Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1266: The little emperor sent him to kiss

"Lizi, Xiao Mo, congratulations."

Bai Qingyan pulled the **** and smiled with relief.

This child is also regarded as she grew up. I didn't expect that there would be another day. It was wonderful.

"Brother, second brother."

Murong Jinhong also smiled and greeted Bai Tingxuan and Bai Tingan.

"You were invited before, but you didn't come. It turned out that I was holding here." Bai Tingxuan smiled and patted Murong Jinhong's shoulder.

Murong Jinhong was helpless. The little nephew asked them to come to the heavenly congratulations on behalf of Zixiao. Because they were going to come, they waited until today.

"This is a congratulatory gift from our emperor." Murong Jinhong personally presented a gift. This was his main task. This was a must.

"Thank you for the little emperor for me." Mo Beichen took the congratulatory gift and let Xu Zhong collect it.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law ..."

After waiting for a few people, Murong Yuxi stepped forward to salute.

Chu Xiangjun smiled and looked at Murong Yuzhang: "I haven't seen it for more than a month. It seems that Yuzhang has grown a bit higher."

"No, this child is almost catching up with her brother." Bai Qingyan said, worried.

Girls should be as petite as Xiao Xuan'er. It's so tall, and you have to find someone tall.

Murong Jinhong doesn't care. He grows tall, just like his children on the prairie. No matter what, his family is the best. If anyone wants to marry them, he must pass him first. Off, otherwise no one wants to marry his daughter.

Beaver thought about Murong Yusao's story about pro-love again, and his son was a seductive martial artist. Now he is not low in cultivation. I don't know what kind of man can get into her eyes.

Looking up to see Murong Yan, Baitan was a little surprised.

Before, I only paid attention to my aunts and aunts, but I didn't notice that Murong Ye also followed.

She looked along Murong Yan's eyes, and she saw Xiao Xuaner with a blushing face.

The beaver's eyes flashed, and he smiled, "I didn't expect His Royal Highness Shu to be here."

The **** said something, but Murong Yu didn't hear it, or Murong Yuchan aside reminded him, then he turned back and quickly arched his hand: "Yes."

"Since it's here, live with your aunt and uncle for a few more days in Baichu Palace." Baitan laughed meaningfully.

Murong Yu paused for a moment. He wanted to live here all the time, but he couldn't say the words.

Still Bai Qingyan glanced at him and smiled, "This time we have an important thing besides the congratulations."

Everyone looked at Bai Qingyan.

Bai Qingyan watched Murong amusively and said, "Isn't this my son also an adult? The little emperor meant to let him come and kiss."

Bai Qingyan hadn't finished speaking yet, and Murong Ye was already flushed.

When Bai Ruxuan heard Mu Rongxi coming to kiss her, she looked forward to it and panic.

The hundred officials here were all boiling.

"My dear, this Emperor Zixiao is very sincere."

"I heard that His Royal Highness Shu is the king of Zixiao. He also has a land, and the little emperor sent him to kiss him. What does this mean?"

"Good relationship, originally Zixiao had a good relationship with Bai Chu, but now it is even closer."

Baici listened to the words "harmony", and couldn't help pulling his eyes.

What is the meaning of the little emperor? I am afraid that it is Murongye ’s own meaning. He said that it was a relative, but it was not for Xiao Xuaner. Who does n’t know that there is only one Xiao Xuaner in their Bai family who is not married .

But it ’s not bad to think about it, at least Xiao Xuan'er does n’t have to marry far away. This is really in line with Grandpa ’s words. All Bai ’s daughters stay at home.

"This matter is not urgent, we can discuss it from a long-term perspective." Baici hooked his lips, said ambiguous, and surely saw Murongyu showing disappointment.

The **** peeped at Xiao Xuan'er's reaction again, and when she saw that she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, she smiled helplessly.

"Yes, this matter is not urgent, let's discuss it slowly." Bai Tan said, Bai Qingyan had to follow suit.

Anyway, look at Yun Xiaozi like this, the marriage must be peaceful, it depends on how he got hurt.

"I'll see you, the ambassador."

The loud singing outside immediately caught everyone's attention.

Beaver raised his eyes curiously, and saw a familiar figure coming in.

The beaver's eyes were shining brightly, and it was Xue Qingyu!

They are all acquaintances, Bai Tingxuan and Murong Jinhong. They all smiled when they saw Xue Qingyu.

Xue Qingxi went to several elders and saluted one by one.

"I didn't expect us to meet here, it's a fate." Murong Jinhong patted Xue Qingyu's shoulder with a smile.

"Well, this is the fate." Xue Qingxi also smiled.

The most amazing thing is that people who were previously Zixiao obviously now represent three countries.

"Did you come alone? Didn't Nangong Ying come with you?" Baiju looked at Xue Qingyu and asked.

Xue Qing's lips went off: "The emperor took Sihan and Nianxue to play, and she couldn't walk away."

Xue Qingyu said and handed the gift to the beaver.

"Thank you." The **** received the gift. "Unfortunately Nangong Sakura can't come. I thought I could drink again this time."

Xue Qingxi chuckled: "I have a chance in the future."

Bai Ruyue heard two young children go out to play with the former queen of the emperor.

I have n’t seen them for almost half a year, and I do n’t know if they are okay?

Knowing what she was thinking, Nangong Huang apologized to her and said, "When we're done here, we'll go to Qingyu to pick up the child for a while."

Bai Ruyue flashed his eyes suddenly: "You said, we'll go in two days."

"OK." Nangong Huang nodded assuredly.

"Me Xue Xue sees you."

There was another chant, and the ministers began to talk again.

"I didn't expect this Mo Xue people to come to congratulate."

"It's normal. Who made us Modi the regent of theirs before? I heard that Moxue still retains the title of our Modi."

"I don't know who they came from this time?"

Everyone stretched their necks and looked out curiously.

Bai Tan glanced at Mo Beichen, and he was inexplicably surprised to see him.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, three men came in: Beixiao, Beiziyan, Beiyiyang.

The **** raised his eyebrows. This lineup is okay. The three best men in Beijia are here.

The three came in and saw Baitan and Mo Beichen both off the dragon chair, but they were a little surprised.

It was the first time I saw an emperor who received a ambassador under the jade steps, but a few people immediately became aware of the people standing under the jade steps.

Well, these are all acquaintances. No wonder the two new emperors are so sloppy.

"The messenger sees the two new emperors."

The three stepped forward and saluted them.

"The general North is polite." Baitan raised his hand with a smile.

The three stood up and Bei Xiao personally gave a gift: "This is a gift that the Holy Spirit personally chose for the two emperors."

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