Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1317: happy

Leng Yihan stayed in the cabin, and Murong Xuefei and Cainer lived in the middle, and he slept on the small couch outside.

The narrow bamboo couch is not comfortable to fall asleep, but it is cold and easy to chill.

He thought he couldn't approach her anymore in his life, but now he was so close to her that he seemed to be able to hear their breathing.

For him, there is no other voice that makes him happier.

Leng Yihan thought he would be so sleepy all night long, but the fact is that he fell asleep soon, and slept very sweet.

Murong Xuefei in the back room heard Leng Yihan's heavy breathing, but she also fell asleep at ease.

Of course, be careful and sleep like a pig.

Early the next morning, the cold and cold cold woke up.

He didn't remember how long he hadn't slept like this, whether it was three or five years, he couldn't remember.

Leng Yihan stood up, glanced at the mother and daughter who were still sleeping, and unconsciously passed a happy smile.

Out of the room lightly, cold and cold entered the kitchen.

Yesterday he went down to the town to buy some food and some daily necessities.

Before Murong Xuefei didn't care about the details of life, she didn't live alone, so she didn't buy many things, so she lived and lived it.

This time, Leng Yihan bought all the things that can be thought of, especially her and children's things, all of which were purchased, and all were the best.

Not only that, he also deliberately went to the midwife to consult the mother on care and food.

After all, Leng Yihan worked hard all morning to make a decent bowl of fish soup.

When Leng Yihan entered the house, Murong Xuefei was feeding her carefully.

Leng Yihan stayed for a moment, staring blankly at the white on her chest.

Murong Xuefei flushed, and quickly ripped off her placket.

The food that flew to the mouth flew, and he suddenly burst into dissatisfaction, saying that it was crying, but in fact there was no tear.

Hearing the cautious cry, Leng Yihan only reacted and turned quickly: "Well, I cooked fish soup with you, you remember to eat it for a while."

Put the fish soup on the bedside table and Leng Yihan hurried out.

Murong Xuefei looked at the back of Leng Yihan flushed.

Be careful still crying.

This is the second time Murong Xuefei heard her cry. Murong Xuefei thought it was funny and deliberately teased her not to eat it.

Caution seemed to know her mind, and suddenly wailed even more.

Outside, Leng Yihan heard a careful cry and was distressed and wanted to go in, but thinking of the scene just now, he paused and had to worry about it outside.

After teasing for a while, Murong Xuefei refolded her placket.

Caution can't wait to get together, eat it.

Outside, Leng Yihan heard the sound of careful swallowing and couldn't help thinking of the whiteness that he had just seen.

Could not help but swallowed the saliva with caution, cold and cold, but felt that his whole body was very hot.

Not afraid to continue thinking about it, Leng Yihan hurried out, he remembered that there seemed to be a mountain stream in the east, and the water below was not frozen.

Leng Yihan took a cold shower, chopped a fir tree on the shore and came back, thinking about making a shaker carefully.

When Leng Yihan entered the house, Murong Xuefei had finished drinking the fish soup.

"What else do I want to eat? I'll make it." Leng Yihan asked her.

Murong Xuefei shook her head. She didn't eat too much. A bowl of fish soup was enough.

"Then I will do something else for you later."

Leng Yihan closed the bowl and went out to make a shaker.

He hasn't done this, he has no experience, he can only explore it by himself.

In the room, Murong Xuefei heard the sound and looked out the window curiously.

Seeing that he was chopping wood, he thought he was chopping firewood.

Murong Xuefei played with Caution for a while, and when Caution was tired, she got out of bed.

"Why are you here? Didn't Tanuki give you more rest?" Seeing her coming out, Leng Yihan quickly took the big urn hanging by the door and covered her.

Murong Xuefei pursed her lips: "Always lying down is very tired, Tanuki said that more movement is good for recovery."

After listening to Murong Xuefei's words, Leng Yihan couldn't say much, just said, "Then you move around in the house, it's too cold outside."

Although it is the foot of the Snow Mountain, it is too close to the Snow Mountain and the cold is still heavy.

"Then I'll cook." Murong Xuefei thought about it and went to the kitchenette.

Leng Yihan followed the kitchen anxiously.

"Don't do anything. What you want to eat, I'll make it." Leng Yihan grabbed Murong Xuefei's hand.

Murong Xuefei hurriedly wanted to shrink her hand, but cold and cold did not let go.

Not only did she not let go, she also pulled her into her arms.

Murong Xuefei stiffened and didn't dare to move.

"I'm sorry." Leng Yihan hugged her gently, afraid to get her wounds.

The regretful murmur knocked gently on Murong Xuefei's heart, making her eyes slightly wet.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take care of you and your heart." Leng Yihan let go of Murong Xuefei and looked at her gratefully.

Murong Xuefei looked down and didn't speak.

"Should we drink porridge at night?" Murong Xuefei didn't speak, and Leng Yihan was not sad, and asked her with a smile.

The mother-in-law said she should eat something digestible now.

"Um." Murong Xuefei nodded.

She really didn't care about eating.

Leng Yihan didn't want Murong Xuefei to help. She started to cook porridge when she washed rice.

He wouldn't, and he would.

Murong Xuefei stood and looked aside, but did not speak.

Leng Yihan wanted to talk to her, but opened his mouth and found that he didn't know what to say.

Once upon a time, they had become rusty.

Leng Yihan's eyes flashed a sadness, and his eyes turned to porridge.

Looking at the loneliness in his eyes, Murong Xuefei's heart flickered.

She smiled bitterly, apparently without feelings, but why did her heart still hurt for him, for him.

After cooking the porridge, the two had dinner directly in the kitchenette.

One is silent, but the atmosphere is very warm.

At night, cold and cold brought hot water into the house.

"You can't bathe for now, just wipe it first."

Knowing that she loves cleanliness, the midwife said that she could not take a bath, but could only wipe her body.

"Thank you." Murong Xuefei flashed a movement in her eyes.

"I'll go out first."

Leng Yihan consciously got out of the room.

He stood outside, listening to the sound of the falling water, and couldn't help but start to care about it.

Leng Yihan smiled bitterly and stood in the snow outside, and felt the cool wind for a while.

There was no sound of water in the room before he went in again.

Pouring water, Leng Yihan took the medicine into the house again: "I'll change the medicine for you."

Murong Xuefei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he knew he needed to change his medicine.

"That's what Lan Yanyu said." Seeing her doubts, Leng Yihan explained.

The medicine was also given by Lan Yuyu.

"I'll do it myself." Murong Xuefei flushed to get his medicine, but he didn't let go.

"I want to see your wound."

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