Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1340: Xiuwei didn't disappear at all

Fat Lin and Shougui also stared at Mo Yan angrily.

King Shang is obviously helping him. He doesn't even appreciate it, he also betrays King Shang.

Is he a good person when he is green? Everyone had to swallow the demon world, and he was stupid enough to count them.

When Hua Yan heard that Mo Beichen's repair was gone, he was shocked.

No one knows more about how difficult his cultivation is. How can his cultivation be gone.

Huayan is distressed and angry.

Zi Xiuran frowned when he heard that Mo Beichen's repair was gone.

There was no happier than Bi Xue, his eyes brightly looked at Mo Beichen.

I thought he was so good. It turned out to be a waste, and I have to say that Mo Yan finally did the right thing.

Bi Xuexie smiled and raised her lips, and flew towards Mo Beichen and Baiju.

Today he has to be killed by the **** anyway.

Seeing this, Hua Yan anxiously wanted to step forward, but saw Mo Beichen on the back of Qing Long suddenly shake his arms.

"Boom", and the powerful purple beam beamed into the sky.

The super-strong airflow resisted the blood and made him unable to move.

Not only the blue blood, the immortal soldiers, the magic soldiers, the demon soldiers, were all shocked and unable to move by this super strong coercion.

At this moment, everyone looked at Mo Beichen in shock.

So strong!

Is this the power of the devil?

Mo Yan looked at Mo Beichen unbelievably, and couldn't believe his eyes.

how is this possible?

He has apparently self-destructed it, so why is there such a powerful force now?

Bai Tan also buried her face in Mo Beichen's arms, which was really the glare of Mrs. Glare.

But what is going on here?

Did n’t you fix it before? Why suddenly Xiuwei came back.

Because Lin Lin and Shougui were close, they felt that their hearts were almost broken.

Fortunately, the king did not target them, otherwise it is estimated that they have now become gray.

The force continued to release for a while before slowly converging.

A steady stream of abilities returned to Mo Beichen's body. Before the last trace of power returned, Mo Beichen's brows showed a purple serpentine mark. At that moment, everyone felt that Mo Beichen was as tall as heaven.

Bai Tan looked at Mo Beichen dumbly, only to think he was more beautiful.

Zi Xiuran looked at Mo Beichen's dazzling appearance, his eyes dazzled.

This time he should have been blessed by misfortunes. He reinvented his power, and therefore truly controlled those magical powers, and his power was still refined. Now he should be comparable to his father and prince.

After Mo Beichen regained his strength, he ran into a source ball and split it into the blue blood.

Bi Xue had seen Mo Beichen's power before, and now he knows that he hasn't lost his cultivation behavior. Where can he dare to run into it, just turn around and run.

But how could Mo Beichen let him run away, and a super magic ball swung out, so fast that Bi Xue had no time to run at all.

"Boom", the magic ball hit the back of the blood.


A bite of old blood spurted, and Bi Xue felt only a crack in her heart.


"His Majesty!"

The blue blood fell to the ground, and Fu Lin immediately went to support him.

Bi Xue got up, covering her heart, and didn't dare to go to Mo Beichen, just waiting for Mo Yan to curse, "Well, you Mo Mo, how dare you take the Emperor to open a robe, and you wait for the Emperor."

Severely wounded, and with so many enemies, how dare you stay more bloody, and leave the evil soldiers on the road with a ruthless word.

Mo Yan was scolded and killed injustice, but Bi Xue was gone, he could not explain, and could only stare at Mo Beichen resentfully.

"Mo Yan, how dare you lie to Ben Jun, Ben Jun wants you to look good today."

Mo Yan screamed, and flew forward angrily.

Mo Beichen patted Bai Jui's head calmly: "Good boy, sleep on my back first."

The **** blinked, knowing that he was afraid that she would see any **** and violent side, and he obediently buried his small face in his arms, pretending to be dead.

Mo Beichen looked at the **** with a small **** in a funny way, wrapped her in a cloak, and looked up at Mo Yan who was flying towards him.

As soon as Mo Yan flew up, before he stood on Qinglong's back, Mo Beichen swiped in the punch.


Mo Yan's head crooked and fell.

Mo Beichen did not let him go, but instead he hugged the **** and followed it.

Mo Yan fell to the ground, howling, and just before he got up, Mo Beichen's fist flew over again.

One punch, two punches, three punches ... Summer screamed.

Mo Beichen doesn't use magic, just rely on his fist when he is a disobedient child.

Mo Yan did not dare to resist with magic, because he knew his magic was a fart in front of Mo Yan.

"Boom!" It was another heavy punch that smacked Mo Yan's nose and blood.

The **** lying in the arms of Mo Beichen secretly opened his cloak and gave Mo Yan a glance.

Looking at Mo Mi's misery, Baitan immediately became excited.

This shameless guy was finally taught, it really deserves it.

"it is good!"

As soon as Baitan thought about it, the fairy soldier over there raised his spear to cheer up Mo Beichen.

The magic soldiers here were a little excited looking at the learned Mo Yan.

This monarch, it really is time to learn lessons.

"Okay!" I don't know which demon soldier shouted, and the other demon soldiers shouted immediately.

"Good fight!"

For a time, both immortal soldiers and magic soldiers were applauded.

"you guys……"

Hearing that even the magic soldiers applauded, Mo Yan was about to vomit blood.

"Haha ..."

The **** turned around cheerfully and made a face at Mo Yan, "Look at how unpopular you are, I advise you to obediently return the position of the devil to us A Mo, you ca n’t help A Dou No way. "

Mo Yan looked at the little guy in her arms pettifully, and couldn't bear to press her head back, only to her.

Mo Yan doesn't know who Adou is, but he knows that the stink fox must have been bad words.

"You stinky fox, even you dare to tease Benjun, to see how Benjun killed you." Mo Yan glanced vaguely at Beaver, and then reached out and grabbed Mo Beichen's arms.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed coldly, and he transported Xuanli directly to his chest.

"Hmm ..." Mo Yan caught a sudden spit of blood.

Mo Beichen was still very angry. Just now he hit all of them in vain. Since he was still stubborn, he would kill him directly.

Mo Beichen wielded magic at Mo Yan again, but this time he was not polite at all.

Within a while, Mo Yan was beaten down.

Shougui, standing on the back of Qinglong, looked at Mo Yan's bird, suddenly relieved.

He glanced at the demon soldier who was still crying, and suddenly his eyes rolled around, and he shouted, "Mo Yan is selfish and foolish. He cannot afford to be the demon of the demon world. Please ask the demon of the demon world to regain his control!"

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