Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1286: Heavy brother

"Yier!" Seeing Murong Yubi, Bai Qingyan immediately waved at her.

Murong Yu squinted her mouth and walked to Murong Jinhong: "Dad, do you really want Qin Tian to recruit?"

Murong Jinhong's eyes flashed: "I didn't force him, he promised."

"Dad, why did he have to recruit him? They have no one at home." Murong Yu slyly pulled Murong Jinhong's sleeve.

Murong Jinhong was unmoved: "Isn't there another puppet in his family?"

Two brothers, just one can be recruited.

Bai Qingyan gave him a glance, what's the kid, kid, everyone is also a marshal.

"He is the boss of his family, how can there be any tricks for the boss?"

"What happened to the boss, you are still my eldest daughter." Murong Jinhong didn't care.

Think of him as a baby girl, he is just like cutting meat.

"You want their second child to do the same."

Anyway, whether it is the boss or the second child, you have to recruit.

"Dad?" Murong Yu was stunned.

Bai Qingyan also glared at him: "What do you say, can this be a joke?"

"I'm not kidding. Didn't you fancy their uncle kid at first? That little kid was the second child, and it just happened to be redundant." Murong Jinhong intentionally said.

Mu Rongyu's eyes twitched: "Why the second child must recruit? The conditions for finding your son-in-law are too harsh."

Murong Jinhong was angry: "Who is Dad for? Dad doesn't feel bad for you yet."

This unknowable girl, isn't he afraid she will go to someone's house to be wronged?

Murong Yu's eyes warmed, and she softened her voice and said, "I know you hurt me, but you don't need to ask him to make trouble. Does he dare to bully me if I marry them?"

"He dares." Murong Jinhong immediately glared at the table.

Murong Yu chuckled, and followed his words: "Yes, he must not dare to bully me, I am the daughter of King Zixiaosu who dares to bully me. Besides, I am the one who bullies."

He Murong Yuzhe has never been a soft persimmon.

"It's my good girl." Murong Jinhong nodded approvingly at Murong Yu.

Murong Yu's smart eyes rolled around, pulling Murong Jinhong's sleeve: "Dad, otherwise we don't have to resort to it, I can't bully them."

"No, you have to recruit."

Failing the strategy, Murong Yu suddenly lowered her head and peeked at Bai Qingyan.

Bai Qingyan coughed twice and then came on.

"Why do you have to recruit? This is still the Marshal. You can't let him resign and go to Zixiao with us. This is not practical."

"How impractical, he went to Zixiao as the Grand Marshal." Murong Jinhong stalked his neck, without slackening.

He didn't believe it. He was a grand king and couldn't get him a marshal.

A row of black lines fell on both mother and daughter's forehead.

"What is this? You want to be treasonable." Bai Qingyan looked at Murong Jinhong, who was stubborn, silently.

This family has always been Xiao Mo's person. He is robbing others of this place.

Murong Jinhong was unwilling: "He agreed, isn't it good for our family? Why don't you agree?"

Isn't it good for my daughter to stay with me? Not only can Cheng Huan knee down, but also many children and grandchildren.

Bai Qingyan nodded: "Yes, it's a good thing for our son to recruit us, but to others, this eldest son and grandson recruit us has no such rules. You are letting Qin Tian be poked by someone else."

Murong Jinhong snorted: "Why is there no such rule, aren't Bai's son-in-law's son-in-law all asking for help? There is also Qingying, he's still the only child, and people don't just ask for help."

"Can Qingyu be the same? The other party is the Empress of Qingyu, and there is no way to get over. Besides, their family still sent Xiao Jingyu back. Do you want them to separate from each other in the future?"

As soon as he heard that he would send his grandson back, Murong Jinhong was unhappy.

"Then, they don't have a puppet at home, just let the puppet have more children."

"Can it be the same?" Bai Qingyan stared at him, thinking he was unreasonable and totally unreasonable.

"How different, all surnames Qin." Murong Jinhong got up with a stalk in her neck. "No more talk about this, you have to add anyway."

With that said, just go inside and ignore the mother and daughter.

Murong Yu looked at Murong Jinhong resentfully. Why did her father ask Qin Tian to enter the burden, and their family did not have no males.

Bai Qingyan sighed and comforted her: "Okay, you go back first, I'll persuade your father."

"Hard mother-in-law." Murong Yu looked gratefully at Bai Qingyan, then retreated.

Murong Yu returned to the room, still absent-minded.

How could he agree? If Dad had to ask him to add extra weight, would he really return to Zixiao with them?

Qin Mansion, Study.


The same high-pitched voice startled the birds and birds outside the window.

Qin Lang stared at Qin Tian in wonder: "Aren't you kidding me, or your future father-in-law joking with you."

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and frowned, "He doesn't seem to be joking."

"No, you really want to ask for trouble." Qin Lang sat down and looked at him earnestly, trying to find signs of jokes on his face.

"This is a request from others. What can I do?"

Not to mention the extra burden, even if he was asked to go to the river, who would have asked him to marry his daughter.

"Then you're tricky, what should I do?" Qin Lang frowned at him, looking like an abandoned puppy.

"Of course you stay here to protect Modi and Bai Chu." Qin Tian patted his shoulder solemnly.

When he grows up, he can stand on his own. Without him, he would not rest assured to leave.

Qin Lang was aggrieved, and they depended on each other since he was a child. But he brought it up in one hand, and now abandoned him for a woman.

"You look at your brother lightly." Qin Lang looked at him with a grievance for a long time and uttered such a sentence.

"That's your sister-in-law." Qin Tian took a moment to stare at him.

Qin Lang snorted: "You are the younger brother."

"Go out!"

"Go out."

Qin Lang angrily went out of the study and went to the stable to feed the horse.

Every time a quarrel with Qin Tian, ​​his horse always eats.

Here Bai Qingyan rubbed Murong Jinhong overnight, Murong Jinhong didn't get into the oil and salt.

Seeing him so determined, Bai Qingyan was completely out of control.

After the next day, Qin Tian asked Mo Beichen and Baiju to talk about the redundant things.

Both of them were a little surprised, but they didn't expect that his uncle would ask for extra burdens. If anyone else, it would be OK, but they really need Qin Tian.

The three were talking, and Bai Qingyan and Murong Jinhong also came over.

"Don't you want to intercede with me again? If you want to marry your uncle, you have to resort to it, otherwise you won't have to talk." Murong Jinhong blocked the conversation without waiting for the beavers to speak.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen looked at each other with a little helplessness.

"I came for you."

Murong Yuying's voice came from outside, and everyone looked up.

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