Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1351: Like female dolls like you

Mo Yan was righteous, so it seemed that Bi Xue would definitely lend his soldiers to him.

Bi Xue gave Mo Yan a glance at her, and quietly withdrew her hand.

"It turned out that the two were here to borrow soldiers. You should know that our demon world has also experienced civil war before. This force is not as good as before. If you borrow thousands and thousands, it is not difficult, but it is not the emperor. I'm afraid you don't need to borrow this soldier to go back. It's useless. "

Jinxue Jiao's evasive words, Jin Fengjiao understood, and her face was not good.

However, Mo Yan was not as clear-cut as his mother, and he was only willing to lend him 10,000 demon soldiers, and he was suddenly unwilling: "What is enough for this 10,000 soldiers and horses, you can't lend us more, first borrow one Hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers, please rest assured, this time I will definitely bring Baijuer to you. "

Afraid that the blue blood would not be borrowed, Mo Yan pulled out the **** as a bait.

Mo Yan didn't mention this, but when it came to this, Bi Xue couldn't beat it out.

This time, he was miserable by the beaver's demon girl. All of this should blame him. If he hadn't refused to give the **** to her at first, he would still suffer such a crime today.

"The devil laughed and laughed, but there are a lot of 100,000 demon soldiers. I'll lend them to you, and you can't even command it." Bi Xuepi smiled and said without a smile.

The opening is 100,000 soldiers and horses. This is really when he is here at Kaishantang, not to mention he will not borrow, even if he borrows him, he can command his 100,000 soldiers and horses.

Mo Yan frowned, and heard that Bi Xue was unwilling to borrow soldiers.

Mo Yan's eyes rolled and he said, "It's better that you take the soldiers to kill Mo Yan and Bai Juer, and my mother and I will help you next."

Mo Yan thought he had a good idea, but he always wanted to kill Bai Juer, he wanted Mo Yu to die, Mo Lu and Bai Juer were on a boat, and if he wanted to kill Bai Huer, he must first Help him kill Mo Yan, as long as he adheres to him, he will be able to take advantage of the fisherman without using any power.

Mo Yan thought it was beautiful, but Bi Xue had already seen his mind thoroughly, and sneered silently: "The **** is naturally dying, but this matter is not in a hurry, we can discuss it from a long time."

"Why not anxious?" At the ear of Bi Xue, he didn't want to pack up Bai Juer and Mo Yan. Mo Yan was in a hurry. By the time he's settled down, it will be even harder to kill him. "

Bi Xuebai gave him a glance: "What is the relationship between Mo Xun's ability to sit still and the position of the Demon King?

"..." Mo Yan was suddenly speechless.

"You live here with peace of mind. When the emperor has plans to go out into the demon world, let's plan well."

After Bi Xue finished, he left.

He didn't want to talk about them here with these two bereavement dogs.

"Hmm ..." When Bi Xue left, Mo Yan was so anxious to chase him out.

"Forget it." Jin Fengjiao quickly grabbed him when he saw this. "He doesn't look at us."

He intends to keep them here temporarily, and when they can be used, they can still be used.

Mo Yan was a little stunned: "So what now? Do you just watch Mo Yan sitting big?"

When referring to Mo Yan, Jin Fengjiao narrowed his eyes darkly: "This matter, we really should consider it from a long-term perspective."

Now, Luan Qing and they are all dead. The Demon Realm has no power at all. It is easier for them to talk about Dongshan. It is better to stay here first and try to regain the magic palace when the chaos is outside.


By the time Mo Beichen helped Baiju copy the stealth mantra fifty times, Baiju had slept for two minutes.

Afraid to wake the beaver, Mo Beichen did not dare to move after he copied it, so he kept his rigid posture and continued to let the **** sleep.

"King!" Fat Lin walked in, trying to report something, but was immediately stopped by Mo Beichen.

Looking at Mo Beichenbi's snoring gesture, Fat Lin immediately dared not to make any sound.

Despite the sound of Fat Lin, Baitan was awakened.

Seeing the **** woke up, Fat Lin suddenly became frightened and cold sweat almost came out.

Damn, why did he wake up the princess? The king will not blame him.

The **** rubbed his eyes stupidly and looked at Mo Beichen: "Have you finished writing?"

"Um." Mo Beichen responded and rubbed her head. "Sleep again."

"I don't sleep, I'm all silly." Baitan sat up, crooked into Mo Beichen's arms, and said, touching her belly, "I must have a female doll in my belly, otherwise why would I be so sleepy?"

At this moment, I had slept twice, and it must be a girl doll.

Mo Beichen raised her lips and stroked her belly.

Although he didn't feel anything, Mo Beichen still felt that he was very close to the child at the moment. The blood-like affection seemed to flow into his heart.

"Amo, do you like male dolls or female dolls?" Mo Beichen touched his face, Baiju looked up and asked him.

"Girl doll like you."

Beaver felt sweet and frowned, and asked, "What if I gave birth to a male doll?"

"I like it too." Mo Beichen chuckled. "I like it as long as you are born."

The **** was happy, kissed Mo Beichen.

Fat Lin, with his head down, didn't dare to see the interaction between the two, but the sweet words of the two kept spreading to his ears, hearing him embarrassed.

He wanted to quit, but he wanted to report something, and he didn't dare to retreat, but he didn't dare to remind the monk, because he was afraid to disturb him and the princess.

Fortunately, the princess quickly discovered his existence.

"Well, why are you here?" Baitan blinked and looked at Fat Lin.

When did this guy come, he just won't hear what they said.

Fat Lin immediately bowed: "There is something wrong with his subordinates."

"Say." Mo Beichen was as if he had just noticed Fat Lin.

"People below just reported that it was the rebel Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao who had fled to the demon palace." Fat Lin reported carefully.

"Got it."

The **** stunned, but Mo Beichen seemed to have expected it. He waved without surprise, "You go down first."

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Mo Beichen was so calm, and Fat Lin responded, then bowed back.

"They went to see the triangular eye for cooperation." Baijue looked up at Mo Beichen and frowned.

Mo Beichen rubbed her head with a smile and said, "No hurry, let's ignore them first, and wait until you have recovered your memory."

Mo Yan didn't care about it for the time being. As for the blood, he would naturally give it to her for treatment. When she recovered her memory, it was time to clean up the blood.

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