Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1333: Self-repair

Mo Beichen is no stranger to Mohuangbao, but it hasn't returned for a long time. Although it hasn't changed much here, he doesn't have the familiar feeling.

"Where is the beaver?" Mo Beichen looked at Mo Yan coldly.

"Want to see that little fox?" Mo Yan hooked his lips wickedly, grabbing his chin in front of him in a playful manner.

Mo Beichen stared blankly at his eyes: "Let me see her, I'll follow you."

Mo Yan's eyes flashed, looking at the fetters on his hand, sneer: "Follow Ben."

Mo Yan took Mo Beichen to the room where Guan Baiju was.

At the sound of the door opening, the beaver, who had closed his eyes and raised his eyes, stood up.

When Mo Beichen saw the white raccoon in a cage, he immediately became angry, and raised his hand and struck Mo Yan's head severely.

"Huh!" Mo Yan was caught off guard, and he suddenly groaned with pain.

Mo Beichen did not stop his hand, but fists up again, directly dazzling Mo Yan.

After receiving several punches, Mo Yan just felt that his head was about to crack.

"Mo Yan, you're crazy, you dare to hit Ben Jun!" Another fist came, Mo Yan screamed and clutched his head.

"It's your beast!"

Mo Beichen was insane and ruthless.

The **** beast, who dared to keep his baby raccoon in a cage, should be guilty of death.


Mo Yan was screamed and screamed everywhere.

The white raccoon grabbed the iron cage and watched the running chicken Fei Mo jumped Mo Mo, only to feel that the evil in his heart had been calculated a lot.

This shameless shame even dared to starve her and her baby, now it's finally being revenge.

After the **** gleefully read Mo Yan, he went to see Mo Beichen again.

Looking at the flawless and handsome face, White Beaver opened his eyes instantly.

Wow, this man is so nice too!

But this man, has she ever seen it before, why gave her a nice feeling.

"Come, come!" Mo Yan tried to resist, but under absolute force, his resistance was invalid, and he could only scream and call the guards outside.

A group of guards rushed in, and Mo Yan rushed to the ground behind them.

As soon as he was out of danger, Mo Yan cried out, "Mo Yuan, you dare to beat Ben Jun, Ben Jun will kill ..."

Looking at Mo Beichen's murderous face, Mo Yan shook his finger and pointed directly at Baiju, "She!"

"you dare!"

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed red, and he shouted, "Let her go."

"Dream." Mo Yan shouted with his neck still.

This **** is his magic weapon to win, he will let go if he is stupid.

"You're looking for death!" Mo Beichen squinted his eyes, raised his hand to carry the magic, and hit Mo Yan again.

Mo Yan flinched behind the guard, shouting: "Do you know why Ben Jun kept her in there, because all the organs are below?"

As soon as Mo Yan's voice fell, the floor of the cage that the **** stepped on disappeared instantly.


When her feet were empty, Baitan was suddenly frightened. Fortunately, she subconsciously grasped the iron rod on the cage before she fell.


Mo Beichen was startled and rushed to the side of the iron cage.

The gap between the iron rods was not large. Mo Beichen could only reach into one hand and hug the **** across the iron cage.

With Mo Beichen's rescue, Bai Tan was relieved, lay on his hands, looked underneath, and was shocked again.

There are dense spikes underneath, and if they fall, they will be dead.

While the **** was afraid, he stared at Mo Yan angrily instantly.

This shameless man is so sinister that he must not die.

"Beaver, I'll save you out now."

Mo Beichen looked at the **** distressedly, raised his hand and slashed fiercely at the iron cage.

"Bang, bang!"

Several loud noises made the beaver's eardrum hurt, but the iron cage did not respond at all, not even the deformation.

Mo Beichen frowned and raised his hand to chop. He listened to Mo Yan with a smile: "It's useless, this is not what Ben Jun specially prepared for you, but she is also blessed."

I knew he was so good. Can he use bad things to deal with him? This is made by Tianshan's Wannian black iron, which is so easy for ordinary people to get rid of.

Mo Beichen did not believe in evil, and summoned Long Yinjian to hack the cage, but still nothing happened.

Mo Yan watched his movements, mockingly, "You will die this heart, just this little broken sword also wants to split the ten thousand years of black iron."

Hearing the words "Broken Sword", Long Yinjian's anger suddenly soared. Before Mo Beichen commanded, he flew directly from his hand, straight into Mo Yan's heart.

Mo Yan was so frightened that he hurried past the guards in front of him to resist.


The guard was pierced by the heart of Long Yinjian, and his eyes were braided when he rolled his eyes.

Seeing that the guard was dead, Mo Yan was frightened again, and quickly threw the guard out.

Long Yinjian was out of breath, and obediently returned to Mo Beichen.

Looking at Long Yinjian hovering around Mo Beichen, Mo Yan screamed angrily: "Mo Yuan, how dare you fight against the sword."

Mo Beichen ignored him and stared at him blankly: "Let her go."

As soon as he talked about Baitan, Mo Yan was proud again: "By self-defeating, Benjun let her out."

Mo Beichen's eyes sank, while Long Yinjian was so angry that he stared at Mo Yan angrily, hoping to fly over and stab him again.

"OK." Mo Beichen was silent for a moment, then raised his hand.

"Don't!" Beaver was startled, and quickly took his hand to stop him.

"Beaver ..." Mo Beichen looked at Bai Tan with surprise. Who said that Beaver moved his love, and his **** still cared about him.

Baitan frowned at Mo Beichen, feeling inexplicably distressed.

Whatever happened to this man, she didn't know him, why did he self-defeate for her?

"Rest assured, I will save you out."

Mo Beichen touched the beaver's head comfortably, then raised his hand toward his chest.

Brushing it twice, a powerful force erupted from Mo Beichen's body.


When Beaver's heart fell to the bottom of the valley, looking at his painful eyebrows, she instantly reddened her eyes.

Long Yinjian was also anxious, flying frantically in the air.

The opposite Mo Yan was ecstatic.

Great, Mo Yan's **** has finally become a waste, seeing if he dare to mad with him in the future.

Other guards standing at the door were happy, gloating, and unworthy and sad for Mo Beichen.

The powerful force disappeared, and Mo Beichen knelt down.

The raccoon pulled him hurriedly, but she was too weak and had no effect in the cage.

Seeing Mo Beichen's lack of cultivation, Mo Yan finally dared to step forward.

"Let her go!" Mo Beichen was weak and sweaty.

Mo Yan laughed with a smile and raised his fist and hit Mo Beichen.

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