Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1331: Mo Yan I Zixiu dyed it

Mo Yan was also taken lightly.

He stepped? Where does he dare to step?

What he dare not do, where can he dare?

Mo Yan can't play with others, Mo Yan can only look at Bi Xue for help.

Bi Xue immediately became annoyed.

This Momo is really **** useless. If he had the ability of Moyou at that time, how could it be so hard to use it, even if it was Momo's ability, it would not be mixed up like this.

Bi Xue glanced at Zi Xiuran's tough attitude, and did not dare to run into it.

Triangular eyes turned, and looked at the clamoring old man just now: "Today, the emperor will let go of this, whether it is to pass on the war or start a war, you can do it yourself."

The old man frowned and looked at Bi Xue and Mo Wu's stunned demon soldier behind him, unable to help worrying.

"Xian Zun, we don't have to go head-to-head with them." The old man walked to Zi Xiuran and whispered.

The meaning of the old man is obviously that he does not want to fight. Once the three realms of the fairy demon war are not playing, they are going to die thousands of people. For a person in the demon realm, the fairy realm is in a dangerous place. No need for this.

Huayan frowned, a little upset by what the old man said.

These old stubborn people are rigid and timid. They said that they would start a war, and he would not believe that they dared to fight them.

Zi Xiu Ran ignored the old man and only looked at Bi Xue coldly: "The deity is also here to put down the words, Mo Yan, I am Xi Xiu Ran, if anyone dares to move him, he will not be able to live with the deity, and he will not use the fairyland. Force, the deity can crush him with one finger. "

A fierce remark by Zi Xiuran instantly scared those demon soldiers to a stun.

Neither the blood nor Mo Yan's face turned up.

This purple repair is hard and hard to eat, it is not easy to deal with, they can't really go to war with the fairyland, what can I do?

Mo Beichen's eyes had a touch of movement.

Her master, if she is here, she will be grateful.

Mo Yan watched Mo Beichen sullenly and suddenly shouted, "Mo Yan, you coward, do you want to hide in the immortal world all your life? You almost lost my face of the demons."

Mo Beichen squinted his eyes: "What do you want?"

Mo Yan proudly raised his chin: "If you fight against Ben, if you win, you will let you go. If you lose, you will leave it to Ben."

Mo Beichen's eyes were dazzling, only thinking for a moment, he had to step forward.

"Boy." Hua Yan saw this, and hurried forward to hold him, "don't be fooled by them."

These people are here for him, maybe there are any tricks waiting for him.

Mo Beichen's eyes warmed and he patted his hand comfortably: "It's all right, he can't beat me."

Mo Beichen said and flew forward.

When Mo Beichen came over, Mo Yan was instantly happy, and immediately flew over, and the two directly hit each other in midair.

Mo Beichen was holding the Dragon Yin Sword, while Mo Yan was holding a nine-foot whip.

"I want you to taste the taste of this nine-foot whip today."

Mo Yan shouted, and the nine-foot whip in his hand flew to Mo Beichen without hesitation.

Mo Beichen did not flash or hide, grabbed Long Yinjian and chopped down at the nine-foot whip.


Long Yinjian sharply cut off a nine-foot whip.

Looking at the short nine-foot whip, Mo Yan's face suddenly seemed difficult to look.

His nine-foot whip was made from thousands of years of refining Xuantian, which is a rare artifact in the world. He even cut him off like this.

"Haha ..." Hua Yan underneath laughed politely, "Now this nine-foot whip can be turned into a seven-foot whip."

The others laughed as they listened to the taunt.

Even those magic soldiers bowed their heads and laughed.

Mo Yan was so angry that he threw his whip at Mo Beichen again.

Mo Beichen took the move without hesitation, and every time Mo Yan whip he went to the Dragon Yin Sword.

Mo Yan waved a few times, and the nine-foot whip was missing a few.

Several times, the nine-foot whip trembled with pain.

Long Yin Jianyin looked at him speculatively and laughed evilly.

Demo, dare to fight with him to see if he can't kill him.

Mo Yan looked at the nine-foot whip short in three-foot length, dripping his heart painfully.

Damn Mo Yan, I don't know where to get this broken sword, it is so powerful.

Mo Yan could no longer bear the whip to chop Long Yin Jian, but only received a nine-foot whip, and took out another weapon: diamond hammer.

Mo Yan lost his face just now, and as soon as he took out the Diamond Hammer, he hummed towards Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen had no other weapons to change. He directly dumped Long Yinjian and let Long Yinjian deal with the diamond hammer himself.


After a sound of metal collision, Mohammed's diamond hammer completely turned into a pile of scrap iron.

The two broken King Kong hammers pouted awkwardly, crying awfully.

Long Yinjian with a small waist, laughed proudly.

Sample, dare to call himself an artifact in front of him, and he will abolish them in another pair.

Mo Yan angrily lost the Diamond Hammer and replaced it with a five-claw hook.

This is his most powerful and sinister weapon.

When the five claws come out, they must take the first level.

Mo Yan looked at Mo Beichen evilly.

Mo Yan Mo Yan, you can't blame me, this is what you asked for.

Mo Yan directly threw the five-claw hook towards Mo Beichen's head.

With a dangling cold hook, he flew straight towards Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen stared at the light for a moment and waved Long Yin Sword again. There was no way to keep him out of arms.

Long Yinjian was also polite, pinpointing the weak point of the five-claw hook and piercing the control point in his center.

"Click!" With a sound, the five-claw hook instantly turned into a large flowering chicken claw, no longer lethal.

Mo Yan was dumbfounded for a moment, and said that a good head bloomed, what happened?

Destroyed several treasure weapons in a row, Mo Yan was furious.

"Let's compare them to weapons, and compare them to gods and beasts." Mo Yan lost his five-claw hook with anger and summoned a nine-headed python.

"Well, you're scared," Mo Yan said proudly touching the head of Jiuhou Python.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and summoned the blue dragon directly.


The groaning dragon yin shook everyone's heart instantly.

Especially the nine-headed python was originally arrogantly holding nine snake heads, but when they heard the dragon's groan, the nine snake heads suddenly shrank.

Mo Yan stared at the blue dragon traveling in midair, startled, his jaw almost fell out.

Blue Dragon Divine Beast!

This guy, Mo Yan, got the Dragon Dragon Beast!

Qinglong flew to Mo Beichen at once, Mo Beichen touched his head and looked at Mo Yan blankly: "Do you want to fight?"

Mo Yan froze for a moment, this is still a hair, even the dragon and beast of the dragon came out, he just released all his beasts, it is not useful.

Mo Yan swallowed his mouth and slumped his neck and said, "It's better to take a **** than a beast. Let's fight empty-handed if we have the ability."

Mo Yan said that he took the lead in collecting the nine-headed python that was afraid to shrink into a ball.

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