Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1290: Two couples marry together

Coming out of the warm and comfortable residence, the second lady went to Bai Qingyan.

"Xuan'er agreed, great." Hearing Bai Ruxuan's consent to the marriage, Bai Qingyan was relieved.

Although she knew that the two children were in love with each other before, but without a definitive answer one day, she couldn't settle her heart.

"Is it still necessary to pass the Emperor Zixiao on this date?" The second lady frowned.

This Murong Yu is the king of Zixiao in the end. I am afraid that they can't completely decide the marriage.

"It's okay, let's discuss the days first and wait for us to report back to the emperor." Bai Qingyan said with a smile.

The emperor agreed to let the children come and kiss, and originally planned to let them take the lead, so a brief announcement was made and he was allowed to approve it.

"That's fine." The second lady nodded and smiled. "After the raccoon went down, let's talk to the raccoon to discuss."

"Ask me what to discuss?"

As soon as the second lady's voice fell, Bai Tan arrived with Chu Xiangjun.


Seeing Chu Xiangjun, the two stood up together.

"What are you talking about, so lively." Chu Xiangjun laughed and sat at the table.

Bai Qingyan immediately poured tea for the two of them: "We are discussing the marriage between Yuner and Xiaoxuaner."

Chu Xiangjun's eyes brightened: "This is a great thing."

"Yeah." Bai Qingyan smiled. "Daddy is coming just right, let's choose a day together."

The beaver's eyes flickered: "What other day is it? Just have the same day with Qin Tianmao, and the two couples will be lively together."

The beaver's idea came out, and the three eyes lighted up at the same time.

"That's a good idea, and Tanuki is the smartest." The second lady agreed first, and the two new couples were not lively together!

"I feel good, too, let them be together." Bai Qingyan also smiled.

"Is Xiaoxuaner and Yuner born in the same year?" Chu Xiangjun asked blinking.

She remembered that Tanuki seemed to say that they were as old as ever.

"Yes, they are the same year." Bai Qingyan answered with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the two would be born in about the same time, and now they are going to get married again." The second lady said with emotion.

Bai Qingyan also sighed, "If only Xu's was still there."

The corner of Madam Er's eyes slightly wet her lips: "No, Xuan'er's child is so sensible, so he always makes it a little painful."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

Things were complicated at that time. There was no way to judge who was right or wrong. Xu wasn't wrong. He just pity Xiao Xuaner.

Chu Xiangjun also heard about Sanfang. She didn't expect that Zhao's pregnant was the uncle's child. All in all, it was the old lady's fault. If not, the old lady did so much selfishness. How can things become like this.

"Are there any letters from Xu's these years?" Bai Qingyan was silent for a while, and then asked Mrs. Er.

The second lady nodded: "I received a letter three years ago, but then it was silent."

It was a letter of good news. It seemed as if she had another child with that doctor. She was afraid of Xuan'er, and she didn't dare show it to her.

I thought that she would write again in the future and give it to her again, but then she never wrote again, and the letter was locked in the box by her and never came out.

Hearing Xu's letter for so many years, Bai Qingyan frowned suddenly.

This Xu's is too ridiculous, even if the third child is a big mistake, but the child is right, she left Xuan'er to marry another year, even if she only sent a letter for so many years, this is too Too much.

"This little Xuaner is married, should you tell Xu?" Chu Xiangjun asked with a frown.

How to say Xu's is also Xuan'er's biological mother. This daughter's marriage will not tell her that she can't make it.

The second lady also looked at Bai Qingyan. She also felt that it was time to inform Xu's family. It wasn't that she thought about Xu family, but Xiao Xuan'er should also hope that Xu family would come to her wedding.

Bai Qingyan snorted: "She doesn't want a daughter herself, and tells her what to do?"

Seeing that Bai Qingyan did not agree to find Xu, Chu Xiangjun and the second wife stopped talking.

Baijue's eyes turned around and said: "Be assured that Bai Chu and Zi Xiao's marriage will be known to all four countries. At that time, no matter where Xu is, she will know when Xiao Xuan'er will be married. We do not need to inform her separately. At that time, she will come naturally if she is interested. If she does not come, we will also have a beautiful wedding. "

Their Bai family's daughter, even without a biological mother, would not be able to bear the grievance. Besides, there was grandpa, and grandpa would not let Xiao Xuaner be grieved.

Bai Qingyan applauded: "The raccoon is right, she will come naturally if she is interested, and we will not ask her if she is not interested."

The day when Murong Yu and Bai Ruxuan became married, Bai Tan and Bai Ruxuan went to ask the old man and Murong Jinhong again. They had no opinion, and the day was settled. Two couples married together after three months.

I heard that Murong Yuzhe was going to be married together with Xiao Xuan'er, and she immediately went to Nuanyiju.

"See Lord Shu, see Lord Yuxi."

Thrush Qingzhuang saw the two salute immediately.

"Is Xuaner here?" Murong Yubi asked, and she went inside while pulling Murong.

"The princess is here." Qingzhuang stepped forward and diligently curtained for the two.

Hearing the movement, Murong Yuxi lowered the needle and thread on her hand and greeted it.

"Why are you here?" Bai Ruxuan was ashamed when she saw Murong Yu.

Murong Yuxi pulled Bai Ruxuan excitedly: "Do you know? Let's get married together?"

Are they married together?

Bai Ruxuan paused, but for a moment did not respond to what she said.

Looking at her dumb look, Murong Yu couldn't help explaining: "It was two couples getting married together on the same day."

Murong Yubi nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, that's what I mean, you and Brother Jiuhuang, Qin Tian, ​​and the four of us together."

Murong Yan glanced at Murong Yuyan with a black line. There was ambiguity in how the girl's words were heard.

Bai Ruxuan understood, but her face turned red.

Turned out to be the same day? Wouldn't it be to marry after three months, would it be a little too fast.

Looking at Bai Ruxuan's shy look, Murong Yan's eyes became fiery.

Hearing Bai Ruxuan's marriage with Murong Xuan, the eyes of Qingzhuang and Thrush suddenly became hot.

His Royal Highness Shu was young and handsome, yet powerful and powerful. I never expected that the princess's affairs would be so good.

Seeing that Murong Yu had a lot of things to tell Xiao Xuan'er, Murong Yuxi shouted deliberately: "Oh, I forgot to tell Qin Tian, ​​I'll go to him."

Mu Rongyu said, he would go out automatically.

Turning around, he saw two maids staring at Murongyi's idiot, and Murongyu suddenly lowered his face: "You two sent me out of the palace."

Qingzhuang and Thrush bowed, and stepped back out of the room following Murong Yu step by step.

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