Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1342: What do you fight with me?


The **** arrived in Zi Xiuran's arms, apparently uncomfortable.

Although this person also gave her a very close feeling, she just felt twisted.

"Beaver ..." Looking at Bai's paw, Mo Beichen was about to hug her.

"It's okay to say everything." Hua Yan blocked directly in front of Mo Beichen. "It's important for you to do your business. Let us take care of this girl."

Bai Tan looked at Mo Beichen eagerly, Mo Beichen's heart seemed to be pinched by something, uncomfortable.

"The deity will find a way to make an antidote, and you'll do it to pick him up."

Seeing Bai Bei staring at Mo Beichen, Zi Xioran frowned, and flew away holding her.

"Rest assured, I promise nothing will happen." Hua Yan promised, and followed Zi Xiuran away.

Mo Beichen looked at Bai Yue's distant figure and felt that his heart was empty.

However, he also knew that he would not harm her, so he had to go and deal with the magic palace, and he would be able to find her in Fairyland.

Mo Beichen stood there for a long time before turning around and leaving.

When Mo Beichen returned to Mohuangbao, Mo Yan had already been detained. Coincidentally, he happened to be in the iron house where Mo Beichen and Baiju were held.

Mo Yan did not expect that the cage he had prepared for Mo Yan specifically turned out to be himself.

Mo Beichen did not go to see Mo Yan immediately, but dealt with the matter in the palace first.

Before, the people from the fairy world and the demon world broke into the palace, and many guards died in the palace.

Mo Beichen converged their souls and made them all reborn.

There are those who are following Mo Yan wholeheartedly, Mo Beichen also let them reincarnate.

Seeing Mo Beichen's thunder means, everyone was a little scared, and at the same time envious of the vision of Fat Lin and Shougui.

It had long been known that the Moxie Devil would regain control of the Demon Realm, and they hadn't stopped for a while, so how could he be locked up, but the two boys, Fat Lin and Shougui, would take advantage of it.

Now Fat Lin and Shougui are the big red men in front of the demon, just like the chief **** around the emperor of the human world, many orders were issued by the two of them.

After finishing some tricky housework, Mo Beichen went to see Mo Yan.

"Master, please."

Fat Lin and Shougui opened the iron gate for Mo Beichen.

In the room, Mo Yan has been awake for a while, now sitting against the iron cage.

When Mo Beichen came in, he stared at him with that red eye.

Mo Beichen frowned as he watched the chain on his hand.

"Subordinates are afraid he will run, so ..." Seeing Mo Beichen seemed a little funny, Shougui explained immediately.

He was also deceived by the king, and once suffered a loss, so he wanted to lock people first.

Mo Beichen waved at him, and Shougui immediately pulled Fat Lin back.

Mo Beichen stood in front of Mo Yan, and Mo Yan stared at him dead. None of them spoke, so they stared at each other.

"How? The prisoner's taste is uncomfortable." It took a long time for Mo Beichen to open his mouth first.

"How's it? It feels good for the villain to be determined." Mo Yan fought back mercilessly.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows without comment, but did not refute.

Seeing his pride, Mo Yan was annoyed again: "Mo Yuan, you wait for Ben Jun, Ben Jun will come back one day sooner or later."

"Really?" Mo Beichen tickled his lips. "Those who have helped you rebel let me kill. Do you think you have a chance to rise again?"

"Mo Yan, how dare you!" Mo Yan's face changed drastically, and he rushed towards Mo Beichen like crazy.

Mo Beichen stepped back two steps, the chain was instantly pulled, Mo Yan desperately pulled the chain to move towards Mo Beichen, but he couldn't move.

No wonder Mo Yan would be anxious. All those people killed by Mo Beichen were his confidants. The reason why he was always fearless was because those people supported him.

In fact, those were his mother-in-law. He followed his mother for many years. He rebelled and seized power for thousands of years ago, and left him to him before the retreat. However, it was unexpectedly killed by Mo Yan.

"Mo Yan, if you have the ability, let go of Ben, let's have a good fight."

Listening to Mo Yan's shouting, Mo Beichen just thought it was funny: "Hit, what do you fight with me? Is it an artifact, a beast, or a magic power?"

Mo Yan froze suddenly, Zhang Ya's dancing paws slowly gathered, pinching tightly.

Yes, he loses more than the artifact, he loses more than the beast, he loses more than the magic, he loses more than the fist.

After all, he can't match him.

Mo Yan suddenly stopped shouting, and took two steps, one fell to the ground and nested beside the iron cage.

Mo Beichen frowned and walked to him again: "From childhood to age, have you always thought that I was trying to overwhelm you, and deliberately made you unpopular?"

"Isn't it?" Mo Beichen didn't mention this. It was okay. When mentioning this, Mo Yan was excited. "From childhood to old age, you used this look of death. The eldest son, my mother is the queen of my father and father. Your mother is just a bad woman who robs her husband. You are a wild species. Why does your father like you? "

He heard Mo scold his mother, and Mo Beichen also flashed a cold light in his eyes: "I'm not a wild seed, my mother is not a bad woman."

"You are, you are a wild species, your mother is a bad woman with a shameless face!" When Mo Beichen was angry, Mo scolded more easily.

Mo Beichen's eyes appeared to be killing, and he grabbed Mo Yan's neck and squeezed it tightly: "I said, no, yes!"

Mo Beichen repeated the words just now.

A beautiful woman imprinted in his silver-purple eyes.

When he was very young, he did not know that he was Mo Youming's son. He followed his mother and lived in a lonely mountain together.

His mother is beautiful and beautiful, the kind of beauty that doesn't eat human fireworks.

I heard that they used to live in the village, but it was only because the mother was so beautiful that they often caused trouble, so the mother took him to live in Gushan.

It was very quiet, there was almost no one, but his mother would give him food every day like a joke.

There were no children of the same age playing with him, his mother would accompany him, there was no teacher to teach him, and his mother would teach him martial arts.

That beautiful woman stayed with him throughout his childhood. He never asked her who his father was? Because in his world, it is enough to have a mother.

But then she became ill and became very ill. He went down to the doctor to find the doctor, but no matter how famous doctor he looked for, she didn't get better.

She was getting more and more ill, she knew that she could no longer take care of him, so that person appeared.

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