Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1285: Do everything and spoil your life

Murong Jinhong looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was not afraid, and he wanted to explain to him what happened before.

"You like our sister-in-law." Murong Jinhong said suddenly.

Qin Tian looked down: "Yes."

As soon as a "yes" word was exported, Murong Jinhong's iron fist waved over, and Qin Tian did not hide this time.

"Boom", Iron Fist hit his right eye, and instantly became blue.

Qin Tian didn't say a word, didn't even move his body.

If he can be deflated by beating him twice, then he can do whatever he wants.

"Do you still like it now?" Murong Jinhong slanted him.

"Like." His answer remained firm.

"Boom" was another iron fist, Qin Tian's left and right eyes were symmetrical.

Qin Tian still didn't move, his body was straight.

Murong Yu, who heard the movement outside, was so anxious that she rushed in, but was pulled by Bai Qingyan: "I believe in your father, your father is a decent man."

Murong Yu looked anxiously at the closed door, wondering what his father had done to Qin Tian?

Looking at Qin Tian's pair of panda eyes, Murong Jinhong was quite relieved: "Now?"

Qin Tian looked up at Murong Jinhong: "I like Murong Yuyu, no matter how many punches you hit me, I love her."

Murong Jinhong lengheng: "You have the backbone, if I just don't agree."

Qin Tian's eyes rolled around: "My sister-in-law and I love each other very much. Brother-in-law often says that you love her the most in this world, and you must also want her to be happy."

"Less to make me fart, I don't want to eat this set." Murong Jinhong sternly, pretending to be serious.

Qin Tian blinked and stopped talking.

"I asked you if you were unclear with other women before, whether you have ever had a marriage contract, haven't been to a green house, and you haven't touched a military prostitute. You can answer clearly."

I have to say that this **** is still useful, this is a sign of slackening.

Qin Tian immediately stood upright and answered carefully: "I have never had a marriage contract, I have never been to a green house, I have never touched a military prostitute, and I have never been confused with other women."

Murong Jin raised her eyebrows and asked, "After marriage, I plan to collect a few servants and housemates."

Qin Tian frowned, and answered, "Three thousand weak water, only one scoop."

Murong Jinhong raised her eyebrows again: "What if you run into danger in the future?"

"The world is peaceful, there is no war for a century." Qin Tian thought for a while, and said, "If it is really in danger, it will definitely come back to protect his wife and children alive."

He didn't care about it before, he didn't care about life and death. Now it's different. He will never joke about his life. He wants to protect her for life.

"How do you make your son happy?"

"Put everything out and spoil your life."

Murong Jin raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the boy answered, and he was quite satisfied. Whoever said it was a big ice cube was obviously a deliberate ghost.

"Cough ..." Murong Jinhong coughed uncomfortably, looking at Qin Tiandao, "For your sake, I give you a chance."

Qin Tian immediately ignited hope.

Murong Jinhong raised her chin: "As long as you are willing to get involved, I agree to your marriage."

Into the burden?

Qin Tian paused for a moment.

Outside, Murong Yu was so anxious that she didn't know what Dad said to Qin Tian. Why didn't you let them in?

The door squeaked open, and the two turned back instantly.

"Dad!" Murong Yubi quickly greeted.

"You and Qin Tian stroll again, and my mother and consort go back first." Murong Jinhong said with a smile, and left with Bai Qingyan.

Murong Yuxi looked at Murong Jinhong's back inexplicably.

Why did dad talk so suddenly?

"Qin Tian." Murong Yuxi ran into the private room excitedly, but she saw a pair of panda eyes.

Murong Yu was startled, and quickly held him: "What's going on? My father hit you?"

"It's okay." Qin Tian held her hand back. "It doesn't hurt at all."

Murong Yuchen looked at him distressedly: "I said why he suddenly spoke so well, why don't you know how to hide?"

At first glance, his dad didn't have any effort. Seeing that he hit these eyes, he almost became black.

"It really doesn't hurt."

Her dad finally gave him a chance, and what else was he hiding, let alone two, two thousand, and he was next to him.

Murong Yubi sighed, "Did I bring your box of ointment?"

Qin Tian took the box of cream from her arms and handed it to her.

Mu Rongyu took the cream, and he gave him medicine: "My dad, what did he tell you?"

Qin Tian held her into her arms with a smile: "He agreed with us."

"He agreed?" Murong Yu paused suddenly, blinking his eyes dreamily: "Is this true?"


Qin Tian nodded, with a rare smile on his cold face.

"It's great." Murong Yu sullenly hugged Qin Tian's neck, unhappy.

Seeing her happy, Qin Tian hugged her in a circle with one hand.

Murong Yuxi giggled happily: "How the **** did you convince my father?"

Dad's attitude was very resolute before he came. Even my mother did his ideological work last night.

Qin Tian's eyes flickered softly: "Nothing, so I asked a few questions."

"It's that simple?" Murong Yu looked at him suspiciously.


"Then what questions did he ask?" Murong Yu squinted his eyes and curiously pinched his neck.

Qin Tian simply reiterated Murong Jinhong's question.

After listening, Murong Yuxi sighed softly: "My father really hurts me the most."

Qin Tian rubbed her head petulantly: "Yeah, he loves you very much."

Murong Yu narrowed her mouth. "Fortunately, he agreed, otherwise I really don't know what to do?"

She didn't want to disobey his father, and didn't want to be separated from Qin Tian.

Qin Tian pinched her small face lovingly: "I said I would solve it."

She shouldn't worry about these things, he still didn't do well enough.

Murong Yu leaned into his arms and hugged him.

"How did you answer those questions?" She asked shamefully, and she wanted to know the answers to these questions.

Qin Tian hooked the corner of her lips and did not answer her, but leaned down and kissed her lips.

The two were in a close relationship, but Murong Yu spent a whole afternoon crumpling. Qin Tian did not say his answer.

It wasn't until night that Qin Tian sent Murong Yuyao back.

Murong Yuxi grew more and more curious, so instead of returning to her room, she went to Murong Jinhong instead.


As soon as they reached the door of their room, Murong Yuxi heard Bai Qingyan's high voice and paused.

"Is the boss, isn't it difficult for you to be others?" Bai Qingyan frowned and looked at Murong Jinhong.

Mu Rongjin hung his neck unpleasantly: "I can't do anything for him, and I don't have to force him to marry my daughter."

Bai Qingyan glared at him: "Will he agree?"

Murong Jinhong raised her eyebrows proudly: "He doesn't agree that I can let him go shopping with us."

It's beautiful.

The two were talking and the door was pushed open.

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