Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1316: Back to Snow Mountain

"Okay, now Xue Fei's health is almost better, and there is Lan Yanyu who can take care of it, and Amo and I should go back."

When everyone heard that Beaver was leaving, everyone stood up: "I'm going back so soon."

The **** smiled helplessly: "Isn't that the responsibility is different? We are all out, and no one is dealing with state affairs."

Seeing her say so, everyone is not good to stay.

"Be careful on the way."

Murong Xuefei came carefully, "Can you take me and Xin'er back to Snow Mountain?"

"Do you want to take Xiner back to Snow Mountain?" Baitan frowned.

The others all came together in surprise.

"Why suddenly you want to go back to Snow Mountain, aren't you good here?" Yun Shaoning frowned.

"Do you care about cold and cold, if you care, I can let him go." Lan Yanyu also anxiously.

"No." Seeing Lan Yiyu's mention of cold and cold, Murong Xuefei quickly denied. "Because of physical reasons, I think Xueshan is more suitable for us."

Xin'er couldn't be emotional, so she wanted to take her to the snow mountain and let her know the environment of snow mountain as soon as possible.

Several people who knew the inside suddenly felt sad.

Like Murong Yu and Murong Yun, they don't know, and they don't agree with Murong Xuefei taking the children to the Snow Mountain.

"Xueshan is so cold, can you be careful if you are careful?" Mu Rongyun looked at Caer with a reluctant expression. "Otherwise, you should go back to the palace with me, and my mother and concubine also want to be careful."

I sent a letter back before, knowing that she was safe and careful, her mother and concubine were so happy that she had always wanted to see her, but they did not dare to tell her the brother of the emperor's death.

Before she had difficulty giving birth, he did not dare to tell her mother-in-law, because she was afraid that she would think wildly.

Murong Xuefei smiled bitterly: "Where can I go back?"

At first, because of her, Zi Xiao would fight with Chi Lie. She was already Zi Xiao's sinner. How could she even go back?

"How can you not go back, you will always be the princess of Zixiao, the emperor will not stop you." Murong Yun advised frowning.

Although Xiaoer was young, he was very sensible, and the emperor taught him very well.

Murong Xuefei still shook her head. She won't go back. She doesn't like the palace either. Be careful and you won't like the palace either.

Seeing her reluctance to return to the palace, Murong Xu frowned. "Then stay here, we can take care of it to some extent."

After she had just given birth and had such a big operation, how could she be reassured when she went back to the Snow Mountain with caution.

"Yeah, you stay, we can help take care of it." Yun Shaoning also advised.

He really liked Xiner, but he couldn't bear to let her go.

Beaver looked at Murong Xuefei.

She understood her, but she was too reassuring to take the child home alone.

"I'll send you back." Leng Yihan suddenly appeared.

"Leng Yihan ..." Everyone looked at Leng Yihan and didn't know what to say.

"Are you going?" Leng Yihan frowned at Murong Xuefei.

Murong Xuefei went back to her, nodded, and went back carefully to pack a few clothes before coming out again.

Leng Yihan has summoned the basalt **** beast.

Murong Xuefei came out, and Leng Yihan reached out to her.

Looking at his **** hands, Murong Xuefei frowned and gave it to him.

The warm hand was placed in the palm of his hand, and the cold and cold heart shuddered and clenched subconsciously.

They used to be so close, but now they even hope to hold hands.

Leng Yihan converged and pulled her gently onto Xuanwu's back.

"Let's go first, and we will come to Xueshan to find me if there is something." Murong Xuefei looked at Murong and said to them.

Leng Yihan didn't say hello to them and let Xuan Wu fly directly.

Looking at Xuan Wu disappearing in mid-air, everyone's mood was a little heavy.

The **** looked at them and laughed: "It's okay, Leng Yihan should take care of their mother and daughter."

"Yeah, Leng Yihan can do it." Lan Yanyu also spoke to Leng Yihan.

Murong Yun frowned, unwilling to speak.

He still has some grudges against him. If it weren't for him, Xueer wouldn't have a home and couldn't return, it was he who made Xueer like this.

Murong Yu has no opinion on Leng Yihan, and believes that he can take care of their mother and daughter.

"We are going back, too." Mo Beichen also summoned the blue dragon and left with the beaver.

On the back of Xuanwu, Leng Yihan and Murong Xuefei stood on their own, which was a little awkward.

Afraid of scaring the child, Leng Yihan deliberately let Xuanwu fly slowly.

He took off his coat and put it on Murong Xuefei, while standing in front of her, blocking the wind for their mother and daughter.

Murong Xuefei's eyes flickered, her head lowered.

Cold and chilly looked at her, and for a moment wanted to embrace her.

Even after so long, even though the two had done incredibly close things, at this moment he stood in front of her like this, and she couldn't help but her heartbeat speeding up.

The two were speechless along the way, no one spoke, and they didn't even cry carefully.

Although Xuan Wu's speed was not fast, the two still arrived at Xueshan soon.

Leng Yihan took Murong Xuefei and flew down from Xuanwu directly.

Before Murong Xuefei said where to live, Leng Yihan took her to the hut.

Murong Xuefei looked at him suspiciously. How did he know that she lived here?

Arriving at the hut, Murong Xuefei put her carefully on the bed.

There was no one in the house for a long time. There was dust everywhere. She had to clean it.

"I'm coming." Before Murong Xuefei started, Leng Yihan picked up.

He cleaned the bed first: "You lie down first, take care of your heart, I'll clean it up."

Leng Yihan said, then turned to pack up other things.

When Murong Xuefei saw that he was serious, he really lay down on the bed and rested.

After finishing the house, Leng Yihan went to cook Murong Xuefei again.

The hut has been unoccupied for a long time, and only white sacks of millet remain in the kitchenette.

Leng Yihan cooked a pot of millet porridge.

"Nothing to eat here? I cooked a little millet porridge. You will eat it first. I will go down to the town to buy some food." Leng Yihan brought a bowl of millet porridge to Murong Xuefei.

Murong Xuefei did not pick, and drank that bowl of millet porridge.

Leng Yihan closed the bowl and stood in front of the bed.

Murong Xuefei looked at him and waited for him to speak.

Leng Yihan raised his courage and raised his eyes: "I, can I stay here temporarily?"

After asking, Leng Yihan clenched his fists and waited nervously for her answer.

Murong Xuefei frowned, after a while she said, "There is only one room here."

Leng Yihan's eyes darkened, and a heart fell to the bottom.

Just as Leng Yihan turned around sadly, Murong Xuefei said, "I'm wronged to sleep in the outside."

Leng Yihan was immediately overjoyed and quickly shook his head: "No grievance, no grievance."

Looking at Leng Yihan, Murong Xuefei couldn't help but hang her lips.

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