Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1300: Strange bride

Nan Zhong in the crowd listened to the voices of the crowd, and suddenly glared at his sons.

This group of useless things, so many daughters of their South family, the emperor did not pick one, but instead chose the North branch from where I do not know where to come from, the emperor still likes it very much, directly sealed.

If it's other money, it's their North House.

Nan Jingyun and others lowered their eyes in shame.

In fact, they can't blame them. The daughters of their South family are beautiful and well-known, and the emperor is uneasy to play cards. They like rural girls. What can they do?

When the sedan arrived at the gate of the palace, Situ Yi did not even kick the sedan, so he stepped forward and closed the curtain.

Seeing the bride with the hijab covered in the sedan chair, Situ Yi's eyes softened softly and she reached out her hand.

The bride looked at the small hand reaching out and put her hand up.

Situ Yi took the bride out of the sedan chair.

As soon as the bride came out, those people who were watching the lively moments stretched their necks.

"This is the queen. It looks so high."

This emperor and the queen are standing together, too petite.

"It seems that the queen is really a countryman, otherwise no one can grow so tall and strong."

"It turns out that the emperor likes this type, so maybe my girl Huniu has a chance."

A woman pulled a tall, strong girl around her and pushed forward desperately.

Squeeze in front of the emperor to see, maybe her girl Huniu can enter the palace as a maiden.

The woman thought, getting more crowded.

But before she pulled her daughter forward, Situ Yi led the bride into the palace.

"Well, wait ..." The woman was anxious and wanted to squeeze forward, but the crowd in front of her instantly drowned her and her daughter.

Situ Yi led the bride to Moxue Hall.

Mo Xue's civil and military officials were all separated on both sides.

Situ Yi led the bride step by step to the jade steps.

Nan Zhong looked at the queen with his head high in Malaysia, and was instantly furious.

He stared at Bei Xiao with a dark glance. This was really treacherous. He obviously didn't have a daughter at home, but he made a country woman pretend to be a maid.

Nan Zhong kept staring at Bei Xiao angrily, but Bei Xiao didn't care about him.

He frowned at the bride who stepped up to Jade step by step, as if not very happy.

He didn't know whether he was right or wrong to do so, but it was his responsibility to protect Mo Xue.

"The emperor, the time is right, it's time to salute." Gong Shi went to Situ Yi and whispered.

Situ Yi frowned: "Wait a second, there are still no people."

"Yes." Gongshi retreated back aside.

The hundred officials knew who he was waiting for, and everyone had no complaints, all waiting obediently.

The bride's eyes flashed lightly, and there was a look of expectation in her eyes.

They will come.

After a while, the voice of Gongshou sounded outside.

"Emperor Bai Chu is here!"

Situ Yi's eyes brightened, and he immediately rejoiced.

The others turned around and looked forward to the door expectantly.

Mo Beichen led Baitan into the hall.

Seeing the two again, everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

The two men are so much a match, they look like people in a heavenly palace.

I heard that the two have a good relationship. This time, Bai Chu founded the country, and they became emperors together, called Mo Di and Bai Di.

Seeing everyone seemed to be waiting for them, Baitan suddenly felt embarrassed.

She had just fallen asleep on Qinglong's back, and A Mo didn't even call her, causing her to be late.

"Sorry, it's late."

The **** walked under the jade steps and apologized to Situ Yi.

"It's not too late, just come." Situ Yi looked at Mo Beichen with a burning gaze, his eyes full of joy.

He knew he would come.

Situ Yi looked at Mo Beichen with a smile: "Mo Di has been the uncle's father for many years.

Watching Situ Ibid's throne, Baitan frowned slightly.

This Mo Xue's dragon chair is wrong.

The hundred officials below couldn't help talking about it.

"How can the emperor Bai Chu be our dragon chair of Moxue, what does the emperor think?"

"The emperor was willing to sit on the dragon chair, but he really loved it."

"Unfortunately, Mo Di is a man. Otherwise, it is estimated that our emperor would have married Mo Di long ago."

"It's not the emperor's sake, but he can do everything."

The bride listened to the discussion below, and her heart was a little sour, but she was not jealous.

Situ Yi did not listen to Baiguan's voice at all, and only looked at Mo Beichen with a scorching look.

Mo Beichen did not refuse, he pulled the **** directly and sat on the dragon chair.

Mo Beichen's move instantly caused a boil.

"This is what it is."

"What is it called?"

"Muddy is really rude."

The beaver's eyes twitched and gave Mo Beichen a glance.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows indifferently, just a chair. As long as he didn't have this heart, this was an ordinary chair.

Situ Yi smiled happily and looked at the court attendant next to him.

The court attendant understood and sang, "Baidu!"

"Who worships heaven and earth!"

The bride and groom turned together and bowed outward.

The **** then noticed the bride's figure. From behind, the girl looked like a hill.

The **** looked at Situ Yi's small body again, looking for such a strong bride, this little emperor would be fine.

Mo Beichen gave a slanting glance, and seemed to see through the beaver's mind.

The **** chuckled at him, and she also cared for the little emperor for him.

"Thank you Gaotang!"

The two turned to Mo Beichen and Baiju together, bowed their heads and bowed down.

The **** glanced at the bride's hand again.

This hand is too big, is this the girl's hand?

The **** subconsciously glanced at the little emperor's hand, and suddenly there was a feeling that they should change their hands.

"Couple worship!"

The two turned and face to face.

Situ Yi looked at his future queen, ticked his lips and worshiped deeply.

The bride also paid homage to Situ Yi.

"Li Cheng, send to the cave!"

Situ Yi looked at Mo Beichen and Baiju: "You go to Xuexi Palace first for a wedding feast, and you will be here in a while."

"Okay." Baitan nodded with a smile, and quickly pulled Mo Beichen to his feet.

The other man's dragon chair was panicking.

Situ Yi led the bride back to the palace.

"Please the Emperor to choose Hipa." Xipo smiled and bowed to Situ Yi.

"Let's go down." Situ Yi looked at them blankly.

"Yes." The palace servants stepped down together, and Xipo put the scales on the table and backed down.

After everything was gone, Situ Yi tilted his head and peeped at the bride from under Hippa.

The bride looked at his antics, and stretched out her hand to lift her head.

"This is my job." Situ Yi saw this and immediately held it down.

The bride had no choice but to drop her hand and wait for him to lift his hijab.

Situ Yi took the hi scale, and he opened the bride's hipa little by little.

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