Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1289: Love each other

In the evening, the second lady went to Bai Ruxuan.

"Xuaner, haven't rested yet."

When the second lady entered the house, Bai Ruxuan was doing needlework.

"Auntie Er." Bai Ruxuan put down her small shoes and laughed, "Yue'er's shoes are small, I will make her a new pair."

The second lady took her hand lovingly: "You, there are so many maids in the house, and there is a bureau of clothing in the palace. It is not enough for you to call, be careful to burn your eyes."

Bai Ruxuan laughed: "You only say me, don't you make new clothes for Changer?"

The second lady blushed: "It's not unstoppable, it's all right in this palace all day, and it's really boring to die without needlework."

"I have nothing to do, so I made shoes for Yueer." Bai Ruxuan said in her words.

The second lady gave her a glance: "You should go out and walk around like the owner of Yuxi County. Auntie likes you like to go shopping."

The second lady said that there was a distress in her eyes. The child has been clever and sensible since she was a child. She has no parents around these years, and her temperament has become more and more gentle. Fortunately, the old man wants to give her extra weight, otherwise she really does n’t trust her Married outside.

Speaking of shopping, Bai Ruxuan blushed unconsciously.

In fact, she also went shopping with him secretly these two days, thinking of Murong Ye, Bai Ruxuan's face turned redder.

Looking at the shyness of her little daughter, the second lady's eyes flashed and said, "Actually, today, auntie two is here to ask you something."

Bai Ruxuan looked up: "What is it?"

"Ah ..." Before she spoke, the second lady coughed uncomfortably, "Yes, that King Shu is here for a kiss. Your grandfather and older sister meant to let you marry him."

After the second lady's words were spoken, Bai Ruxuan's face was as red as dripping blood.

Seeing her shyness, the second lady's eyes flickered and asked tentatively: "Shu Wang, you should have seen, what is your impression of him?"

Bai Ruxuan nervously pinched her clothes and lowered her head without saying a word.

The second lady waited for a while without seeing her snoring, and grabbed her hand with a smile: "You child, what else can we mother and daughter say, if you are willing, we should do it, if you don't Just refuse to let your older sister match Wang Shu with someone else. "

After hearing the last sentence, Bai Ruxuan was a little flustered. She wanted to say that she was willing but the shameful words could not be explained.

Seeing her still not speaking, the second lady frowned: "Don't you like him? Or do you want someone?"

Bai Ruxuan shook her head in a hurry.

The second lady blinked, and she couldn't figure out whether she didn't like her or didn't like King Shu.

"Actually, Aunt Er thought that King Shu was very good. He grew up well and had a good family background. He was also willing to ask for extra thoughts. If you think about it, you can reply to me tomorrow."

Knowing her introversion, she didn't want to push her too hard.

She patted her hands in comfort, and the second lady got up and left.

After the second lady left, Bai Ruxuan raised her head, and there was a little annoyance on her bright little face.

She pouted and patted her own head. What was she afraid of? What did Sister Wanda really match him with someone else?

In fact, she should be as brave as cousin Yuhuan. When Auntie 2 returns tomorrow, she must not be like this today.

As soon as the second lady returned to the room, she saw Bai Ruyue waiting for her in the room.

"How did you come?"

The second lady gave her a surprised look. Since she had been awkward with her father, she hasn't come to her room often.

"Mother, come and sit first." Bai Ruyue pulled her down with a smile, and poured her tea diligently.

"What the hell?" The second lady looked at her suspiciously.

Is this girl doing something wrong again?

"Ma'am, what do you think, I'm not in trouble." With a glance at the second lady, Bai Ruyue knew what she was thinking.

She is the mother of four buns, and she is no longer a child.

The second lady blinked and wondered, "What's that?"

Bai Ruyue gathered up in a gossip: "Did you just go to Xiaoxuan?"

The second lady raised her eyebrows, which turned out to be the case.

"You all know?"

"Murong Xi is here for a kiss. It will happen sooner or later." Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrows proudly, and said with excitement, "How? Xiao Xuan'er agreed?"

The second lady sipped her tea and sighed softly: "The child is very introverted and blushes without speaking. I really don't know if she is willing or unwilling. I will ask again tomorrow."

Xiao Xuan'er didn't answer, Bai Ruyue didn't have much surprise.

"Mother, you don't have to ask, you promised it, Xiao Xuaner liked the kid." Bai Ruyue drank the tea and suggested.

"Are you serious?" Listening to Bai Ruyue's words, the second lady immediately came to her spirits.

Bai Ruyue raised her eyebrow: "Of course it is true. Xiao Xuan'er likes that Murong Yu, and Murong Yu also likes Xiao Xuan'er. They love each other."

The second lady was immediately overjoyed, and then she frowned again. "How did you know?"

She and Xiao Xuan'er are so close to each other that they don't know about it?

Sorrowful when she talked about Bai Ruyue, she lamented, "I didn't know that either?"

Bai Ruyue said that he had taken Murong Ye alone to take Bai Ruxuan to go shopping, and Murong Ye had made all the efforts to come and kiss.

The second lady was surprised, she didn't expect this to happen, and she really didn't know it at all.

It turned out that Xiao Xuan'er was the king of Shu Shu from Italy. No wonder his face was so red just now.

"In fact, this is also a good thing. The child also took care of Xiao Xuan'er, and he will be nice to her when he wants to get married."

Xiao Xuan'er is very bitter, and she also hopes she will be happy.

Bai Ruyue nodded: "Murong Yu is not bad, so you need to cooperate actively."

The second lady looked at her somehow, and what did she cooperate with?

Bai Ruyue gathered in front of her, whispered, and heard Mrs. 2 nod.

Early the next morning, the second lady came to Bai Ruxuan again.

"Xuan Er, how did you think about the thing Aunt Er told you yesterday?"

"I ... I ..." Bai Ruxuan blushed, trying to say something, but she couldn't say it.

"No rush, no rush." ​​Seeing her nervously crying, the second lady quickly calmed her. "If you want, just nod. If you don't, just shake your head."

Bai Ruxuan looked at the second lady with a flushed expression and nodded.

Seeing Bai Ruxuan finally expressed her heart, the second lady was relieved and relieved.

"You child made me figure it out." The second lady smiled and patted her hand. "You have a good vision, King Shu is a good candidate, and second aunt also thinks he is good."

Bai Ruxuan's face turned redder. He was the warm light in her darkness. After learning that he was that person, she knew he would be her husband.

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