Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1336: Zi Xiuran called

"Guru Guru" bleed several blood, and the **** couldn't stop.

However, she really distressed him, took a dozen mouthfuls to understand the crickets, and then stopped abruptly.

She put out her little tongue and licked his wound, rolled the blood drop into the tip of the tongue, only to find that there is nothing more delicious than this.

When she drank blood, he tried hard to control, but when she licked him, the tense string he broke completely.

"Beaver ..."

Mo Beichen called her hoarsely and kissed her lips with her head.

The white fox stayed for a moment, but she ... the fox ...

His tenderness and affection infected her, and she slowly closed her eyes and began to enjoy.

Regardless of him, people don't mind her beast, what does she mind.

Mo Beichen kissed for a long time, knowing that the little man in his arms was lethargic, and finally let her go.

Every time she drank her blood, she always fell asleep.

Mo Beichen took her into her arms, took the cloak from her storage ring and put it on her.

Feeling the warmth, Baitan drilled into Mo Beichen's arms, and soon fell asleep.

Mo Beichen please touched her little face, her purple eyes were full of tenderness.

He will definitely take her out.

Mo Yan's face covered with gauze came out of the doctor, and he was blocked by Bi Xue.

"What are you doing?" Mo Yan looked at Bi Xue angrily.

Now his face was hurting fiercely, no one was happy.

Seeing that Mo Yan has no good complexion, the blue blood that originally settled the account has no good complexion.

"Why do you lie to the emperor?" Bi Xue asked with a black face.

Mo Mo only responded to what Bixue said, and suddenly guilty of guilty eyes, "Ben Jun lied to you, Ben Jun just found Bai Juer."

"Impossible." Bi Xue didn't believe his words at all. "When the emperor came to you to talk about the strategy, was Bai Juer caught by you?"

Even if he can't just catch Baijuer, even if he just caught Baijuer, he should tell him.

The lie was revealed, and Mo Yan was fortunate not to deny it: "Even what? What does this have to do with you?"

He caught Baitan to deal with Mo Yan, not to deal with him. He was nervous.

"It has nothing to do with the emperor, you should know that the emperor has resentment against the beaver." Bi Xue stalked his neck.

Mo Yan raised his eyebrows: "Ben Jun knows, didn't this help you catch her?"

He has vengeance against Baijuer, and he has vengeance against Mo Yan, and they are just united against them.

"Give the **** to the emperor, or kill the **** in the presence of the emperor." Bi Xue no longer circled with him, and said frankly.

This time he came to take away the beaver, the **** is now pregnant with the blood of the Sky Fox, and he can never let the blood of the Sky Fox come to the world.

Mo Frow frowned, and refused to think about it: "The **** cannot die now."

He still had to rely on Baijuer to hold Mo Yan. He didn't want to kill Mo Yan just like that, he hadn't tortured him enough.

When Mo Yan was unwilling to kill Bai Jue, a gleam of cold light suddenly appeared in his blood eyes: "The Bai Jue must die, and the emperor will give you another chance, and now kill her, or give it to me.

Seeing Bi Xue's attitude so strong, Mo Yan was not happy: "The man was caught by Ben Jun, why should I give it to you?"

Is it because of this relationship between him and him?

Green blood squinted: "Mo Yan, don't regret it!"

Glancing at Mo Yan, Bi Xue flung his sleeve away.

Mo Yan looked at Bi Xue's back and snorted, but didn't take him seriously.

Because of the injury on his face, Mo Yan had no intention to torture Mo Beichen and Baiju, and went straight back to sleep.

In the iron room, Mo Beichen was holding Baiju with his eyes closed.

The morning sun shines in through small windows in the high places, making the house brighter.

"Boom", suddenly something flew in from the small window above.

Mo Beichen opened it swiftly and saw Long Yinjian standing in front of him.

Seeing Baijue still asleep, Mo Beichen quickly hurled a snoring gesture at it.

Long Yinjian glanced at the hostess in the arms of her master, and immediately understood, and gently wanted to return to her master's space.

But it just moved, and the little fox that had fallen asleep erected from the arms of Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen glared at Long Yinjian fiercely.

Long Yinjian only felt that he was wronged and died. It really didn't do anything. Why did the hostess wake up?

The **** rubbed his eyes and looked at Long Yinjian floating in front of her suddenly surprised.

"Your sword is really coming back." Baiju clutched Long Yinjian and wanted to dance twice, but she couldn't even lift the heavy sword.

Mo Beichen directly took the sword in her hand and threw it out.

"Snap", Long Yinjian fell to the ground, and suddenly burst into tears.

Even the heavy-colored light sword should have a limit!

Bai Tan also looked at Long Yinjian on the ground blankly, and did not expect Mo Beichen to be so gentle with his sword.

"Would you like to sleep for a while?" Mo Beichen hugged her tenderly, the opposite of what he had just seen.

"No need, I slept well." Baitan chuckled joyfully around his neck, but she slept soundly yesterday.

"Will you drink blood?" Mo Beichen asked again.

Mo Beichen didn't say it was okay. When he said that Baiju's attention was all on the blood vessels in his neck.

"I'm not hungry!" Baitan forcibly removed her eyes, and she was afraid she couldn't help looking any further.

"Let's think about how to get out?" Afraid that he still wanted to drink blood, Baitan quickly shifted the topic.

Mo Beichen frowned, and looked around the whole iron house. Except for the trap covered with spikes under the iron cage, there was only an iron door and a small window whose head could not reach out.

The iron cage was sealed, and Long Yinjian couldn't split it. Even if there was a passage under the trap, they couldn't go down.

He must not be able to get out of that little window, but Tanuki should be able to get out.

Baitan also saw the small window, and looked at Mo Beichen with joy: "I want to break the window, I can go out from above."

Mo Beichen glanced at the window and frowned, "It's too dangerous outside. I can't worry about you going out alone."

Now besides Mo Yan and Bi Xue are also looking for her. She has now become a fox, and she has no spiritual power. How can he rest assured that she let her go out alone.

The **** lowered his head resentfully.

Also, she is really not safe to go out now, and after she goes out, she cannot save him out by herself.

Neither the iron cage nor the small window will work, then only the iron door is left.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen looked at each other and raised the corners of their lips together.

Mo Yan had a sore face and didn't sleep well all night. He lost his temper in the room and was about to go to Mo Beichen and Baiju to release the fire. Then he saw a little rush rushing in.

"It's not good for the king, Xianzun Zi Xiuran brought the soldiers over."

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