Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1299: Situ Yicheng

White Chu Palace.

The **** looked worried at the red invitation on the table.

As soon as Mo Mo left, Mo Xue sent the invitation card over, and I don't know if Mo Mo can rush back.

The **** stared at the woman's name on the wedding post, curious.

There is no woman's name written on it, not even the last name, but only one identity: the daughter of the northern parents' room maid, which is also interesting.

The **** received the invitation, and began to bury himself in his official business again.

In the past, A Mo was dealing with it. Now that A Mo is gone, she is a little messy.

On Zixiao's side, Mo Beichen understood Qin Tian's lovesickness and stayed for a few more days.

In the past few days, Qin Tian has been with Murong Yuyu, and the two have been shopping together, fighting with Murong Jinhong and fighting the blaze, and also underwent the thunder of Xiao Qin'er.

After Qin Tian spent three days in the palace, Murong Jinhong couldn't bear to rush people: "You marshal is so busy, isn't your emperor so busy?"

"Dad!" Murong Yubi spoke dissatisfied before Qin Tian spoke.

Qin Tian pursed his lips and said, "I'm here to say goodbye."

Murong Jinhong's eyes lightened brightly: "The door is there, walk slowly and don't send it."

"Dad!" Murong Yuxi glanced at her father again before frowning at Qin Tian. "You're leaving so soon."

Bai Qingyan did not give up: "Stay a few more days."

Qin Tian was a little embarrassed: "The state is heavy, and the emperor is worried about Baidi, so he doesn't bother much."

Not only the emperor, he also has a lot of official duties to deal with.

Bai Qingyan frowned: "Since this is the case, I will not leave you, let me send you."

"No need to send it, we will go back on the beast."

"Okay, be careful on your way." Bai Qingyan said and looked at Murong Yu again, "Yi Er sent Qin Tian out."

Murong Yu pulled Qin Tian out.

Outside, Qin Tian hugged her reluctantly.

Murong Yuxi also hugged Qin Tian tightly: "This time I will see you three months later."

Qin Tian kissed her forehead and said, "Wait for me to pick you up."

"Um." Murong Yubi nodded smartly.

Mo Beichen drove the Qinglong to the yard.

"I'm gone." Qin Tian reluctantly glanced at Murong Yu and flew to Qinglong's back.

The Cyan Dragon made a spin in mid-air and shot out.

Murong Yuxi looked at the disappearing Qinglong, and her eyes were slightly moist.

"After three months, my brother-in-law came to pick us up."

Hearing this childish voice, Murong Yuchi looked up and corrected: "It's me, not us."

Murong Yuqin gave her a white look: "Of course it is us. I have to go and see their silly brother."

When speaking, Murong Yuxi could not answer, Murong Yuqin left.

Murong Yu glanced resentfully at the little figure. What the **** is this, if she let her father know that this daughter married two, she would probably faint directly.

The Royal Palace.

The white raccoon was buried in the official document pile, and then he heard a dragon groan outside.

As soon as the beaver's eyes lighted up, he immediately left the pen and ran out.


Seeing the blue dragon hovering in the air, Baiju waved with joy.

Mo Beichen flew down from Qinglong's back, and held Baiju directly into his arms.

"Amo, you're finally back." Baitan hugged Mo Beichen, holding him.

She hasn't been separated from him for so long since returning him early.

Mo Beichen was blinded by her eyes.


Qin Tian flew down from Qinglong's back, and avoided it.

Mo Beichen held the **** horizontally and went to the couch behind the Imperial Study Room.

A few days later, Mo Beichen gave her all his thoughts.

Beaver could not bear his enthusiasm. He couldn't remember the first time. Anyway, Beaver felt that his waist had been broken.

There was another enthusiasm. The **** quickly pressed him: "Can you stop first, I'll tell you something."

Mo Beichen kissed her while taking time to return to her: "I'm listening."

"Will you take a rest?" Seeing that he didn't mean to stop, the **** pitifully begged for mercy.

"the last time."

Mo Beichen kept moving and responded wildly.

Hearing him for the last time, the **** would endure.

But this last time was too long, and the **** did not wait until he stopped, and fell asleep directly.

The two stayed directly at the Imperial Study.

The next day the **** had no strength to go early.

"You continue to sleep, I'll go." Mo Beichen kissed her little face lovingly, then got up and changed clothes.

Baitan fell asleep again, and when Mo Beichen returned, she woke up.

"What were you going to tell me yesterday?" Mo Beichen wrapped her in a quilt and held her in her arms.

The raccoon thought for a moment: "Oh, it was Mo Xue who sent the invitation card, and tomorrow is the day when Situ Yi married.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and did not answer.

The **** reached out and rolled his ink hair: "I thought you wouldn't be able to come back before. I didn't expect you to get back."

Mo Beichen stared at her snow-white jade arm, and immediately began to feel aloof.

The **** was unaware, and still thought for himself: "The bride is the daughter of the long family in the north house, have you seen it?"

Where can Mo Beichen think of the daughter of the long family in the north house, he turned over and pressed her underneath.

The next day, Bailong stared at Mo Beichen on the back of Qinglong.

Mo Beichen blinked in guilty conscience: "Is it uncomfortable, I will rub it for you."

Mo Beichen put her hand on her waist to help her gently rub it.

The white beaver's nest was in Mo Beichen's arms, and was a little sleepy.

Mo Beichen held her in her arms and took out her cloak to put on her.

Looking at her sleepy little face, Mo Beichen kissed her head lovingly.

It was time for him to restrain himself, but every time he touched her, all his restraint would disappear.

Mo Beichen deliberately made Qinglong slow down.

Mo Xue.

Situ Yi was wearing a bright red suit and stood in front of a bronze mirror.

In the mirror, the baby face looked still childish, like a child who was indifferent.

But he knew he was an adult and it was time to get married.

He didn't forget his mother's request, no matter what method he used to sit firmly on the throne.

"Your Majesty's time has arrived, and it's time to welcome her."

Situ Yi adjusted his groom's suit and went out of the palace.

On the other side, the future queen of Mo Xue has also been dressed up, and was supported by Xipo on the sedan.

Kitazuyan rode on a high horse and personally escorted him.

Situ Yi also arrived at the gate of the palace, waiting to meet the bride.

The entrance to the palace was crowded with people watching it.

"I heard that this queen is the daughter of the northern parents' roommate."

"However, there is a daughter in the North Parent Room, and the queen inherited the North Parent Room from the North Branch."

"Whether it's Beiyuan's parents or daughter-in-law, Beijia will definitely be richer after this."

"No, I'm afraid that the Nan family will not be able to catch up."

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