Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1288: I lost my daughter and then my son-in-law.

Royal Palace, Hakka.

Murong Jinhong and Bai Qingyan are both in the courtyard. A black face is very unhappy.

When Qin Tian came in, he saw this scene.

"See King Su, Princess Su."

When she saw Qin Tian, ​​Murong Jinhong's face became even more ugly.

Bai Qingyan smiled happily: "It's all a family. Why are you so outlandish, just call your aunt and aunt."

"Uncle and aunt." Qin Tian called from the kind.

Murong Jinhong frowned, and said nothing, Quan Dang did not see Qin Tian.

Bai Qingyan was very enthusiastic: "You're here to find your son, Auntie will call you."

Seeing that Bai Qingyan was so good to Qin Tian, ​​Murong Jinhong was even more angry.

"Thank Auntie." Qin Tian immediately bowed.

"You're welcome."

Bai Qingyan called Qin Tian to sit down and went to call someone.

Murong Jinhong stared at Qin Tian with a black face: "Are Bai Chu's generals as leisurely as you?"

"Not busy." Qin Tian didn't justify it, only a few words back.

"Hum!" Murong Jin hummed angrily.

I really don't know what Yan'er and Yun'er look at him. The cold ice is the same as the big ice cube, and it's boring to death.

"Qin Tian."

Hearing Qin Tian coming to find her, Murong Yuxi flew out of the room like a bird and flew into his arms.

Qin Tian catched Murong Yuyan drownedly.

Looking at the intimate looks of the two, Murong Jinhong suddenly felt that something had been snatched away, and she was uncomfortable with her heart and heart.

Murong Jinhong also didn't have any thoughts about drinking tea, so she brought Murong Yuyu over to him: "Do you see how you look like a girl? I don't know how to shy."

Murong Yushui pouted unhappyly, what happened to her, this day is set, and they will be married in three months, what's the matter.

Bai Qingyan stared at Murong Jinhong strangely, and watched Murong Yuyan with a pamper: "Don't care about your father, go play with Qin Tian."

"Thank you mother." Murong Yu was so pleased that Qin Tian ran away.

Murong Jinhong looked at the back of the two, staring angrily: "How can you let them get along alone, then the surname Qin is not at ease."

Bai Qingyan gave him a white look: "What surname is Qin, that is your future son-in-law. Besides how bad Qin Tian is, he is so good and considerate to his uncle."

She is very satisfied with this future son-in-law.

"You're not afraid of them ..."

Before Murong Jinhong's words were finished, Bai Qingyan glared at him: "What do you think of your daughter-in-law and son-in-law, Qin Tian is not such a person, and Xun Er will not be confused."

People have been able to bear it for the past 28 years, and they will not be able to bear it for the past three months. Seeing that he is so painful, he must not do anything special.

Murong Jinhong pouted and stopped talking.

"Don't be sullen, you, Qin Tian's child is very good, and Xun Er also likes it, isn't everyone happy?" Bai Qingyan sat beside him and poured him a cup of tea himself.

Murong Jin snorted loudly: "You are all very happy, I lost my daughter and broke my son-in-law."

Bai Qingyan "snapped" and laughed.

Murong Jinhong glared at her: "You're still laughing. After seeing your daughter get married, you can still smile."

Bai Qingyan pouted: "Why can't I laugh? I'm happy as long as my daughter is happy."

Murong Jinhong's eyes flickered, and she sighed silently.

Forget it, looking at Yuner so favorably with the kid, he reluctantly accepted it, but if he dare to treat him badly, he immediately changed him.

"Yi'er's marriage is settled, and here is still Yier. We should also ask Tanie and Dad to discuss the matter of Yier and relatives."

Mu Rongyu's wedding was a brow eyebrows, Bai Qingyan was relieved, but she did not forget their main purpose of coming to Holy Heaven.

Murong Jinhong hummed: "This is another free gift, how can they disagree."

Seeing him still angry, Bai Qingyan suddenly became speechless: "You don't care, then I will speak for myself."

Bai Qingyan stood up and said deliberately, "How can I say that I am also Huang's emperor? I can't be as irresponsible as some people."

"Who says I don't care." Murong Jinhong immediately stood up with her neck around her neck. "My son is my own nephew. I don't care who cares."

Bai Qingyan raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "What else does that cost, let's go."

Before Murong Jinhong resisted, Bai Qingyan took him to Tianluoyuan.

My son's family relationship was settled as soon as possible, and they had to go back early to prepare for their wedding. This marriage is not a trivial matter, but there is much to be prepared for.


The old man heard the coming of the two, and was a little surprised: "You mean that we Xuan'er and the emperor's old nine."

Bai Qingyan smiled and said, "Actually, the two children are in love with each other, especially the child, who is deeply rooted. He went to begging the blue princess and the emperor before he came. See if you are infatuated. "

The old man nodded, he didn't expect Xiao Xuan'er to have a relationship with that boy.

"Anyway, it's a trick, too. Our son-in-law knows the truth, and they are in love with each other, so you agree." Murong Jinhong also helped speak well.

The old man sighed, the relationship between the Bai family and their Murong family was also deep. His baby daughter was married to Murong Jinhong. Before that, Tanci also had a marriage contract with Murong Xu. .

Now Xiao Xuan'er has feelings with his family's Lao Jiu, and he naturally enjoys it. He didn't say anything else, he just felt relieved when he said that he knew the whole thing.

"I have no opinion on this matter, but I have also heard the opinions of the second child's family and Tanuki."

Since the third couple left, the child has been with the second child's family, and the child's family affairs should have asked her.

Bai Qingyan nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, I'll talk to them soon."

Bai Qingyan said diligently added a cup of tea to the old man.

The two sat in Tianluoyuan for a while before going to Baiju.

Knowing that they were talking about Bai Ruxuan's personal affairs, Baiju directly asked the second lady to come over.

She has no opinion on the relationship between Murong Yu and Xiao Xuan'er. After all, this Murong Yu's self-request and relatives are considered sincere. It is also a good thing that Xuan Er doesn't need to marry outside, and seeing the meaning of the two of them should be agreeable, and she has no objection.

The second lady came over and saw Bai Qingyan and his wife were also there. After a moment of sip, she saluted: "I have seen Prince Wang and Princess."

"It's all family, what kind." Bai Qingyan smiled and pulled her to sit down. "This time I asked you to come and tell you about Xiaoxuan's marriage."

The second lady was stunned again, and immediately became serious.

"That's it. Our Zixiao and Bai Chu have always been good friends. You also know that our emperor asked Xuaner to come and kiss him. This Bai family is also an unmarried girl like Xuan Er, so this kiss is Xuan Er and Xuan Er. what do you think?"

After listening to it, the second lady laughed: "This is a good thing, I have no opinion, but this is ultimately related to Xuan's life, and this life-long event still has to ask herself."

She has also seen King Shu, courteous, and Yushu is a good boy, but no matter how good Xuan Er likes it, in case Xuan Er doesn't like him, no matter how good the relationship is.

Bai Qingyan smiled and nodded: "It should be, then the second sibling is troubled to ask Xiao Xuaner what it means."

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