Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1352: who are you?

Mo Beichen and Baiju stayed in the demon world for two days, but they have visited a lot of places before, but it seems that it does not help Baiju to restore the memory much.

Fortunately, it did n’t take long for Zi Xiuran to send Yu Fan, saying that it was made by antidote.

Mo Beichen happily hugged the **** and returned to the fairyland.

"Is the antidote really made?" Mo Beichen looked at Zi Xiuran with excitement.

"The antidote is made." Zi Xiuran nodded and looked at Baijuan frowned. "But how effective the antidote is for her, so I will try it before I know."

You should know that after she was drunk in it, she mutated directly and did not achieve the efficacy at all, and this antidote was formulated according to this medicine, I wonder if it was useful.

Mo Beichen understood what he meant, and frowned, "No matter what, try it first."

It can never be worse than before.

"Um." Zi Xiuran nodded and handed a bottle of colorless potion to the beaver, "try it."

Baitan took the antidote and glanced at Beichen.

Mo Beichen nodded at her before she drank the medicine.

The cool liquid slipped into the abdomen, and Beaver felt his body extremely cold.

Feeling the small body in his arms trembling, Mo Beichen's face suddenly looked: "What's going on?"

Zi Xiu frowned, and gave the **** a pulse: "The medicinal effect has worked, please take her back to the room first."

The little blue potion is extremely hot, but the antidote he configured is extremely cold, so it is normal to have such a reaction, and I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable for a while.

Mo Beichen immediately carried the **** back to the room with distress.

"Cold ..." The **** shivered, his teeth shaking, "It's cold ..."

"Beaver ..." Mo Beichen held her tightly in her arms and pulled her over the quilt.

The slight warmth made the raccoon's tremor less, but the cold air rising from her body still kept her from freezing.


The **** murmured unconsciously.

Mo Beichen was so anxious that while holding her tightly, she magically entered her body, hoping that she would be better.

But his magic was a little bit cold, and it seemed not only did not make her better, but also made her worse.

"It's so cold ..." Baitan stiffened, and his consciousness became unconscious.

Mo Beichen didn't dare to lose his magic power any more, he could only hold her and warm her with her body.

The unconscious **** began to dream again.

This time, she also had a dream.

In the dream, she went to the Snow Mountain alone, where it was so cold and so cold that she was almost freezing.

She wanted to run out, but she couldn't get out of the way, she could only curl up in a snowdrift.


Upon hearing the murmur of Baiju, Mo Beichen quickly hugged her tighter: "Be good, bear with me, it won't be cold for a while."

Baitan gazed at Mo Beichen's chest unconsciously, "Master, Ataneng ..."

Mo Beichen was stiff, and his heart seemed to be pinched by something.

"It won't be hard for a while." Mo Beichen caressed her cold body softly.

The effect of this antidote lasted for three hours before finally fading.

In the beaver's dream, a god-like man in white suddenly appeared in the snowy mountains and took her away from the cold world.

The frost that had condensed on Beaver's body faded away, and she fell asleep.

Seeing that his symptoms subsided, Mo Beichen still uneasily let Zi Xiuran come in to give her a pulse.

"The medicine in her body should be relieved. Let's take a look at it tomorrow morning." Zi Xiuran finished his pulse.

"Okay." Mo Beichen nodded and used.

After Zi Xiuran went out, Mo Beichen went to sleep with Baiju for a while.

Early the next morning, Beaver wakes up, and she feels that she has fallen asleep for a long time.

Rubbing his eyes, the **** stood up, his head looked outside.

Outside, Zi Xiuran is already in the manna juice.

Yu Fan is cleaning, while Calyx is studying fairy grass.

"Master!" Baitan saw Zi Xioran, and immediately ran out.

The **** rushed towards Zi Xiuran, and Zi Xiuran reached out to catch her subconsciously.

"Master, why don't you wake up the **** today." The **** glanced at Zi Xiuran complainingly, and then jumped to the stone platform and grunted himself with the gourd.

Master always secretly drinks nectar and does not call her.

Seeing that she was going to drink a pot of manna juice, Zi Xiuran rushed to grab the gourd.

"Little stingy!" The **** pouted his mouth, staring at the jade gourd gazing.

"Beaver girl." Hua Yan walked over with a smile, "Xian Zun is not stingy, he is afraid that you will drink your body."

This nectar juice is specially brewed by Xianzun. It has immortality in it. It can not only strengthen the body, but also increase the cultivation. Her current body cannot drink more.

"Old man, aren't you in Jingyue Pavilion? How come here?" The **** blinked in front of his eyes and looked at Huayan strangely.

When Hua Yan heard the words, he paused for a moment, and then it took a while to respond: "Girl, you have recovered your memory."

This all remembers that he was in Jingyue Pavilion. This is a reminder of the past.

"I have always remembered anything to restore my memory." Beaver looked at him strangely.

When did she lose her memory, this old man is strange.

"Xian Zun ..." Hua Ling finally saw that she was wrong, and looked at Zi Xiuran strangely.

Zi Xiuran also frowned, holding the **** and asking, "Who am I?"

The **** fluttered and laughed and looked at him like a fool: "Master, are you stupid?"

Why doesn't he know who he is?

Zi Xiu frowned and pointed at Yu Fan: "What about him?"

"Brother Yufan." Baitan blurted out Yufan's eyes, then looked at him like a fool, "Master, are you really stupid? Why can't even Brother Yufan recognize him."

Zi Xiuran suddenly had a black line. When was he dumb? He didn't know how normal it was.

The two eyes were big and small, and Mo Beichen walked out.

Mo Beichen just woke up and didn't see Baijuan, and was suddenly anxious. But now when I see Zi Xiuran holding her, she suddenly feels resentful.

He had taught all these words in vain before, and it seemed he had to be educated.

"Beaver." Mo Beichen stood by the door and called a beaver.

Upon hearing this strange title, Beaver turned and looked at it strangely.

The **** was stupid when he saw the handsome man who did not lose his master.

A handsome man, he can be comparable to Master. This is the best-looking man she has ever seen, except Master.


Mo Beichen, who was waiting for Bai Tan to come over, saw her in a daze, and walked over to pick her up, "When did you wake up?"

"Just now," Baitan replied smoothly, then reacted, and frowned. "Who are you?"

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