Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1339: Rescue

Mo Yan believes what Bi Xue said, and invites a magician: "Go and bring both Beaver and Mo Yan."

The demon frowned, hesitating. However, when looking at Mo Yan's fierce eyes, he still did.

As soon as the demon led a group of talents, he heard Zi Xiu's orders.

"Kill this deity!"

Zi Xiuran's indifferent eyes had been covered by murderous gas at this moment.

Those immortal soldiers will hear the order of Zi Xiuran, and rushed up immediately.

Mo Yan was startled, he did not expect that Zi Xiuran would be so decisive, saying that killing would kill.

Mo Yan looked at Bi Xue in panic: "Baijuer Benjun will give it to you. Now you join hands with Benjun, and we will attack the immortal world together."

Bi Xue narrowed his eyes, watching the decisive purple repair dye, and his heart was also a little cyanotic.

He didn't dare to run into trouble with Zi Xiuran. Those immortal soldiers will not say, and it is enough for Zi Xiuran to eat a pot.

He didn't even want to be the enemy of the fairy world, he just wanted to get rid of the beaver.

Fulin took a trip to the Demon Palace and soon returned: "Your Majesty, Beaver is not in Demon Castle at all."

His Majesty frowned, and stared at Mo Yan: "Where have you hidden the Beaver, please hand it over."

There, Zi Xiuran also got Yu Fan's obituary, staring at Mo Yan angrily.

Mo Yan's face is inexplicable. Where can Baitaner be away from Mohuangbao?

It's just abominable that they secretly went to their castle.

Mo Yan was too late to be angry with Bi Xue, and frowned, "You help Ben Jun to deal with Zi Xiuran, Ben Jun will naturally give you the white beaver, and never give up."

He had put it together before, and where did Bixue believe him now: "Give the **** to the emperor, otherwise don't blame the emperor."

Bi Xue said with a big palm, the demon soldier demon will immediately take a step forward.

The blood was squinting, and he must not let Baijuer fall into the hands of Zi Xiuran, otherwise it would be difficult to have Baijuer's life again.

Here the demon soldier has already fought with the immortal soldier, and the demon soldier over there is also desperate, and Mo Yan is sweating anxiously.

Not only is Mo Yan anxious, the magicians are also anxious cold sweat.

It would be miserable if this fairy world and the monster world really attacked the demon world at the same time.

At this moment, everyone was resentful to Mo Yan, if it were not for him to arrest people, the devil would not be in such a situation.

The more people hate Mo Yan, the more they miss the former Mo Jun Mo Yan.

In the past, when Mo Yanjun was on the scene, who would dare to violate their demonic realm? Mo Yanjun not only had high magic, but also had clear rewards and penalties.

Mo Yan was so anxious that when the blood was impatient, the magistrate who had ordered to return to the Demon Castle just returned.

Seeing that the demon was coming back, Mo Yan was immediately overjoyed, and said quickly: "You are here just right, hurry up ..."

When Mo Yan talked about halfway, he realized that he didn't bring Baijuer at all, and looked at that there were no Baijuer and Moyu behind them.

"What about Mo Yan and the fox." Mo Yan frowned at the magic general.

The devil would immediately kneel in cold sweat, "They ran away."

When they went, the guard at Mohuangbao was dizzy, dead, no one was there.

"What!" Mo Yan was shocked and almost fell off the horse. "How is this possible?"

His iron gate was also made by Wannian black iron, even if Mo Yan had the broken sword, Mo Yan could not break it, and they could not escape it.

"Fat Lin and Shou Gui?" Mo Yan asked quickly what he thought of.

The demon looked down: "They are gone."

They found that they were missing. They also specifically sought out Fat Lin and Shougui, and wanted to ask about the situation, but they did not see them when they went through the corpses and the unconscious person.

"Damn traitor!" Mo Yan suddenly became angry.

It must be that they released Mo Yan.

When Bi Xue saw that they did not bring the beaver, they finally did not wait.

"Kill my emperor!"

With a wave of blue blood, the demon soldier demon rushed out.

Bi Xue's cold and wicked smile, even if he can't catch Baijuer today, it's okay to divide the devil.

The demon soldier will be surrounded by the immortal soldier and the demon soldier, and the enemy will be negatively affected.

Fat Lin and Shougui looked at the crisis brothers below, anxious.

"Master, please find a way to save them." The two kneeled down together.

They knew that the king had lost his magic power, but Xianzun came to save him and the princess. As soon as they appeared, Zi Xiuran should withdraw his troops, and then only the demon world would be easy to handle.

Mo Beichen frowned, and finally moved.


A sudden loud noise instantly stunned everyone under the melee.

Everyone looked up invariably, but was stunned by the blue dragon in midair.

The dragon swooped in, and before them they had reached them.

As soon as Qinglong threw the giant tail, the three-party melee split up instantly, and the three realms returned to their place, and they were so wonderfully divided.

Everyone fell to the ground and mourned.

When they got up, they could clearly see the man on the dragon.

"It's King!"

The magic soldier was most happy, and he used to call out his former title.

"It's Mojun Moxie!"

People in the fairy realm also recognize only Mo Yan.

People in the demon world are the most complicated.

They know the beavers. The princess of the demon world, the only bloodline of the demon emperor Baidi, but they were forced to be bloody, and could not admit it.

As for Mo Yan, they also admire. If the Bai Yao Demon Emperor is still there, then the two demons are considered to be married, and where will the immortal world be their opponent.

But now all this is ruined by the blue blood.

Seeing that it was Mo Beichen and Baiju, Mo Yan screamed first: "Mo Yuan, how dare you sneak away!"

Hearing his shout, the demons behind him were instantly black lines.

It is obvious that the monarch came to save them, could he not bother?

"Fat Lin, Shou Gui, Ben Jun is going to kick you nine groups." After scolding Mo Beichen, Mo Yan scolded at Fat Lin and Shou Gui again.

The two were also skeptical. They have no nine clans, only their two brothers.

Zi Xiuran saw the two came out safely, but was relieved.

Hua Yan also breathed a long sigh of relief, these two can be regarded as coming out, but worried that he was dead.

"Just here, hand over the beaver." Bi Xue saw the two appear, and immediately moved his mind.

The drowsy **** lying in Mo Beichen's arms, heard Bi Xue calling her name, and immediately stood up and looked at Bi Xue strangely.

Looking at the pair of red triangle eyes, the **** inexplicably disliked it.

This guy is so ugly.

Upon hearing the screams of Green Blood, Mo Yan was immediately excited: "Green Blood killed them, Mo Yan has not repaired it, so don't be afraid."

Upon hearing Mo Yan's words, the magic soldiers frowned again.

I really want to seal his mouth.

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