Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1347: Magic sound around the beam

Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao waited for a long time, but did not wait for the blue blood to come out, only waiting for a snake soldier.

"Master, queen queen, our Majesty invites you to stay temporarily, and when our Majesty is busy with the business, we will meet two of you."

When the snake soldier said he was busy, he was not guilty at all.

Jin Fengjiao's face was a little bad, and the blood turned her back on her.

When she was a queen, he didn't know where to be a snake.

Mo Yan noticed something and only looked at the snake soldier: "That's not going to take Ben and his mother to rest soon."

He ran all the way, but was exhausted.

"Yes." Snake soldiers responded in a hurry, leading the way ahead.

Mo Yan got up and followed, and walked to the door to see Jin Fengjiao still sitting there with her face down, and then she turned back and pulled her: "Mother left."

Jin Fengjiao glared at him before he followed the snake soldier.

After all, it was the former demon and queen mother, and the snake soldier did not dare to neglect them, and led them to a nice room.

Jin Fengjiao glanced at the room to be more disgusted and disgusted: "It's not as good as the retreat I closed."

Mo Yan didn't have so many opinions: "After your mother, you can bear with me for a while and wait for the blue blood to help us recapture the magic palace, and we will naturally be able to go back."

Jin Fengjiao was so angry that she was scolded again. When she saw Mo Yan's suggestion, she felt that she was scolded for nothing, so she could only return to her room by throwing her sleeve.

Fairyland breaks the peak of love.

Zi Xiuran is studying the potion in this little blue bottle, while Baitan plays with Xiaobai Xiaohuang.

"It turns out you're a couple, it's so fun!" Baitan raised his paw at them.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang looked at each other and talked silently.

"What's going on? Why don't Tanuki know us anymore?"

"Looks like I heard amnesia."

"Ah, amnesia, Ah Tan is pitiful." Xiao Huang glanced sympathetically at Bai Tan, "How did that guy take care of our Tan Tan? Ah Tan's skills are backward."

"At first glance, he didn't take good care of Ah Tan. If he comes here, we must teach him well."


Xiaobai and Xiaohuang couldn't speak, and Baitan teased for a while and became bored.

A glimpse of the ancient harp on the cliff, Bai Tan's eyes brightened, and he took a peek at the purple repair dye that was studying the potion, and ran to the cliff.

The white raccoon sat next to the ancient harp, and slid his claws on the strings.

Xiaobai and Xiaohuang followed.

"A **** learns to play the piano again."

"I don't know, she could never learn when Xianzun taught her before."

The **** closed his eyes, was intoxicated with himself, and began to slide the strings.

When the harsh piano sound came out, Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang suddenly covered their ears in horror.

"Just say this girl can't learn to play the piano."

"Oh, it's still so bad, run away."

You should know that this girl used to be able to sit there for a long time when she was interested. Such a magic sound would be life-threatening for a long time.

Both Xiaobai and Xiaohuang ran away, covering their ears.

Yufan and Huaya are also overwhelmed.

It's been a thousand years, and this girl's piano skills are still so outstanding.

They looked at Zi Xiuran in pain and saw that he continued to study the potion just like a person who was okay.

This magic sound can only bear Xianzun.

Here the **** played with interest, and began to dance with ten fingers, and the higher-level magic sound began to invade again.

Both Yu Fan and Hua Yan covered their ears, and hid in the room.

Zi Xiuran's calm face also became more and more cracked, and finally he gave up studying the potion.

The **** bounced and jumped directly to Guqin, with four claws playing together.

Xiaobai and Xiaohuang who flew far away were almost shocked by the magic sound and fell from the air.

The raccoon bounced so hard that he was suddenly stunned.

"Master? Have you developed an antidote?" When Bai Xiuran was seen, Baitan asked with excitement.

Zi Xiu dyed her a white look: "You feel that under your magic sound, the deity can concentrate on refining the antidote."

The **** blinked and blinked, and he was unwilling: "What's wrong with me is the magic sound, and the sound I play is worse than the sound of the sound of nature"

"It's a lot worse." Zi Xiuran corrected her silently.

"Where it's a lot worse, it's almost there." Beaver resentfully jumped onto the piano again, going to play the piano.

Zi Xiuran quickly grabbed her and held her in his arms: "The deity teaches you."

Zi Xiuran sat before the piano case and put his hands on the strings.

The raccoon stared at Zi Xiuran's sharp-looking hands, and then looked at his claws, and suddenly felt ashamed.

After Zi Xiuran's tuning, his hands as slender as jade began to play.

Unlike the beaver's magic sound, Zi Xiuran's piano sounds melodious, as if the clouds are flowing, people can't help cheering.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang, who were planning to take refuge, heard the sound of Zi Xiuran and ran back.

Yu Fan and Hua Yan, who were hiding in the room, finally left the house together.

The two walked to the edge of the cliff, listening to Zi Xiuran playing the piano intoxicated.

Although I often listen to Xianzun playing the piano, I can't help but be intoxicated every time.

Although the **** does not know how to play the piano, he also knows how to play the piano. At this moment, listening to Zi Xiuran playing so well is also a little intoxicated.

When Mo Beichen flew up the Qingqing Peak, he saw a banned picture.

Seeing Bai Xiu's nest in Zi Xiuran's arms, Mo Beichen felt a little bit sour in his heart.

Although Baitan was immersed in the sound of Zi Xiuran's piano, Mo Beichen felt it as soon as she reached Qingqing Peak.

"A Mo!" When Mo Beichen came over, Bai Tan rushed out of Zi Xiuran's arms.

Seeing Baiju running towards him, Mo Beichen immediately took two steps and took her into her arms.

"Amo, you come to pick me up!" Bai Tan hugged Mo Beichen's neck with joy and froze.

She really missed him a bit.

Mo Beichen rubbed her head with a smile: "Is it good here?"

The **** nodded in a hurry: "Of course I'm good, I'm good, you don't believe me."

Zi Xiuran stopped the sound of the piano, and looked at the intimate looks of the two, and there was something unpleasant in his heart.

In the past, A Tan ’s actions were only performed on him, but now he has one more person.

Mo Beichen glanced at Zi Xiuran, and he walked over with the **** and said, "Playing the piano?"

"Yes, Master can play the piano." Before Zi Xiuran spoke, the **** slaps his horse. "Amo, will you play the piano?"

"A little bit." Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows, not wanting to admit defeat in front of her for this little thing.

"Then you can play it for me." Baitan suddenly became interested. I don't know if Master Amo played well.

Zi Xiuran also tuned the piano, motioning him to sit opposite.

Mo Beichen was not good enough to refuse, and he sat down holding the beaver.

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