Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1315: Fate has not yet arrived

The little guy fell asleep after eating.

Murong Xuefei gently looked at the little boy's fluffy face, her eyes full of love.

She had a hard time giving birth, she only wanted to keep such a child, and now the child and she are all right, she is really satisfied.

Although the child passed on her feelings, she still thanked God for giving her such a good gift.

"It's cold and cold ..." The **** tangled for a while, then opened his mouth. "He cares about you."

Her little apprentice is already bitter enough. If she could, she would like to help her father and mother to reconcile.

Murong Xuefei's eyes flickered, and her lips pursed, "I know."

She heard his voice and knew that Lan Yuyu had brought him.

The **** frowned at her: "Are you still not going to forgive him?"

In fact, cold and cold is also very bitter, especially the careful things hit him very hard.

Murong Xuefei looked up: "I haven't blame him."

Even though Xin'er passed on her feelings, she still didn't hate him. The child has a child's way. This is her destiny.

The raccoon was so speechless that he said, "Do you not want to have a father in your heart?"

Murong Xuefei smiled again: "She has father."

She doesn't exclude him as Xiner's father. If she doesn't want Xiner to recognize him, then she doesn't have to let Xiner's last name be cold.

The **** blinked stupidly, a little confused about her true thoughts.

After all, did she accept cold and cold again, or was she unwilling to accept it?

The **** sighed slightly and got up and said, "It's too late. Take a good rest. Try to be careful about the wounds, so as not to be cumbersome.

Let them do their own thing.

"Thank you." Murong Xuefei looked at Beaver gratefully. "You should also rest early."

She shouldn't be more relaxed this day.

The **** nodded: "You call us when something happens, don't get out of bed by yourself."

She can't get out of bed yet.

"Okay." Murong Xuefei responded obediently.

Baitan returned to the room prepared by Murong Yu for her and Mo Beichen.

Because there are more blue birds, Zhuo Qingyun and Murong Xuefei, Yun Shaoning and they built another bamboo house beside the original bamboo house. There are a lot of rooms in it, and they want to come because their friends do not need to sleep on the hillside in the future. .

"How's it going?"

When Beitan entered the room, Mo Beichen was already in bed.

After the white **** simply washed, he also went to bed: "Be careful and fall asleep, Xue Fei's condition is also good, but cold and cold is not very good."

I heard that I went in the woods.

Mo Beichen frowned: "He just can't think of it for a while, and he will be fine in the future."

Beaver raised her eyebrows: "Hope."

If the two can be reconciled, perhaps Leng Yihan's mind can be more cheerful, if he has been alone, he may have spent his entire life in guilt and pain.

After raising for a few days, Murong Xuefei was finally allowed to get out of bed.

In these days, Murong Yun also made many nutritional meals for mothers to Murong Xuefei.

These nutritious meals were deliberately learned by him.

Murong Xuefei's body is getting better day by day, and even her milk is very abundant. Be careful in a few days and get fatter.

"Look at my little apprentice, it's so cute." Beaver hugged carefully, really rare.

"Little niece is so good." Lan Yanyu also kept teasing.

Yun Shaoning teased beside him, "Grow up quickly, Master teaches you to plant flowers."

Cautioner seems to have become the treasure of the whole valley, even Mo Beichen who does not like children, often hugs her.

"When are you going to have children?" Lan Yanyu looked at Baiju.

These two have been round rooms for a long time, why don't you want a child.

Speaking of this, the beaver's good mood suddenly dropped a few degrees.

"I was looking for you to help me look at it." Bai Tan said to give care to Yun Shaoning, and then handed it to Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu blinked inexplicably: "What?" "Let me see if I have any problems?" Bai Jue didn't shy away, anyway, it's all here.

Lan Yuyu hadn't responded at first, and it took a while to realize that Baiju was letting him see the problem in that regard.

"No, you have a problem?" Lan Yanyu didn't believe her face, but still found her pulse.

Everyone looked nervously, even Mo Beichen was nervous.

Lan Yanyu carefully probed the beaver: "No problem, my health is good."

The **** sighed with relief: "It's all right."

As long as she is fine, she has a chance.

"Have you seen it before?" Lan Yanyu looked at her strangely.

The **** smiled bitterly: "However, I haven't seen it, but there is no problem. I am afraid that the doctor will not heal himself, so I want you to show me."

She didn't know how many times she had probed herself and could not see the problem.

Lan Yanyu chuckled: "Relax, you have no problem at all, and you're fine."

The **** sighed: "Since there is no problem, why can't I be pregnant?"

She and A Mo also worked very hard. She was afraid that when Xiao Xuan'er and Yu Yan were pregnant, she wouldn't respond, then she would be ashamed.

Lan Yuyu frowned. He didn't know about this problem. Generally, women who can't conceive their children are all Gong Han, or have other illnesses, but they can't conceive if there is no problem, it can only be a problem for men.

Lan Yanyu thought and looked at Mo Beichen.

Everyone else looked at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen was dark and very dissatisfied.

"He's fine, I've seen him." Seeing everyone looking at Mo Beichen, Baiju explained immediately.

She has also searched for several times there, and there is no problem at all.

"Otherwise, you can help him see it too." Bai Tan pulled Mo Beichen in front of Lan Yanyu.

Mo Beichen looked at Lan Yanyu with a black face, but still obediently reached out his hand.

Although he didn't mind having a child, he knew that she cared, and his father-in-law and his grandfather were anxious.

Lan Yanyu also seriously took the pulse of Mo Beichen.

"It's okay, his health is also good." Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows strangely, both of them were in good health, but couldn't conceive a child, which was a little strange.

"Don't worry too much, maybe the fate hasn't arrived yet, it may be there after a while." Murong Xuefei comforted when she saw the **** worried.

"Yeah, the child's affairs depend on fate. Both of you are fine, so there must be children." Yun Shaoning also comforted.

"Relax, sometimes it's too tense and not easy, maybe you don't care, he comes instead." Lan Yanyu also laughed.

Baitan took a deep breath: "Maybe the fate really hasn't arrived yet."

The child's affairs really depend on fate, not what he wants.

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