Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1332: Beaver in my hand

"Mo Yan, you are not a man anymore. For a while, it ’s better than weapons. Weapons are better than **** beasts. God beasts are scared and they have to be empty-handed. Why, you have to set the rules of competition alone." Without waiting for Mo Beichen to speak, Hua Yan cried without hesitation.

After hearing Hua Yan's words, everyone else also scolded Mo Yan for being shameless.

Even those demons are shameless.

Their demons have always said one or two, how can there be as shameless as Jun Shang.

Mo Yan was blushed with flowers and scolded, but he refused to lose and looked at Mo Beichen with his neck only: "How about it, dare you say something?"

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows and patted Qinglong's head.

Qing Long suddenly raised his head in dissatisfaction, humming suddenly and suddenly rushed towards Mo Yan.

A huge dragon's head rushed over and Mo Yan was frightened.

Fortunately, Qinglong just scared him, rushed to him, flew around him, and obediently returned to Mo Beichen's back.

Mo Yan stared at a cold sweat, and looked at Mo Beichen with anxiety, "Come on."

This time, the two had no weapons, no magical beasts, and only used magic.

Although it is useless weapons and beasts, Mo Mochen is still not Mo Beichen's opponent.

Watching a punch punched by Mo Beichen, Mo Yan retreated a dozen steps, and Hua Yan could not help but shook his head.

This dauntless thing also dared to compete with them, Mo, and abused him in minutes.

Hey, it's all a dad's birth and a dad's education. How can this gap be so big?

No wonder Mo Youming had given up his place to his younger son.

If it were n’t for the name Mo Youming, the blue blood would be useless. In addition, both Guijun and their Xianzun are not the kind of ambitious people. I am afraid that the demon world has been divided up.

In midair, Mo Yan is still fighting Mo Beichen, but his magic is far from Mo Beichen's opponent.


Another magical purple magic struck, Mo Yan was beaten back a dozen meters in an instant.

Mo Yan forcibly swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, only feeling that his internal organs were almost shattered.

He covered his chest and squinted grimly.

Unexpectedly, in the past millennium, he was not his opponent.

why? Everyone is the son of the father and the father, and they are all taught by the father and the father. Why is he better than him? He is not convinced!

Mo Yan gritted his teeth and rushed up again.

Mo Beichen didn't want to tangle with him any more, and directly integrated the magic, mystic, and spiritual power in his body.

A super-strong energy ball appeared in the hands of Mo Beichen, and when Mo Yan rushed up, Mo Beichen would cover the energy ball on his forehead with a single palm.

Mo Yan's heart trembled, and the powerful coercion made him feel the breath of death.

"White **** is on my hand!" Mo Yan screamed as the energy ball was about to hit his head.

Mo Beichen's heart burst into a sudden, and the movement of his hand stopped instantly.

Zi Xiuran frowned frantically, looking at Mo Yan coldly, judging the truth of his words.

Another big reaction is the blue blood.

In mid-air, Mo Yan saw Mo Beichen stop his hand, and there was a shadow of Yin in his eyes, and he raised his hand and hit him hard.


Mo Beichen spit out blood in an instant and fell from the air.

"Mr. Mo!"

Huayan was startled, and he immediately came forward to catch Mo Beichen, "It's okay."

Mo Beichen shook his head with a white face, and vomited again.

Huayan was distressed and looked up at Mo Yan and scolded, "You are a shameless villain, can you be more shameless?"

Mo Yan stood in mid-air and gave a mocking look at the blood-spitting Mo Beichen: "This is called soldiers don't tire of conspiracy, what's the matter, you lose, and go back to the demon world with Ben.


Hua Yan spit at Mo Yan, and just about to scold someone, he listened to Mo Beichen and said, "I'll go back with you."

"Mr. Mo ..." Hua Yan looked at Mo Beichen in shock. "You can't go back with him, the mean man is so mean, he won't let you go."

Mo Beichen glanced at him calmly: "The raccoon is in the demon world, I'm going to save her."

The moment he knew that Tanuki was in the demon world, he regretted it.

He searched the demon world, the immortal world, the human world, why didn't he go to the demon world?

He thought he would return to the demon world and the fairy world, but he did not expect that she went to the demon world, did she go to him?

The thought of her suffering in Mo Yan's hands broke his heart.


Hua Yuan was anxious, trying to stop Mo Beichen, but felt that all the words were so pale and weak in front of the girl's safety.

He also worried about that girl, but that girl was brought up from an early age, can he not worry about it?

Mo Beichen covered his chest, stood up hard, and walked towards Mo Yan.

Zi Xiuran came over and gave Mo Beichen an elixir.

"Thank you!" Mo Beichen thanked, but did not take it, but left the elixir.

Tanuki didn't know if she had been hurt, but this medicine will stay for now.

Seeing that he did not eat, Zi Xiuran said nothing.

He did not advise him not to go. He was also worried about Aju's comfort. If Aju was really in Mo Yan's hands, he would be the best choice.

Mo Beichen came to the demon army camp, and Mo Yan proudly asked the demon soldier to bring him a chain.

Looking at Mo Beichen who became a prisoner under the order, Hua Yan was very sad.

This is the disciple he puts on his apex. Now he is going to be bullied by others. The key is that he can only watch it like that.

"Hahahaha ..."

Mo Yan laughed proudly, and dragged Mo Beichen away.

What good is Xiu Wei no matter how high he is, he hasn't become his prisoner yet.

Hua Yan looked at Mo Yan's mad back, and she was extremely hated.

Bi Xue looked at Mo Yuan, who was far away, very angry.

The damned Mo Yan secretly caught Bai Juer without telling him, causing him to try his best to attract Bai Huer to appear.

Yesterday, I pretended to ask him about the beaver, this is to play him as a fool.

Zi Xiuran glanced coldly at the remaining blood and the monster soldier: "Are you still fighting?"

The corners of Bi Xue's eyes were drawn, and he didn't dare to say a word, so he turned around unwillingly.

"Xian Zun, you must think of a way to save Mo Mo and Tanuki." As soon as Bi Xue left, Hua Yan looked at Zi Xiuran anxiously.

"Be assured that they will be fine."

Zi Xiuran said and turned and flew.

Hua Yan frowned at Mo Beichen, who had disappeared, and had to follow it.

Mo Yan dragged Mo Beichen all the way back to the demon world.

He deliberately slowed down and dragged him away just to torture him.

But no matter how he tossed Mo Beichen, Mo Beichen didn't say a word.

Mo Beichen did not respond, and Mo Yan also felt boring.

But the moment he thought he could play him with a beaver, he got excited again.

Tossing all the way, Mo Yan finally brought people back to Mohuangbao.

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