qing Dynasty. He didn't have much fuss about the title of the concubine and calmly accepted the decree.

Bai Ting'an was even more depressed this time. He and his son-in-law and daughter-in-law were all older than him. Even the grandchildren's ranks were higher than him.

The second lady was very happy, and was really happy for them.

"Ru Baixuan, Wen Zhenggongliang, Youyou Ze, Princess Huang Yipin, honor and filial piety, Bai Huaiyue, Feng Rong Yihou."

"Thank Lord Ron!"

Bai Ruxuan also led Bai Huaiyue together.

Bai Ruxuan was moving, especially the elder sister and elder brother sealed Xiaoyueer. At the time, the second sister had done so many wrong things, but the elder sister didn't implicate Xiaoyue at all and still loved him so much. Sending Xiao Yue'er back to Baifu is perhaps the second sister's best thing in her life.

Bai Huaiyue understands, but still does not understand.

Bai Ruxuan rubbed his little head lovingly, wet his eyes and said, "Be sure to treat yourself well in the future and honor your aunt and uncle."

"Um." Although Bai Huaiyue didn't understand, she was well-behaved by Bai Ruxuan. "I have to honor my aunt, my third aunt, and my second grandmother ..."

Bai Ruxuan happily hugged him and kissed him.

The reason why she asked him to wait for three years was that she couldn't let go of Xiaoyueer, he was too young.

The relatives of the emperor and the relatives were considered to be closed, and Baiju looked at them again: "The country must not be without a king for a day, nor a minister for a day. Is n’t it time for the founding fathers to hear the reward?"

"Hehehe ..."

Everyone laughed when they heard what they said. This white emperor has become the emperor. He is so sloppy, but it has dispelled a lot of their tension.

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