Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1265: Contention

"Cough ..." Bai Tan coughed slightly and began to take things seriously: "Yan Hongtian, Hu Buck."

"Being there."

The two immediately stepped forward, kneeling on one knee.

"Yan Hongtian, the chief of Fengchishui City, is the king of the West County, and he is in charge of the northwestern city, and is hereditary for three generations.

The previous imperial decree was sung by Xu Zhong, but now this one was said by the **** himself, which also shows the importance of the beaver.

Both were overjoyed, "My courtiers, with gratitude."

Although it is only a county king, this effect is greater than that of Wang Ye.

Seeing them happy, Beaver laughed.

She believes they can help her manage Bai Chu.

The **** looked at Chi Youhai and Li Maozi again.

"Zi Youhai, Li Maozi, Wanjiabao, Green Baby, Bai Tingting, Shu Jiuyang, Wu Huailin, Xie Qingyi, Hang Xiujie, the nine main city captains were founding patriarchs, hereditary generations.

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

Nine people were also very happy, and came forward to receive gratitude.

Although the title was not as high as Hubak and Yan Hongtiangao, the founding father was very bullied.

Beaver chuckled, she would never treat anyone who helped her.

The other city owners who did not get the title were all disappointed. Of course, they were more regretful. If they did not see the wind, they would make the rudder better.

Feng Xiaoye and Gu Jingyou, Baijue also sealed the count, but when they saw the wind to make the rudder like Chen Qinghe and Ding Taiyuan, Baijue no longer had the title. This time, I will teach them a lesson and let them grow next time Long memory.

"General Qin Tian, ​​Qin Lang." Bai Tan looked at Qin Tian and Qin Lang in uniforms.

"The minister is here." The two approached, kneeling on one knee.

Baitan looked at Mo Beichen and motioned for his order. Qin Tian and Qin Lang are his people. I believe they also hope that A Mo will give the order.

Mo Beichen looked at the two men: "General General Qin Tianfeng marshals the right wing and leads the one million army, General General Qin Langfeng marshals the left wing and similarly leads the million.

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

Both looked down respectfully.

Not as happy as others, but the two were very happy, because the intention was set by Mo Di himself.

Seeing that they were both satisfied, Baiju looked at Xie Kun and Huo Bin again: "Xie Kun, the head of the Iron Blood, Huo Bin."

"Being there."

The two stepped forward, kneeling on one knee.

"Xie Kunfeng, commander of the Iron Blood Corps, is a general in the south of the town. He is in charge of 500,000 troops and guards Nanmin.

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

The two respected each other.

For a while both men felt a lot of burden. Although they were the head of the regiment, they did not bring so many soldiers, but no matter what, they will work hard for the two new emperors and never give them. Baidi shame.

"Yu Zhongjin, Ren Tianheng."

"The minister is here." The two approached, kneeling on one knee.

Bai Tan looked at them solemnly: "Yu Zhongjin is the left phase, and Ren Tianheng is the right phase. I hope that you can support each other and truly benefit the people of Bai Chu."

The reason why they were chosen as prime ministers was because they believed in their strength, and because of trust.

Needless to say, Yu Chongjin has been in charge of the holy heaven these years. Except for Xie Kun and Huo Bin, she trusts him most.

Well, Ren Tianheng, he has been doing his duty as a guard dutifully these years, but he is a capable person. It is a pity to be a guard. I hope he will not disappoint her.

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

They both responded gratefully, especially Ren Tianheng. He never thought that she would appoint such a high official position as his prime minister. He would definitely do it well and never let her down.

"Cao Yue, Ni Jun, Shan Jiang."

"The minister is here." The three stepped forward.

"All members of the Iron Blood Mercenary Regiment are designated as the Royal Forest Army, and Feng Cao Yue is the leader of the Royal Forest Army, given the rank of General Yi Ni, and Ni Jun and Shan Jiang are the Chief of the Royal Forest Army, given the rank of Captain Sanpin."

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

All three smiled, and thanked Shane.

"Wu Xun, Xun Xing, Hao Long, Hang Yong."

"The minister is here." The four came forward together.

"All the disciples in Xianhu Palace are designated as the Heavenly Guards, Wu Xun, Xing Xing, Hao Long, and Hang Ning are also the leaders of the Guards, giving the rank of General Erpin."

"Ching, congratulate Shane."

The four were all moved by their faces. I didn't expect them to change from a bandit to a garrison in the holy sky city. Thanks to Baidi for this step by step.

The **** gently raised his lips. Before they were bandits, they often harmed the people in the city. Now letting them guard the holy people is atonement.

There are also Gongyi and Gongjiu, and Baiju also compiled them into shadow guards only loyal to Emperor Baichu.

From the palace to the palace nine, the nine shadow guard captains all have 100,000 soldiers and horses. Usually, these soldiers and horses are mixed in the army for training. When something really happens, the 900,000 soldiers and horses must listen to the nine shadow guard captains.

"We should all be sealed up, and the appointment should be appointed. As for other official positions, we must also hold scientific examinations and other appointments."

These officials are definitely not enough, but fortunately, they can gradually improve the mechanism and do not worry.

Bai Tan looked at Yu Chongjin and Ren Tianheng: "It's up to you to do the scientific research."

"The official obeys."

The two immediately bowed.

"Xie Kun and Huo Bin, you should pay more attention to the selection of generals. If you have good talents, report them directly to You and Modi."

"The official obeys."

The two also bowed.

The outside came in and reported: "The two emperors Qiqi and Zixiao envoys to see."

"Hurry up."

Baitan has some expectations. I don't know who will come this time? Murong Ye should not come in person.

"See you in the Xiaoxiao."

A chorus came, and everyone turned to the entrance of the hall.

Soon, two men and two women came in.

The **** immediately rejoiced when he saw Murong Jinhong and Bai Qingyan.

"Aunt, aunt."

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen went directly to the dragon chair to welcome them.

Bai Tingxuan and Chu Xiangjun were also surprised.

It turned out that the ambassadors of Zixiao were Qingyan and Jinhong. The little emperor did have the heart. Now they can stay in the holy heaven for two days.

When Bai Ruxuan saw Murong Yan, she also blushed slightly.

Why is he here?

It turned out that not only Murong Jinhong and Bai Qingyan came, but also Murong Yu and Murong Yuyu.

Murong Yusong wanted to come here for fun, and she also wanted to see what the cousin Tanzi they built looked like.

As for Murong Yan, the little emperor could not be ground, so he ordered Murong Jinhong to accompany them.

Since Murong Yue entered the hall, his eyes locked on Bai Ruxuan.

I haven't seen her for more than a month, she seems to have lost weight.

Without his flute for more than a month, I wonder if she would be afraid at night?

After he came this time, he would not leave again.

He had already told his mother-in-law and emperor that he would stay in the holy sky and never return.

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