Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1334: Are you my husband?

"Boom", Mo Beichen's head was suddenly deflected.

Baitan was so anxious for Mo Beichen's name, but he didn't know what his name was.

"Well, weren't you still awesome just now? You fought back." Mo Yan taunted and punched again.

Mo Beichen was beaten with blood in his mouth, but he didn't say a word, holding the **** tightly with one hand.

The **** was anxious to scratch his head and scratch his head, but there was nothing he could do.

"Mo Yan, do you know how much Ben Jun hates you?" Mo Yan picked up Mo Beichen in the past, and banged his head on the iron cage.

"From small to large, as long as you are there, the father and the monarch will not see the efforts of the monarch and the goodness of the monarch."

Mo Yan said more and more angry, and raised his hand and smashed it with two punches.

"What do you think you are good at, talented, talented, shit!" Mo Yan spit, sneering disdainfully, "I haven't become a bereaved dog under this throne."

When Mo scolded, Mo Beichen didn't hear him at all. He shook his head and looked at him coldly: "Let her go!"

The icy look surprised his heart, Mo Yan's eyes burst into anger, and a magical fist slammed on Mo Beichen's heart.

"Ahem ..." Mo Beichen vomited two blood.

Mo Yan looked at him resentfully: "The thing that Ben Jun hates most is your eyes. If you dare to look at Ben Jun with that kind of eyes, Ben Jun will kill you."

He grew up like this when he was young. No matter what he says or does, he always looks at him with this kind of eyes. He sees mercy in that cold eyes, and the **** mercy is obviously worse than him. He, why did he have compassion on him?

After flying a few laps in the air, Long Yinjian finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Mo Yan's eyes flickered, and he immediately leaned forward, but was still torn by Long Yinjian's neck.


Mo Yan called out, quickly covered his **** neck, and stared at Dragon Yinjian fiercely.

This **** broken sword dared to sneak up on him. If he caught it, he would have to break it into pieces.

Mo Beichen grabbed Long Yinjian and slowly stood up.

"Let her go!" Mo Beichen held up his sword and pointed directly at Mo Yan, and still looked so coldly defying, without any change from his words just now.

Mo Yan was so angry that he was about to get angry, but when he saw Long Yinjian, he changed his attention instantly.

"It's okay for Ben Jun to let her out. You give this sword to Ben Jun."

This broken sword is still very powerful, better than all his weapons. If he has this sword, it will definitely be improved.

Upon hearing Mo Yan's words, Long Yinjian immediately shook.

This is angry and afraid.

It was so embarrassing that this shameless villain dared to make his idea, and he was afraid that his own son would send it out. To know that between the hostess and it, the host would definitely choose the hostess without hesitation.

Sure enough, Mo Beichen looked at Long Yinjian disgustingly, and he threw it to Mo Yan without hesitation.

Mo Yan took the sword with excitement, and immediately waved with joy.

Long Yinjian's body shuddered again.

Nope, it was dirty by this shameless guy, he had to take a bath.

With Mo Beichen's artifact, Mo Yan didn't break his promise, and directly sent the guard to open the iron cage.

As soon as the iron cage was opened, the raccoon flew out of it, and rushed straight to Mo Yan's door, which was a severe claw.


Suddenly Momo sucked in a cold breath.

The **** has no co-hands, and his backhand is a claw.

This is shameful, but she has endured him for a long time, let him bully, and see that she does not scratch him into a big face.

"White beaver!"

Mo Yan screamed in pain and raised his hand to hack at the beaver.

Where could Mo Beichen make her hurt Baiju, she jumped forward and picked up Baiju to jump long distance.

Mo Yan was so angry that he lifted Long Yinjian and went to chop the beaver. Where did Long Yinjian listen to his command, he ran towards Mo Yan's face in a roundabout.

"Brush, brush!"

The remaining good places on Mo Yan's face were all turned into spider webs.

"Ah!" Mo Yan was mad, and fluttered to catch Long Yinjian.

How could Long Yinjian make him succeed, and he flickered in front of him, and then shot out of the room.

Seeing that Long Yinjian ran away, Mo Yan was so angry that he chased out like crazy.

"Close the door, and no one is allowed to approach." After running out, Mo Yan did not forget to order the guard.

"Bang", the heavy iron door was closed again, and the room became dark instantly.

"Your sword?" Baitan was a little worried that his sword would be taken away by that nasty face.

"It's okay, it will come back by itself." Mo Beichen comforted her already, and hugged her to the wall and sat down.

There was another small window high up the wall, but there was some light under it.

"Are there any injuries?" Mo Beichen asked while examining her old dim light.

Touched by him all over, the **** flushed: "I'm not injured."

Seeing that she was not hurt, Mo Beichen put down her heart.

"Eat." Mo Beichen took out an elixir from his arms and handed it to the beaver.

The thick smell of the medicine reached the tip of the nose, and the **** instantly recognized that it was a wound medicine.

"You eat." The beaver's little paw grabbed the elixir and brought it to him.

He was obviously injured, but how could he feed her medicine instead, and she was not injured.

Looking at her concerned little eyes, Mo Beichen was slightly sweet, and she ate the elixir in her claws.

The warm breath sprayed into the center of the little paw, and the **** suddenly blushed again.

God, she can't resist such a charming man.

In the dim light of the moon, that perfect handsome face was reflected in Bai Jue's mind.

This man looks so good! Also good figure!

Beaver couldn't help looking at him between his legs.

It's okay not to look at it. At first glance, she immediately felt that there was something between her little buttocks.

"Slap! Slap!"

Nose blood flowed down and the **** quickly covered his nose.

Mo Beichen looked at her with amusement and gently wiped her nose.

"All my husband and wife are still bleeding nosebleeds."

He remembered when they first met, she bleeds nosebleeds for no reason every time. He didn't know what happened at first, but later realized that the little guy had fantasies about him.

"Old man and wife?"

The **** looked at Mo Beichen for a while, and it took a long time for him to react, and he screamed, "I and you ... my husband and wife!"

Looking at Baiju's shocked look, Mo Beichen frowned frantically, and suddenly had a bad hunch in his heart: "You ..."

"Are you my husband?" Before Mo Beichen asked, Baiju looked at Mo Beichen in shock and expectation.

Mo Beichen frowned at the beaver, but didn't answer.

What's wrong with Tanuki? Why don't you seem to remember him?

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