Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1346: The drunkard's meaning is not wine

Shougui soon came back and said that Jin Fengjiao was no longer in retreat, and she no longer knew where she was going.

"She must have saved Mo Yan." Shougui guessed.

Mo Beichen frowned for a moment and said, "Run away and run away, leave them alone."

Right is to give them one last chance. If he doesn't mind any more, he will let them go, but if he still wants to toss, don't blame him for being rude.

"Yes." The two immediately responded.

Here Jin Fengjiao pulled Mo Yan out of Mohuangbao and didn't see anyone chasing it, so she stopped panting.

"After my mother, why don't you run away?" Mo Yan followed breathlessly.

"Slap!" Jin Fengjiao raised his hand and gave him a big mouth.

"Mother!" Mo Yan stumbled to the ground, looking at Jin Fengjiao inconceivably.

She even hit him, but she was reluctant to scold him from an early age.

"You still have a face called my mother!" Jin Fengjiao stared at Mo Yan with red eyes, "You are a useless thing, you can't fight even that wild species, and you are so tired of Luan Qing that they died tragically. What do you think you use ? "

Jin Fengjiao was almost furious, she was just a closed-door effort, he even lost the position of the devil, not only that, but also killed all her confidants.

Overnight, they went from the high above the lord of the demon world, the queen mother of the demon world, to the current bereavement dog.

Mo Yan covered his face and looked at Jin Fengjiao aggrievedly: "You also know how powerful that wild species is, his son can't beat him."

He is better than none other than Mo Yan, how can he fight with others?

Jin Fengjiao stared angrily: "You can't fight him, why did you go, I told you long ago, you can't let him come back to the demon world alive, why didn't you kill him before he recovered his magic power."

She had already told him so many times, and he had to let him reincarnate before the wild power was restored, but what he had done.

Mo Yan nodded his mouth: "Then I couldn't find him before. The human world is so big. Where can I find him?"

"Fart!" Jin Fengjiao was angry again. "You either can't find it, you just don't want to find it."

How can Zi Xiuran find someone, he can't find it. Besides, the kid was born with magic, as long as he found it by heart, he would be able to find it. He was afraid that he would never send anyone to look for it.

"Who knows he will recover his magic power? I thought he would wait to die in the human world in this life." Was pierced through his mind, Mo Yan guilty conscience.

He didn't think about finding him, but Luan Qing said that Mo Yan was born again, lost his magic power, and there was no threat, so he didn't bother to look for him. It got worse, he wasn't his opponent at all.

Jin Fengjiao hated the iron and wanted to beat him again, showing that he was crouching around his neck, useless, and annoyed again.

"After the mother is okay, we will definitely make a comeback in the future." Seeing Jin Fengjiao angry, Mo Yan comforted carefully.

Jin Fengjiao glared at him coldly: "Now there is nothing, even Luan Qing they are dead, what can you do to get up again."

If there is no one, you must do it for no reason. Their mother and son are no better than others. Whatever they do, they will make a comeback.

Speaking of this, she became even more angry. Why was that cheap life son so powerful, she just gave birth to a useless thing, paved all the way for him, and he could give the position of the devil to him. Lost.

Mo Yan didn't worry, his eyes turned and said: "After mother, let's go and find the blood, and he will definitely help us."

Mo Yan's words are very self-confident. Bi Xue has always been on the same front with him. He will surely help him kill Mo Yan and regain the throne.

"Blue blood?"

Jin Fengjiao froze and frowned, "You said the demon emperor?"

"Yes." Mo Yan nodded quickly. "It is the demon emperor's blood. He will certainly help us regain the throne."

Mo Yan said, pulling Jin Fengjiao to the demon world.

However, Jin Fengjiao was not as optimistic as Mo Yan, and that blood was also an incompetent half-dead. If it hadn't been for damaging Bai Yan and Chu Yun, how could she have sat in the position of the demon emperor.

What's more, if he really has the ability to retake the position of the devil, he will not be the devil himself, and why should he do it for them.

Although Jin Fengjiao felt that the blood was unreliable, he followed Mo to go to the demon world, and who gave them nowhere to go for a while.

If that wild species didn't come to hunt them down, if they sent someone to hunt them down again, then they really had nowhere else to go, they might as well go to the demon world, maybe they could fish in troubled waters.

When the two arrived at the Demon Palace, the battle of the blood was not over yet.

Bai Xueer had sprinkled so many drugs, love drugs, Bi Xue has been fighting for two days and two nights.

That thing was done too much, Bixue himself wanted to vomit, although he could not resist in his heart, but his body was still agitated.

He really regrets it now. Why did he make the medicine so strong, he really regrets it.

Bi Xue shed tears while continuing the group battle.

My own medicine will be done on my knees.

The room was full of blue blood, and when hearing the news of the snake soldiers outside, panting, he impatiently said, "Let them go, haven't you seen that the emperor is busy?"

The serpent soldiers of the newspaper have no stranger to such commonplace things, but he just laughed and then stepped down.

"Wait a moment." In the room, Bi Xue stopped the snake soldier with regret.

The Snake Soldier stopped and bowed, "What else does Your Majesty command?"

"You said Jin Fengjiao is here too?" Bi Xue frowned.

"Yes." The snake soldier bowed. "The Queen Mother is also here."

Green Blood Triangle's eyes flickered, and his mind was alive: "Let them stay, arrange for them two rooms, and send someone to spy on them secretly."

"Yes." The snake soldier responded, and then turned to leave.

The snake woman under Bixue turned into an adult form, wrapped in Bixue: "Why does Your Majesty leave these two funeral dogs?"

Now the snake women in the room are not the three snake women who were drugged by the beavers. They have all been replaced in the Nth batch. The snake women who had been lifted out of bed before have not yet woken up.

Bi Xuexie smiled and squeezed on the snake woman's chest: "What do you know? Although Mo Mo is a waste, but Jin Fengjiao is not an ordinary character, maybe it can be used in the future."

The snake girl smiled and nodded at Bi Xue's chest, jealously, "I heard that the Queen Mother is beautiful, and Her Majesty's fear of being drunk is not in the bar."

"It's all discovered by you, you fairy, see how the Emperor punishes you." Bi Xuenian laughed and pressed again.

"Your Majesty hates."

The messy voice soon sounded in the room.

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