Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1314: All the pain can't compare with his heartache

Behind the valley, Leng Yihan stood on the hillside and looked at the bamboo house under the candlelight silently.

Lan Yanyu looked around, and finally found Leng Yihan.

Seeing him standing in a daze, he patted him on the shoulder. "Why not go and see them?"

Leng Yihan's eyes flashed, his heart was full of bitterness.

What face does he have to meet them? Is he not bad enough to kill them?

"The little niece is very clever, and looks exactly like the little beauty." I didn't notice him, Lan Yuyu was anxious to share with him.

Hearing that the child looked like her, Leng Yi's cold and hard eyebrows suddenly softened.

However, the thought of the child's love affair, cold and cold cold heartache.

No matter what he said, Leng Yihan didn't speak, and Lan Yanyu finally noticed something different: "Did you know?"

Leng Yihan turned to him with red eyes, "Is there really no way to solve it?"

Looking at his red-eyed eyes, Lan Yanyu's heart suffocated, and she felt a little distressed: "If there is a way, I will give it to you at the beginning."

Love is transferred by the mother. That was how the aunt passed him to him. Grandpa Leng and Grandpa tried countless ways to release the love. Now there is no way to even the raccoon.

"Is there a way to transfer my feelings to me?" Leng Yihan's eyes were with a last glimmer of hope.

Lan Yanyu frowned and looked at Leng Yihan, and could not bear to pour cold water on him, but he did not have the ability.

Leng Yihan's eyes suddenly darkened, and the only bright light turned into a stagnant water: "It was my fault that I killed her."

Seeing his appearance, Lan Yuyu also suffered a lot: "Don't do this, the little niece is still young, as long as you are not emotional, nothing will happen, later ..."

Lan Yanyu couldn't say anything anymore. He didn't want to talk about the young niece's future.

Maybe the little niece won't be emotional in this life, or maybe he will find someone who can cure it in the future. Who knows the later things, as long as they are safe and sound now.

Leng Yihan's face was painful and guilty. It should have been something that he had endured by himself, but in the end it became the pain of their family.

"That's right." Thinking of it, Lan Yanyu quickly pulled Leng Yihan's hand to explore him.

"Your ..." Lan Yanyu looked at Leng Yihan in surprise and joy, not knowing what to say.

Leng Yichi frowned frantically: "What?"

Lan Yanyu swallowed the waterway: "The feelings in your body are gone?"

Leng Yihan sank suddenly, and suddenly had a bad hunch: "Does the emotion in the heart double?"

Lan Yanyu frowned: "If your love is gone, the love in your little niece must be the sum of the two of you."

Love can't disappear for no reason, it will only transfer, but he did not expect that the love in his body will also be transferred to the young niece. What is going on?

Leng Yihan was stunned, unable to breathe with heartache.

Lan Yanyu frowned and looked at Leng Yihan. Some wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know how to speak.

Leng Yihan stood idly for a while, and suddenly ran towards the wood in front of him like crazy.

"Cold and cold!"

Lan Yanyu was startled and wanted to go after her, but was suddenly stopped by Zhuo Qingyun, who popped out: "Let him calm down."

Whoever encounters such a thing will not feel good.

Lan Yanyu frowned anxiously. What can the little niece do in the future? Such a heavy feeling is carried on her body.

Leng Yihan rushed to a tree and hit the tree in front of him desperately.

Once, twice, and three times, as the trunk was hammered, his fists became blurred, but he seemed to be unaware.

All the pain can't compare with his heartache.

Because Murong Xuefei has not yet passed the dangerous period, Bai Jue and Mo Beichen live temporarily.

Murong Yun was taken back to the palace by the father-in-law, but Murong Yun stayed.

"His Royal Highness, long time no see."

The **** greeted Murong Yun with a smile.

Murong Yun quickly got up and arched his hands: "I haven't congratulated the emperor and won the throne."

The **** chuckled: "It's all your own, so you don't need to be polite."

Murong Yun also smiled embarrassedly.

"Looking at His Royal Highness seems to be a lot better." Bai Tan looked at Murong Yun's flushed complexion.

"I would like to thank the Emperor." Speaking of this, Murong Yun was grateful.

If it hadn't been for the treatment he had given him, I'm afraid he would have to accompany him every day.

The **** raised his eyebrows: "Do you mind if I take care of you again?"

"I can't ask for it." Murong Yun quickly sat down and pulled up her sleeves.

Beaver grabbed Mu Rongyun's hand and took his pulse seriously.

"The body is recovering well. I have to stay here for two days, just to give you some elixir."

"So thank you Emperor." Murong Yun quickly got up and bowed deeply to her.

The **** raised him with a smile: "In terms of raising his hand, His Royal Highness is polite."

In the room, Murong Xuefei gently caressed her cold and careless face. The original goddess of ice and snow now became a loving mother.

The raccoon stood at the door with a tray, but he was blinded.

Obviously a normal picture, but she couldn't look away.


Murong Xuefei started to call her before she returned to her heart.

"I cooked porridge for you. I'll feed you a drink."

The **** lowered the tray and picked up the porridge bowl to feed her.

Murong Xuefei's face turned red, and she would sit up with support: "I'll do it myself."

"Don't move, be careful the wound is cracking." Baitan quickly pressed her back.

It's not modern here, it would be miserable if the wound was bleeding.

"Feed a bowl of porridge between you and me. You have to be polite with me." Baitan looked at her strangely.

Murong Xuefei smiled, and no longer struggled, and drank her porridge.

After feeding a bowl of porridge, Beaver went to tease again: "Heart is really smart, she already knows me."

Looking at himself in Caen Er's eyes, the **** couldn't help laughing.

Murong Xuefei smiled softly without pouring cold water on her.

"Be careful, you haven't eaten anything yet, you can feed her." Baitan looked at Murong Xuefei.

Murong Xuefei blushed and looked at the **** with a flushed face: "I won't."

"I'll teach you." Baitan carefully placed her caution on her arm, then picked up her clothes and applied her with a hot cloth before milking her.

During this time, she had good nutrition, so she had plenty of milk.

It seemed that he smelled the milk scent, and the little guy waited for Murong Xuefei to feed her, and went to eat it by himself.

The sharp tingling sensation made Murong Xuefei frown, but in order to make it easier for the little one, she turned sideways.

The **** smiled and watched eating carefully and cautiously. This child is not so clever. He is hungry, but he doesn't cry. The child is so good. A little affection is afraid he can't stop her way. It's just that it's probably harder than others.

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