Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1337: Fairy Siege


Mo Yan was startled, yanked across Xiao Xiao's placket, "What do you say, say it again."

Xiao Yan was scared not only by Mo Yan, but shivered and said, "Zi, Zi Xiuran took the immortal soldiers to attack Tianmo City.

"Zi Xiuran!" Mo Yan gave a cold drink, and immediately flew off Xiao Xiao, and hurried out.

"King is not good!"

As soon as he was out of the main hall, another little sister hurried over.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yan frowned, his face impatient.

"The demon world has also sent troops." The young man reported anxiously.

Now the demon world and the immortal world send troops together, their demon world is in danger.

"You mean blue blood!" Mo Yan suddenly panicked.

"Yes." The little shiver nodded tremblingly.

He didn't understand that they had a good relationship with the demon emperor before, and why the Kungfu demon emperor came to attack them.

Mo Yan was shocked to take a step back.

If it was only Zi Xiuran, he wouldn't be afraid of him. After all, those old stubborn in the immortal world would not let him go to war easily, and their demon world was not vegetarian, and even if he attacked him, he was not afraid.

But now that there is more blood to make fun of it, the blood is not terrible, but there are many demon soldiers behind him. If they really fight, they will be miserable on both sides.

"Come on, get together."

Mo Yan did not dare to neglect, and hurried to Tian Mo Cheng while commanding the people below.

In the iron house, Baiju and Mo Beichen didn't know what was happening outside, and they were planning to escape.

"Come!" Mo Beichen kicked Tiemen and shouted.

The two guards outside heard the sound and looked at each other.

"Where is the door open? Can it be opened?" The fat guard frowned and asked the thin guard.

The lean guard looked at the iron gate hesitantly, and hesitated.

After all, it was the former demon king, they really did not dare to be obedient.

But if something goes wrong when the door is opened, the current devil will not let them go.

"What are you doing?" The thin guard hesitated for a moment before shouting into the door.

"Open the door!"

Bumping, Iron Gate was kicked fiercely again.

The thin guard was startled, and the fat guard's fat jumped with that voice.

"What now?" The fat guard looked nervously at the thin guard.

The thin guard frowned for a moment, then carefully probed into the small iron window above the iron gate, trying to see what was happening inside.

As soon as the thin guard's head stretched out, the sharp sword with the cold light stretched out, and he put it on his neck accurately.

"Jun Jun Jun ..."

Looking at the perfect handsome face appearing in the window, the thin guard was suddenly frightened.

The fat guard also did not expect that Mo Beichen would come to this move, and it was frightening.

"Open the door!" Another sentence was cold, without any extra crap.

The thin guard swallowed and shivered, "I really can't let you out."

If he ran away, how could they have survived.

Mo Beichen's eyes were cold, and Long Yin's sword in his hand was struggling hard, and his thin guard was immediately drawn into a deep mouth.

The thin guard felt his neck almost leave him, and immediately shook like sieve bran.

"I don't want to say the third time." Mo Beichen spoke coldly, and also glanced at the fat guard.

The fat guard was frightened, and his legs were soft. He trembled and took the key out of his arms to open the door.

"You're crazy!" The thin guard saw the fat guard about to let him go, and glared at him immediately.

As the fat guard opened the door, he cursed, "You're crazy, if you don't open, it's dead, if you open, it's better to let them out."

If the thin guard is dead, then he must be a dead. Anyway, he is dead right and left. It is better to be a good person and sell a good person in front of him. Too much, maybe he can become a demon again, they don't have to die.

Listening to the fat guard saying so, the thin guard also realized.

"I come."

Seeing that the fat guard shivered and opened the door too slowly, the thin guard snatched his key and opened the door.

As soon as the iron door opened, Mo Beichen held out the **** and came out.

"Jun, please let the little ones follow you." The fat guard and the thin guard knelt down before Mo Beichen.

Anyway, staying is dead, but it is better to follow the ex-devil, maybe there is good fortune.

Mo Beichen frowned at them and raised his eyebrows, "Go ahead and open the road."

He and Tanuki aren't doing anything right now, and these two are useful now.


The two responded and immediately went to the front to open the road.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and followed.

Surprisingly, nobody seems to be in this demon palace today.

Along the way, they barely encountered a few magic soldiers.

The thin guards and the fat guards hid in the corners, and looked at the few guards outside Demon Castle, both frowning.

"That's not right, it shouldn't be just this person." The thin guard murmured to himself, but also felt a little uneasy.

What happened? Something happened in the palace, or someone found out they had let go.

Mo Beichen also frowned at the guard outside, and took a bottle of drug from the storage ring and threw it to the thin guard: "This is the drug, solve them."

"Yes." The lean guard took the bottle of medicine in his hands and ran out.

"Isn't this Xiao Gui? Isn't Jun Shang showing you people? Why are you here?"

As soon as the thin guards went out, the guards recognized him.

"The iron gate is locked, and there is a fat forest, they can't run." The thin guard said deliberately, and then turned his eyes again. "Isn't it heard that something happened in the palace? What happened? ? "

"What happened in the palace?" A guard gave him a sideways glance. "Is something wrong with the Devil?"

"What?" The thin guard was startled, nervous, "What happened to the devil?"

"You don't know yet." Another guard said when he saw that he was fussed, "It was the fairy realm that sent fairy soldiers to encircle our demon realm."

The thin guard stared blankly, "How could this, suddenly, besiege?"

The fat guard hiding behind was also nervous.

Mo Beichen was also frowning, but Baiju looked ignorant, totally unaware of what happened.

"But this fairy world suddenly sent troops for the people in the iron house?" The thin guard turned his eyes, and deliberately tried again.

"It's possible." The guard said, and sighed again, "It's not just the immortal soldiers, but even the demon world has moved. Now the two demon worlds have besieged our demon world directly."

As soon as the guard said this, the fat guard hiding behind was shocked and sat down on the ground.

Ma Ma, the devil is over.

"Who?" The guards were immediately alert when they heard the movement behind them.

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