Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1341: Heavy Palm Demon

The magic soldiers listened to the shout and looked at each other, and soon they shouted together.

"Please Mo Mo Demon regain control of the demon world!"

"Please Mo Mo Demon regain control of the demon world!"

The three armies of the demon world shouted loudly, but what Shougui said just now really expressed their voices.

Mo Yan is indeed embarrassed and heavy. Mo Mo's Demon is more reliable. The key is that Mo Yan is too poor.

"Please Mo Mo Demon regain control of the demon world!"

Finally, even the fairy soldiers of the fairy realm followed suit.

There is no way to make this Mo Yan so annoying, it is not as good as the previous Devil.

Mo Yan, who was lying down on the ground, heard the cry of the three armies of the Demon Realm, and it was angrily spitting out two old blood.

"Damn Mo Yan, you dare to grab the position of the devil of this monarch." Mo Yan was so angry that he wanted to get up and yell at Mo Beichen.

But he just sat up and was beaten down by Mo Beichen again.

"Inkwell, devil!"

"Magic, mighty!"

The magic soldiers shouted happily again.

Listening to the sound of the Demon King, Mo Yan was so angry that he passed out.

Fat Lin and Shougui have flew down from Qinglong, kneeling in front of Mo Beichen: "Please the devil regain control of the demon world."

Mo Beichen frowned and looked at the two of them. He was so impressed that Mo Mochen didn't leave it, but he didn't really want to regain control of the demon world.

He didn't like that position at first, but was forced on him by his father and prince. He was later robbed by Mo Yan. He also had the right to return to the original owner. Back to the demon world.

If Taner wasn't brought into the demon world by Bai Xiao, he was afraid he would never set foot here again, because there was no one he cared about.

"Please let the demon regain control of the demon world."

All of a sudden, the three armies of the Devil Knelt.

Mo Beichen frowned at the magic soldier kneeling down, but still didn't speak.

Baitan held Mo Beichen's handsome face: "Don't you want to be a devil?"

Mo Beichen smiled bitterly and stinged her little face pettifully: "Do you want me to be?"

"Of course." Baitan replied without thinking. "You become Mo Jun, they dare not bully us."

The **** said they naturally refer to Mo Yan and Bi Xie. In her opinion, these two are critical to A Mo and one to her, and they are not good people.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows petulantly. Since she thought, he was the devil.

Mo Beichen hugged the beaver, flew into the air at once, floated in front of the three armies of the Demon Realm, and yelled, "Devil Moji, regain his throne!"

All three armies were overjoyed and immediately bowed their heads.

"See the devil, the devil is forever and ever, and it will never die."

The **** listened to this shrewd slogan, and unconsciously twitched.

However, A Mo can regain the position of Devil, and she is still happy for him.

What Baitan didn't know was how much she regretted her decision today when she was awake.

Because Mo Beichen redefined the Demon King and Baijue was safe, Zi Xiuran announced his withdrawal.

Mo Beichen also let the demon press Mo Mo back to the imperial castle.

"Mr. Mo, you are so amazing." Hua Yan patted Mo Beichen's shoulder with a beard and a beard.

I didn't expect this boy to regain the position of the Demon King so quickly, he really taught it.

Mo Beichen's eyes warmed and his lips were tickled.

In this cold world, he and Tanuki are his warmth.

The **** looked at Hua Yan's somewhat familiar face, and couldn't help calling, "Old man ..."

"Haha ..." Hua Yan rubbed Bai Tan's head pettifully, "Girl Tan, you're really going to run around, this can kill Mo Xiao."

The **** blinked with big eyes. Although she couldn't understand what Huayan was talking about, Huayan gave her a very familiar feeling, that warm feeling.

"Thank you." Mo Beichen held the **** and thanked Zi Xiuran.

He thanked him not only for what he did today, but also for everything he had done for them.

He knew it was he who sent the old man to take care of them in the human world, and it was also the line the old man gave him and the raccoon. Everything the old man did was what he meant.

Zi Xiuran didn't speak, but frowned at the beaver.

The raccoon stared at Zi Xiuran, his heart aching.

If the old man just gave her a familiar feeling, then this person is very, very, very familiar.

She seemed to know him very well before. They lived together for a long time.

"What's wrong with her?" Zi Xiuran seemed to notice the strangeness of Baijuan, worried.

Mo Beichen touched Bai Tan's head: "She doesn't seem to remember the past. I think it should be the relationship between Bai Xiao's bottle of medicine."

Mo Beichen's words shocked both of them.

Zi Xiu frowned, and came forward to hold her beaver's paw to give her pulse.

The **** stared at yoyo eyes, watching the movement of Zi Xiuran's veins.

Why is she so familiar with this action?

As if she had done it countless times herself.

Mo Beichen looked nervously at Zi Xiuran. After a while, he nervously asked, "How?"

Zi Xiuran's face suddenly let go of Bai Jue's paw: "Her pulse is normal, the deity can't see anything, but she seems to be degraded."

Mo Beichen was startled and said, "She can't change her body."

Zi Xiuran heard the words more solemnly: "Then she has degraded for at least a thousand years."

They have been reincarnated for thousands of years, plus the practice of the millennium before reincarnation, Ah Tan should be two thousand years old, but now it seems that she is at most about one thousand years old.

Mo Beichen looked at the **** distressed, his eyes full of apology.

It was all his fault. It was because he didn't take good care of her that he had suffered such a great crime.

The **** understands and doesn't understand their conversation, but also knows that they are worrying about her memory loss and her inability to transform.

Feeling Mo Beichen's guilt, Baiju clutched his neck and stunned softly, comforting him silently.

In fact, it doesn't matter. Although she has amnesia, she still feels familiar with them. She knows that they are her closest relatives.

It is a problem not to be transformed, but there should be a way to cure it.

Mo Beichen rubbed Bai Tan's head and looked at Zi Xiuran: "Is there a way to heal?"

Zi Xiuran frowned for a moment and said, "Maybe if she found the medicine she took, her deity could make an antidote."

If he can figure out the ingredients of that medicine, he should be able to try it.

Mo Beichen's eyes brightened: "I'll go to the demon palace now."

"Wait." Zi Xiuran held him, glanced at the **** in his arms and said: "You should go back to deal with the demon world first, A **** can give it to the deity."

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, immediately holding the **** back in step.

"It's okay, Xianzun is the master of Tanuki." Huayan stepped forward and hugged the beaver, and stuffed her into Zi Xiuran's arms.

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